We ”know” higher frequency low/medium volume training probably is better than low frequency high volume...

We ”know” higher frequency low/medium volume training probably is better than low frequency high volume. Still if your goals are aesthetics over strength you will almost always be pointed towards a low frequency high volume routine. When you look up a routine made by other athletes they will recommend a brosplit routine. These kinds of routines are usually recommended for advanced trainees but why wouldn’t those who recommend them be aware of that / mention it?

Not counting PPL as a ”split” routine since it’s still in the range of 2x/week frequency, talking about a complete 5 day (back/chest/legs/shoulders/arms) alternatively 4on1off.

Is there NO TRUTH AT ALL behind doing brosplits for aesthetics? Feels unlikely that EVERYONE that recommends these routines are either lying/wrong/on steroids/genetic outliers.

Those "professional athlete" routines are targeted at people who don't know anything about fitness.

Low frequency is shit.

But why would they "target" those people? It's the routines they use themselves (well to some extent), same principle with high volume low frequency.

I'll stick to my Upper/Lower I guess

Anyone who can be called a "professional athlete" effectively does a full body workout at least 5 times a week as part of practicing their sport. The weights just add a nice pump once a week.

People (and by people I mean PTs and average gym goers) unironically believe having a good, effective workout = having DOMs. It's how they tell "oh yeah I definitely working hard, I'm badass, go me!". They chase doms and pump, not progress directly.

Take the muscle pill - start you workouts with heavy compounds and end them with lighter volume work

People who use steroids.

literally what i do, i didn't read it in a book, or get it from a youtube video, just decided doing the hardest shit first when im fresh was best idea

It's the frequency that interests me though, I do this aswell

My new gym is terrible for pretty much any compounds, there is nowhere to do bb rows, deadlifts or unassisted dips.

I dont think there is a single decent routine that isnt a typical brosplit that I can effectively utilise here.

Brosplits are aimed at people who haven't got the time or interest to research how the body works. It's understandable. It may be a fat/skinny high school/college kid who wants beach muscles, a basket/football/volley/ma/whatever athlete who already does serious training multiple times a week and "just wants to round his physique with a bit of weight training", a dad who is more concerned with putting bread on the table and just goes for a couple hours at the gym to escape his crazy kids or give his wife something new to love about him, and they all have one thing in common: weight training is not their priority, so they'll eat up whatever the ripped PT sells them. They feel the burn that they would not feel munching chips instead on the couch, so "it must be working". And desu, it actually IS working. They are indeed getting results, just not as often as they would by doing a "more efficient" routine. Not everyone wants to squat 180kg, and why would they want to anyway, what will they gain? All lifting, whether for competition, girls/aesthetics or "for myself" (lol who are you kidding bro), whether it is WL, PL, or just being a gymbros, it all boils down to 50% self improvement and 50% vanity.
So who cares if they do a brosplit, they are getting what they want in the end, the PT and gym facility are getting money and your own workout is not affected.

Clean bulking now, doing a 5 day split.

Chest/Back/Legs & Triceps/Shoulders/Biceps.

5 days a week, 4 exercises. 4x8, as high weight as possible working until failure as much as possible.

I'm seeing better gains than I have with other combined splits. SPECIFICALLY targeting only one muscle group at a time and hitting it only once a week seems to work well as long as you make sure you actually bust ass and hit it hard. Then giving the body proper amount of time to recover is also key.

If anything I feel like this helps avoid overtraining, as opposed to hitting the same split 2x a week. I'll be mixing it up periodically obviously, but right now I'm at the strongest body weight/max lift proportions I've ever been at.

Routine plz user

Beginners should do a routine where they train each muscle 3 times a week. Anything less is a waste of potential. How you manage to train each muscle 3 times a week is up to you.
Ive seen brosplits that are made in way that each body part is trained 3 times a week.

If your body only needs 48 hours to rest. Then not training the muscle every 48 hours is waste of potential. It doesnt matter how much volume you do as a beginner. its still the same.

And every set beyond 4-5 sets give absolutely miniscule effects. The diminishing returns principle is so true when it comes to lifting. You get 70-80% of the results from simply doing 3 sets. adding 4 more sets its not going to give you a massive boost of of muscle gain.

That is a TWO day split at a 5 day frequency
Pic related is the best possible routine for a newb

Yeah, high volume works, full body is just the newest pales/atkins/crossfit/powerlifting fad on Veeky Forums and in fitness media. High volume split routines are tried and true, effective methods of growth for bodybuilding.

>tfw this is me

Oh, and one set for abs every day. I also do a full ab workout on my "off" days.

At some point here in the near future I'm going to alternate in so I'm hitting triceps on a full day, and also incorporate more forearms.

