Skinny 6'3 guy at work talks to girls no problem and gets their numbers

>skinny 6'3 guy at work talks to girls no problem and gets their numbers
>ive been lifting for 4 years and have never kissed a girl
>I'm 22 fucking years old

How do I get a fucking gf? The dudes 25 and doesn't even drink or party, he does all this shit sober like it's a fucking breeze

Force yourself out of your comfort zone you pleb, that's the only way to get comfortable with socializing with cute grills, just compliment them and make your intentions clear from the start

have you ever approached a girl?

look up a PDF of Bang

this. 99% of sexual encounters are initiated by the man.

Stop expecting a woman to come and throw herself on you. The ones that do aren't even worth the time because they're self entitled sluts who will end up throwing a drink over you when you turn them down.

It's a numbers game, dudes.

Never stood a chance, tall people are naturally more charismatic

Also you're never gonna make it if you keep comparing yourself to other dudes, just focus on your own improvement, baby steps muh dude

Better to learn through watching others bitch, leave the failure to them, learn what not to do

>learning how not to be short

>being so afraid of mistakes you can't learn from your own
Never gonna make it

Don't think about relationships with these girls, you are not ready for that type of relationship just look to chill, hangout on occasion and find some company other than family.

this guy, op trying talking to one

You are problably under 6ft

You lift and you post on this board because you lack confidence. You seek methods to overcome your insecurity, such as lifting. You think that by lifting, you'll become attractive and won't need to work on your confidence or will magically become confident.

While it is true that lifting can make you more attractive, and increase your confidence, it is no excuse to not work on it.

Lift not only your body, but your psyche. Understand yourself, take the road to enlightenment, and improve yourself, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally.

This, it's easier to pick up on subtle signals of female attraction through experience alone, rather than reading it or watching some fuck on youtube

This question sums up 99% of Veeky Forums's problems with getting a gf right here.

6'3 is king of mangels, a real man is at least 6'4

Do we hate dyel that are good with women or admire them?

Best advice here.

You morons do whatever is safe and comfortable for you. If this is resulting in no females/girlfriends then you have to get out of your comfort zone to experience different outcomes.

Lifting was a start, but to get a gf you have to engage with a female in conversation.

Lol im basically that skinny guy but lifting now.

This. You expect women to get the ball rolling. That's your nature.. as a MAN. The only women who make moves are crazy ones, desperate ones and domineering ones.

6'4 reporting
Can confirm this is not true.

Inb4 you fall in love with the first girl who gives you the time of day, and act needy and emotional when you guys begin to date abs eventually it's too much for her so she breaks it off and you want to kill yourself because of it.

I think I just figured out why I don't have very many friends or sexual partners. I don't like being around people mostly due to insecurity and occasional social ineptness. My last girlfriend I had, was in high school, where you're forced to be in big groups and have general interactions and since they were mostly nice people and I knew them, I had no problem being an approachable person and catching the interest of a girl, but these kind of situations don't arise if you're not around people where this can happen. So, when I meet a girl I find visually attractive, I don't think about the whole framework of getting to know her or inserting myself into her life or social cirlce and getting to know her honestly, it's just superficial and I basically just want to fuck her, but I'm not confident or charming enough to do that so I end up alone.

So, what am I to do? Get more friends? Learn to be charming and become confident? Anyone who's gotten out of a similar situation got any advice?

don't do this.

This post 100% sums up the reason 99% of people on Veeky Forums dont have gfs

6'2 manlet reporting in. Will I ever make it or should I relegate myself to the realm of /r9k/ and r/incels?