Female crossfitters are jacked

>female crossfitters are jacked
>male crossfitters look dyel

It's a hard workout for females but a shit one for men.

roids nigga... they dont care about having big clits. Plus give them a little test boost and theyll get big and thicc

They hire models to advertise their product
The dyels you see are people who buy the product

because cross shit is intense workout for women and cardio for most fit men

Ummmm HGH amd insulin. Look at their golem cores and rood delts

Xshit and roids go hand in hand


>tfw no big clit roided crossfit braphog

you forgot to add that's only for their poster "athletes"; so the people that compete at the washed up loser olympics.

Also explains why your everyday crossfitter from your local town is dyel

big clits are fun and having so much test makes them as horny as guys

girls on gear are the best gf material for someone who works out. you sweat together in the gym and then go home and do bed cardio for multiple hours at least twice per day

Checked and keked