I stick pretty loosely to this, but generally my days look like this:

Wide grip lat pulldown
Seated or DB rows
Pullups to failure

Flat BB bench
Incline DB bench
"3D cable crossover"
Weighted dips or pushups to failure

Preacher curls
Incline curls W/ supination of wrist at top
Drag curls
Pullups to failure (focusing on biceps, key on isometric & eccentric)

DB shoulder press
DB/Cable front raise
Dumbbell high pull
Plate raises or shrugs

Legs & Triceps (sports/hobby is hard on legs so I'm a bit light on quads):
Leg Press SS with calf raises
Tricep Pulldown

The key here is I actually keep a list of exercises and vary it up as needed based on what I feel like or what equipment is available. I focus on the nuances of form, supnation of wrist on the full concentric part of a DB curl, putting the elbows more in front of me on a shoulder press to keep the load on, crossing over my body slightly on front DB raises for shoulders, etc. Small things that help hit every little fiber of that muscle.

Certain lifts like deads/squats/bench press are always present.

For abs I seriously just do a lot of everything. Just make sure to not only hit them on the vertical plane, but also side-to-side and hanging raises for dat V.

full body workouts have existed since the start of weightlifting.
And who says you cant add volume to a ful lbody program? Its god damn simple. Full body workouts arent bad just because the barebone and oldschool SS program isnt good for aesthetics. Every fullbody program should have some isolation, and more than just squat, bench and deadlift in 1 workout. and 3 sets of 5 is not the only way to do it.

protein synthesis is insignificant after 48 hours.
"I need to give my muscle 7 days of rest" is a stupid meme.

I never said I believe that a muscle group needs 7 days to recover, this is just how I find it easiest and best to target and REALLY hit a specific group hard rather than trying to do chest & triceps on the same day, or back & biceps, or push/pull splits, and shit like that.

>Full body is a fad
Pic related
>Nowhere to do deadlifts or rows.
I assume your gym has barbells, benches and squat racks then? Just grab a barbell from an empty bench, put it on the floor and pull it up nigga how hard is it
>Nowhere to do unassisted dips
So I assume that you can do assisted dips? Easy then. Put the assistance weight at the lowest setting (at my gym that is 15 kg) and put a 20 kg plate on the assistance pad. Now the assistance is all the way down and you are free to do unassisted dips.

then how do you target every specific muscle? You will need an insane amounts of workouts to finish the whole body.

>not sure if retarded

I go to the gym 5 days a week (abs excepted). If I was doing more of a conjoined split hitting multiple groups on one day, I'd only be going 3-4 times a week for weight training.

This is because I'm not on roids, and because I do know I need recovery time and to avoid overtraining.

This isn't rocket science. It's not the only way to train, but it works well if you know what you're doing and work hard.

The floor is hard wood and even dropping a 5kg plate is loud as fuck, I would get kicked out quick as fuck, its a commercial/normie gym.

Well there is a dip machine, no parallel bars, just takes the whole compound movement out of it. Shit sucks

Cheers for the routine

I wanted to know how you hit a specific group with 5 different days when there are ~9-14 major muscle groups.

My previous gym had a tiled floor, I shit you not, and I was the quietest deadlifter. Just lower it real slow.
And dips aren't necessary with the routine I gave you anyway

Idk fagots.
Pro bodybuilding involves a lot of extreme stuff like for everymuscle, you do 6 exercises something like 5x12~16

For example look at this mongoloid curlbro fagot.
Check out his bicep day.
He still lackin 3 exercises, (pullups doesnt count).
AND the fagot only has 2 movements for triceps.

What a fag.

Reason is op, advanced people have the endure and stamina to do a proper one bodypart routine beyond using some bitchass tiny weight.

You're missing the entire point of my post (I'm )

Hence why I was stressing the importance of varying things up and even explicitly stated that I'm soon going to incorporate a full day for tris, you dingus. Doing the same exact routine/split for more than 3 months at a time is a waste anyway.

On my bicep days I work both long and short heads, getting good gains in strength and size.

>I took the bait

You don't know what you're talking about man. They bave strength training down to a science and optimize frequency of diff compound work. They condition their whole body frequently, but directly train it section by section

5 day Bro Splits are great for people with highly developed physiques because these people only need to hit areas once a week to make the size gains they are looking for.

If you're a new lifter it's a shit routine that won't get you anywhere.

post a pic of said gainz fagot.
The entire point of your post was, hey look at me im a retarded fagot who only lifts because im affraid of what other people think of me.
Then you try to srhug it off like oh whell nvmd who cares LOL.
This is correct, a beginer will have shit form, shit stamina, shit strenght.

No, the brosplit is not a myth.
Thing is, it is not for everyone.
Ive been mixin ss, sheiko and brosplits for a while now.
I do this sort of cycles according to whatever i feel like.
Im something in between a brosplit, today i focused on my anterior deltoids to make a monstrous come back to the bench.
This was the routine:

4x5xBW+25kg (shouldve been 5x5 but tryceps were depleted)

Standing shoulder press
2x10xbarbell (warmup)
1x12x25kg (shoulders were getting tired i presume)

frontal rope raise (supinated)
4x12xlight weight baby

dumbbell incline bench press (tucked elbows and hands closer to the stomach to target the anterior delt)

standing dumbbell front press.
5x12x8kg i cant lie, i had nothing left

Somebody starting wont be able to do something like that.
Even if they use the least amount of weight it wont be beneficial to them too much volume, lactic build up will ensure they never return to the gym.