Remind me why rice is praised so highly when it is literally just calories. It provides basically no protein or fats...

Remind me why rice is praised so highly when it is literally just calories. It provides basically no protein or fats, and no micronutrients. Why do people eat it and tell me to eat it?

2/10 bait, made me reply I guess.


Literally useless. Water has more nutrients than that garbage

Kek, you're trying to hard my man.
I'll bet you voted for trump.

You're the one I just made prove that water had no nutrition you idiot

1 cup of cooked rice have 200 calories and 4.3 g of protein

it's not praised highly. it's considered better than pasta. if you want some sort of carb source in your meal brown rice isn't absolutely terrible. that's the "praise". it has decent fibre and GI is not awful unlike pasta.

well yeah water is two hydrogen and one oxygen molecule but on a bigger scale

I eat rice as carb source because allergic to wheat
Rice and lambbeat masterrace

You're a skinnyfat dyel that will always look like shit. Keep eating rice

Lower them pants and lets see your fat baby

Carbs in general are such a fucking joke. Someone tell me right now why I need to eat them, including vegetables, when there are protein and fat sources with every micronutrient you need

I could tell you but you would just cover your ears and get angry.
But no, carbs are not essential to staying alive.

Same. No more bread for me

>carbs are nothing
>only fat and protein are real or useful

Nice education you got there.

i have 2 month lifting
have you seen my pic?

i hate carbs now

When you eat protein, you trigger insulin and this lowers your blood sugar. It has 2 ways of getting back, otherwise you'd lose consciousness.

So a) you didn't eat carbs so your body will catabolize itself with the aid of stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline to produce sugar. These stress hormones are harmful and linked to cancer.

b) You ate enough carbs and your body doesn't have to trigger stress hormones to get your blood sugar back up.

That this isn't common knowledge shows how deplorable the state of education is at right now.

Are you gay?
Why would you want to see lower than belly button


How do you eat lamb? I enjoy ordering it if its on the menu but when I cook it myself it's disgrousting.