I'll just put this vid to end the calorie in vs calorie out debate

I'll just put this vid to end the calorie in vs calorie out debate.

Fatties beware


Other urls found in this thread:


So essentially avoid any and everything which spikes insulin.

Keto is looking more and more appealling my niggas

just a shame about all that saturated fat and cholesterol clogging your arteries from all the meat and eggs lol

>so the body would want to preserve the fat and break down the muscle

Stopped watching there. The entire fucking point of fat is to be utilized when food isn't available and you are at a calorie deficit. Your body doesn't go after valuable tissues like skeletal muscle for energy while you have significant fat reserves. That doesn't happen, and it wouldn't make any fucking sense if it did. You can track nitrogen balance and demonstrate this.

>hmmm, gonna store a bunch of firewood here in case it gets cold later
>aw fuck, it's cold now
>better not use my firewood, guess i'll burn my house instead


Nigger are you fuxking stupid. He said why that happens to cause insulin levels are so high they can't get to the fat. This is well known.

doesn't happen without insulin.
Also the fat is so weakly correlated to body cholesterol that it might as well not be a connection.

You should have paid more attention. He is making your point.

But the problem is that elevated insulin makes it more difficult to utilize the stored fat. And the body is forced to utilize a bigger % of aminoacids for glucose for the energy needs. And that creates a slow metabolism over time.

How the fuck do professional athletes eat so much carbs and maintain muscle endurance/strength

>phelps etc

so how the fuck do I keep my muscle while having a caloric deficit?

Quite easy since only 15-20% of metabolised mass is proteins, not all proteins are strictly muscle either

In general it's better to do shorter, harder cuts than prolonged deficits

not true btw

>The entire fucking point of fat is to be utilized when food isn't available

yeah but when you're calorie counting, food IS available. to start burning body fat, start fasting.

By "harder" cuts what percentage of TDEE?


Because swimming is an endurance sport based around aerobic ability, less about muscle, and you don't need a fuck ton of protein to be an endurance athlete...

by having proper nutrition, make sure you're eating enough protons while avoiding simple carbs and not cutting over 20-10% your TDEE

>do harder cuts

>don't do harder cuts
Thanks Veeky Forums, that really answered all my questions.

So too much processed sugar is one of the main reasons why there are so many fatties.

gfg to people that eat low-fat/non-fat foods with high sugar. Also why I no longer drink soda, even at fast food restaurants.

Useful info, but what do I actually do with it? Insulin spikes after any food, is not eating sugar + processed food enough or should I be fasting entirely to get insulin low enough to start fat breakdown?

Can I boost / take supplements with enormous amounts of lipase somehow and have fat instantly explode off my body because I've balanced out my fucked up insulin?

Mild caloric deficit + increased protein intake


>not true btw
how do you figure?

because the whole "cholesterol and saturated fats are artery-clogging" thing is based on a hypothesis that has been proven wrong.