Been lifting seriously for half a year, though it feels like I've developed upper body imbalances...

Been lifting seriously for half a year, though it feels like I've developed upper body imbalances. Can fit help me in pointing them out? Where do I need the most development right now?

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your posture. drop the amount of weight and work on form. do a lot of dead lifts

>Where do I need the most development right now?

everything except for lats. desu you look like you feel for SS meme

Where can I start with fixing posture?
I haven't been able to get help in person as I'm told that my posture is fine, though I don't believe that.
Thanks for the suggestions too, I'm going to do deadlifts and slower reps where I focus on form.

I actually worked with a PT who started me off with light isolation exercises, 4x12. I say "lifting seriously" because thats when I started doing 2 hour workouts focused on compound lifts. Right now I'm doing the programs in Schwarzenegger's book on bodybuilding

Clearly. This is a heavy work in progress, the results I have right now are largely the result of me not reading enough about bodybuilding in the past

you know your body better than i do. try the 5x5 compound movements will help even you out and getting the form of these moves right will help everything else.

or at least that's how it worked for me. you could be totally different. I have also found breathing exercises outside of lifting to be very helpful. breathing from your stomach focusing on your solar plexus and all that

this is an helpful read regarding breath, feel free to disregard the mystic elements as just breathing better is enough imo

>Right now I'm doing the programs in Schwarzenegger's book on bodybuilding


Thanks so much, I'm going to take the time and read this. I feel that you're on the mark by saying that I need to improve my breathing

What are the issues with them and how can I determine whether a program is good or not?

You look like you've been doing weighted wide grip pull-ups and nothing else for a couple of months. Squat/Deadlift/Bench/OHP stats?

if a program is from the 1970s, it is not good

Lol the book is from the late 90s
I don't know my one rep maxes, though I can list the amount of reps I've done at the heaviest weights I've used
I squat 155lbs for 8 reps, I DL 135 lbs 12 reps, I bench 135 at 3 reps, and OHP is something like 90 lbs at 6 reps.
I've only recently started doing dl and squat and ohp with barbell so I've been starting light, though I don't think my one rep maxes would be much heavier than the weights I listed

Who the fuck told you to do deadlifts for 12reps?! Nigga your routine is retarded or probs just not for a beginner. Find a good BEGINNER routine for a natty.

ah, he has some complete garbage available from way bcak in the day, full of pseudoscience and nonsense

how did he fall for SS when his lats are most developed

>first PT
>now The Governator
I'll save you some time and point you to actual, decent, scientific and ready-to-be-used knowledge
>I don't think my one rep maxes would be much heavier
>DL x12
and you need too

Show me a good beginner routine

That makes sense, in his autobio he mentions being forced to write that stuff because of his contract. The 90s book is scientifically backed and has a lot of info he wasn't aware of back then

AxBxAxx BxAxBxx

Squats 3x8-10
BP 3x8-10
Rows 3x8-10

Deadlift 3x6
OHP 3x8-10
Pull-ups 3x8-10

You can do weighted pull-ups if you are strong enough. Do this one for at least 6months. You may want to add 1-2sets of 10-12reps of biceps curls on A workout and triceps extensions on B workout once you've completed your first 2-3months.

Looks like you're sucking in belly n holding breath. Weird.

>Those lats
>half a year

You think somebody would do that?

Just lie on the internet?

Chinups every workout I'd imagine

Can you explain what axbx etc means?

Monday: A
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: B

What do I have to gain from lying on the internet? Especially since I want to be criticized.
I've done core work my whole life before lifting through boxing and sports, so it's difficult for me to really gain noticeable fat in that area. My abs just vanish or reappear depending on how much I eat.
Before lifting I had a very thin frame, so getting broader was my first goal. It was difficult for me to initially put on muscle, so I started doing calisthenics before all of my workouts. My routine consisted of 30 reps each of flat, incline, decline, and handstand push ups, wide grip pull ups and close grip, and dips. I stopped doing this months ago but it's what allowed me to start putting on muscle.
On top of that I did supersets of front and normal lateral raises to get a pump during my upper back and shoulder workout.
Those are really the only atypical things I did, afaik

Thanks, I'll give it a shot