Just mistook my PWO for BCAA (kept it in unlabeled container)

Just mistook my PWO for BCAA (kept it in unlabeled container)

So if my math is correct I just ingested 1.2g caffeine

Am I going to die, Veeky Forums? Should I seek medical help?

do you regularly ingest high amounts of caffeine in your supps or do you drink a lot of coffee?

you should be okay, for a while i was cruising at 800-1000 mg of caffeine a day and i never had any serious issues

Here's what you do user, drink water until it's at the very top of your stomach and you feel like throwing up, then go lean over a toilet and stick a finger down your throat so you'll throw up. It'll empty the contents of your stomach. You had about 12 cups of coffee worth of caffeine, and that won't be fun if you let it take effect.

Up to you, though. It will probably not kill you, but if you have never had that much befor it'll be intense

You're nowhere near deadly dose

How the fuck didn't you notice the difference while (I'm assuming) drinking it? Natural selection at work.

this, OP. also enjoy your shits

buckle in boy you're in for a ride

Lightweight baby

If I could save time in a bottle

I take 1 scoop of PWO before workout that's it so not really.
I can never make myself throw up by finger, have tried countless times in my teenage years
That's good to hear
I wasn't really paying attention, was thinking about something else, also i've recently tried new products so dont really remember the taste

It's been 20 mins or so now and it feels like I have a rubber band tight across my skull chest feels funny idk just gonna try to watch netflix I guess

You should still drink a fuckton of water
Expect going to piss every 2 mins tho

If you're really worried, there's a concoction that'll make you hurl, but it tastes absolutely fucking atrocious

You're gonna be fine. I did a similar thing by having 8 espresso shots in 3 hours when I had no caffeine tolerance and no idea how potent coffee shop coffee was.

Prepare for chest flutter related anxiety. You'll experience short term memory loss in the sense that you seem to teleport from one place to another and not remember the journey. You may start seeing things in 2D, what I mean is your depth perception goes and it seems like things are sheets of paper on top of one another.

People have died ingesting much less, but they probably had some health condition they didn't know about. Though, some have been reported as being perfectly healthy after autopsy and still died. So, there isn't a 100% chance that you won't die, but the odds are in your favor.

If he weighs more than 50 fucking kilos he'll survive it 100%

Pull the trigger

This kid died a few months ago from a diet Mt Dew, a McDonalds coffee and an energy drink. Definitely a lot less caffeine than OP consumed and he certainly seems well over 50kg. All that has to happen is an unfortunately timed arrhythmia for the heart to suddenly fail. Same idea of people that died by getting punched in the chest at the wrong time. Both will cause sudden cardiac arrest from disruption of the heart rhythm.

You should be fine you only really have to start worrying once you hit the 3.5 gram range

did OP die?

Around 10g is a lethal dose. You'll be fine but buckle up because you'll probably experience some side effects

Please report. Or you're saving some people from the burning houses all over your state now?

Go for a jog.
Film it
Post result (if you survive)

I've found going for a walk is the best way to handle ingesting too many stimulants. Pretty sure you're below the lethal dose though, just buckle up bruh.

My uncle ingests niggerous amounts of alcohol and coffee and is still pure muscle. You are going to be fine

Report status fagget

You won't die but you will feel extremely uncomfortable and have the worst hangover of your life after you sleep it off.

If you have any heart problems I'd go to the emergency room.

just drink a lot of watter and you will be ok, did 1g of caffeine for several days in row and I am still here

You be fine OP.

Drink lots of water to help get it out of your system faster. Also might want to eat a small amount of butter or olive oil to coat your stomach and minimize the nausea.

The LD50 (lethal dose for 50% of a population) for caffeine is 150 mg/kg which is much higher than what you consumed.

Go to the gym for a killer workout.

Take 2 grams of l-Theanine and let us know if you become a demigod.


you'll be fine if you have tolerance I wouldnt recommend exercising though your heart will be under a lot of stress.
Throwing up wont help much anyway at this point

why the fuck take powdered caffeine anyway? just go drink a cup of strong black coffee


did he died

OP here im alive

My head hurts too uncomfortable to type more

Don't do drugs kids

Fuck me

Op, eat something high in carbs like candy bars and shit. The insulin with reverse the effects of caffeine.
> t. someone who works at a Vitamin Shoppe

Won't kill you, you're not taking raw anhydrous powder.
Will fuck you up for a day if you're not used to taking so much.

Once took 1.5g of anhydrous caffeine powder before a PT session when I was in the army, felt godlike and ratshit at the same time.

Enjoy the anxiety mate, just try to stay calm and drink a lot of water

i used to pop 4x400mg caffeine pills every morning and afternoon then they stopped doing anything so i stopped now i just drink 2-3 coffees a day

you'll be fine

Anyone remember the thread where the guy mistook his caffeine powder for protein powder and took like 40 grams of caffeine and ended up in the emergency room?


At worse you'll get anxious as hell and little supraventricular tachycardia. Valsalva (holding your breath like your shitting or squating) can fix that.

Maybe I'm mis-remembering and he meant to take 10 grams of creatine but instead took 10 grams of caffeine. Either way they said he was lucky to be alive and in the hospital convulsing all night. I'm pretty sure no one would survive 30-40 grams.

1.5g of anhydrous caffeine powder on an empty stomach will kill someone who has a low tolerance.

If you build yourself up, you should be able to survive up to 3-4g without hospitalisation.

5+ grams requires hospitalisation, anything past 10 grams may kill you regardless - anhydrous caffeine powder will hit you before you know it, it's ridiculously fast acting - OD and you'll have a heart attack before the ambo is even called.

Anyone taking 40g is just plain fucking dead, though, the taste is absolutely horrendous, you would know it's not your protein powder.

Mate of mine took 2g of caffeine in one hit (mixing preworkout into vodka shots); he ended up in hospital with an enlarged heart/minor heart attack.

Tl;dr: Caffeine is actually a seriously strong stimulant - a gram of coke is a wild night, a gram of caffeine is a bad night.

The retard who thought 600mgs of caffeine was equal to 6grams of caffeine, ended up in coma and then losing his humanity?

Is op kill?

>taking any sort of drug

I hope you learned your lesson. Lol.

>blasting and cruising caffeine cycles

I remember when I accidentally took too much yohimbine and was fucking miserable (this was after taking it every day for a while so I knew I tolerated it well). I was down to the last dose in the bag and just kind of tapped on the bag to empty out the excess dust that was left, assuming that it wasn't much more than I usually take.

It felt like I wanted to throw up but couldn't. It felt like I wanted to relax but was physically unable to stay still or relax. It felt like I was out of breath when physically I knew I was fine because I was just sitting there. I just tried to focus on manually breathing and telling myself I was going to be okay for like an hour until the worst passed. When I looked in the mirror my eyes were bloodshot and my pee smelled bad (like ammonia? Idk. I seriously thought it was the old guy in the stall next to me making that smell and whatever medications he took but I realized later it was me). Maybe that was caused by extra ketone bodies in my blood.

Anyway, the sense of panic, dread, impending doom, fear for no reason, general aura of "uncomfortableness" and inability to relax is pretty similar to a caffeine overdose. Yohimbine works essentially by increasing your adrenaline levels to that makes sense. Don't do adrenaline kids.

He was almost certainly hypersensitive to caffeine.