Is milk actually good for you Veeky Forums? Is it just a meme?

Is milk actually good for you Veeky Forums? Is it just a meme?

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good for what?

a glass of whole milk contains (roughly speaking):

10g of carbs
6g of protein
6g of fat

>people who think foods are simply the sum of their macronutrients

why do you faggots still exist

You forgot the sugar

lactose isn't fructose. it's fine.

sugars are carbs you mouthbreather

It depends on your genetics. If you're subhuman don't drink milk.

What if I drink 2%?

>Not knowing how to read nutrition labels.

lactose is milk sugar, it's a step up above fructose (fruit sugar). all sugars eventually become glucose, so you should find calories (energy) in the most complex sugars: polysaccharides, which are found in whole grains and fungi

the theory is that if your body has to work to produce the glucose, the energy gains are longer lasting and actually beneficial to the development of the microbioeme

saturated fats, acne, excess estrogen are enough to turn me off milk, not considering the other reasons which arent health related

> saturated fat is bad

> le estrogen le milk le oo noo its so bad.
don't drink crap milk then you retard.

> acne
never had it and drink milk.

your genetics just suck man, it's not because you can't handle a glass of milk that no one can., u lil bitch


it creates mucus build up. so no. it's meant for baby cows for fuck sake. the dairy industry really has you brainwashed.

oh no, not MUCUS?

so does spicy food.....

Milk is fine in moderation if your not lactose intolerant. It's definitely worth spending the extra 2 or 3 dollars for organic.

I've been using it. Helped me go from skelly to slightly less skelly.

no thanks, I like my milk inorganic

Any reason for organic?

its an animal product so no, dont consume it

i'm a cuckhold: the post

raw milk is best because it has the actual beneficial microbes; the milk itself is only a substrate that's mildly unhealthy for adult humans

if you can only get it pasteurized, you may consider throwing some kefir grains into a jar of milk. it takes about a day to ferment and the probiotic density is much higher relative to the lactose content

mwf people using >t. here

Acne is a skin infection you pleb. That's why antibiotics can get rid of it

acne is when fats and oils released through the skin pores become infected. dairy contains a lot of these fats and oils, as well as a lot of bacteria that feed on them.

antibiotics are evil and have diminishing returns. the cure for acne is to dilute the fats and oils that accumulate on your skin, most effencively through limiting dairy, drinking water, and eating lots of antioxidants (garlic, legumes, dark fruits)

I found a milk in the shops
70% more protein and come with a skim variety and whole.
The stuff is awesome

there are more mono saccharides than just glucose

raw milk is the shit. anyone who says milk is bad, has never had raw milk.

have some and you'll want to drink it for the rest of your life.


I don't know brother, but let's be honest most people here are clueless faggots that have been lifting for a year or less

Your FACE is a meme. STFU and drink your goddamned milk, kid.

Well it IS part of it. Just not all of it

If you drink unboiled raw milk you will die. Or have the best diarrhoea in your life.

The milk HAS TO BE PASTERISED. It contains so many microbes and other stuff which cows have no problem digesting but will cause serious damage to human.

Have a nice day.

And if you arent lactose intolerant, milk is pretty good. Buy full milk for optimal bulk.

>which are found in whole grains and fungi
Are there good fungi to eat besides mushrooms? I hate mushrooms

A glass a day is probably all you should drink

Everything in moderation

not drinking milk mad me fat

>be 20 years old
>165 lbs 5'7''
>discuss fitness with my doctor
>mention i can't exercise in the morning or afternoon
>i start feeling really bad after i eat and have to sit still for a while for it to pass
>if i move too much after eating i throw up
>"A-user that's not normal"
>hurr durr whaddyamean

>weeks later
>turns out i have a laundry list of allergies and intolerances
>one of those is lactose
>start eating stuff i can actually handle
>gain weight rapidly despite having an objectively healthier (but less varied) diet
>taking solid shits for the first time in my life
>turns out permanent diarrhea keeps your weight down
>gained 20 pounds

> I'm a loser with a gut health so weak I get things like diarrhea and fever from some unprocessed food.

fucking pleb I'd drink the milk straight from a cow's tit and it wouldn't hurt me at all. weak ass loser

Go catch your own e coli then.

Maybe you are memeing, maybe you believe you drink raw milk, but i highly doubt it. In most places selling raw milk is prohibited because idiots would try to drink it without boiling first.

i bet you are one of those faggots who thinks he's gonna die when he eats an egg raw.

loser tier.

Raw eggs are just risky. In my country eggs with salmonellosis are taken out of shops as soon as it is discovered and if everything is right, you dont encounter them normally. Same with raw meat or bloody steaks.

But the raw milk will ALWAYS contains various fun stuff your body doesnt like.

Anyway what and where do you buy your raw milk meme master? I bet it is pasterised, you just dont know it.

Holy fuck you really are a scared scrawny boy fag.
I actually get my raw milk from a farmer who lives nearby. I get it STRAIGHT from a COWS TIT in a JAR and I drink it RAW.

I have been doing this since I was 12 years old.
I didn't die. The farmer guy is huge and strong af and he actually recommended it to me as young boy. Now I'm strong af too. because I'm not a weak ass pussy who can't handle a little of dangerous bacteria. I sometimes even eat straight DIRT from the BIOGARDEN to INCREASE my GUT MICROBE DIVERSITY.

you think that people pasturized their milk when they just got into milking cows? No, they drank it straight as it came out and they got huge.
The weak ones died off from disease but who cares man. That's how nature is supposed to be.

if you die from drinking raw milk from a cows tit you are weak and you deserve to die.

K fag boi

>not drinking from the cows' tits directly

never gonna make it

This is quality copypasta

>all fats are bad fats
christ it's like no one has taken a Health class before. also most of that is just your shit genetics.

Been drinking raw milk for a year myself, have never had diarrhea.

I'm sorry that you're not white, user.