Does anyone else have trouble switching modes? For example, going from lazy mode, to work and study mode?

Does anyone else have trouble switching modes? For example, going from lazy mode, to work and study mode?

Or from shitposting on Veeky Forums mode, into ready for gym and lifting mode?

I can't do it and need assistance


I've been prescribed adhd meds for decades because I had this problem. Now my biggest problem is getting out of work mode. It's a lot easier now that I don't work a shit job though

Try doing a certain habit whilst being in a certain mode.

For example, when I study I always chew gum.
So when I want to study, I put a piece of gum in my mouth to "motivate" myself

The only thing I've discovered so far are cold showers

What's your prescription user?

tfw i have ADD and i switch mode every half hour

How do you do it

I programmed myself on music.
In my case, Deathcore and Hardcore for lifting, audiobooks for cardio, lo-fi hip hop instrumental streams for reading/studying, Stoner Rock for chilling and going out.
Takes a while to 'set in' so you will have to have some baseline discipline but once it's there, I found it to be the most effective way to control mood and motivation.

Oh my god just what do I have to do to stick my nose deep in one of those
How can anyone with an Y chromosome be even remotely attracted to gays or trannies when this exists, I can't comprehend

whats the name of this semon demon

She is a immoral pig

Not wife material

Why do whores make that face?

I didn't say I'd wife her, I just want to feel her pussy lips around my nose

because its incredibly sexy

Low test identified

Enjoy your stds

Because im not a beta that dont fall for that bitch face

because you're a troglodyte too beta to recognize a perfectly good semen demon.

>Because im not a beta that dont fall for that bitch face
I'll explain it to you. Instantly getting defensive like this is the mark of a beta trying to 'act alpha'. We all know you're a pathetic little faggot, it's okay.


Can you fucking kill you'reself please? thanks


whenever i have some trouble i always get into work out mode, since that takes my mind of them. I mean i have so much troubles these days that i managed to drop from 95kg to 73kg in a year. I mostly do calisthenics. I do have some extra weights since, for example i can easily do over 20pullups, so i just use extra weights now.

Because she wants cock in her mouth

Is there such thing as a woman who isn't a whore?

Never get out of gym mode unless youve been there

no habibi

Just go to your parents house.... oh wait

Melody von gahlen is the blonde one.
Literally the top result of a google image search

nice projection beta orbiters


Welcome to reality.

Female modesty and abstinence is a thing of the past, it took years to set up a system where values and morals allowed for such a thing.

That system was torn down little by little over the course of the last 80 years and now you have what you see now. Technology has accelerated it.

Go to the midwest or Eastern Europe if you're looking for that sort of thing. Stay away from big cities and popular culture. Start a family and shield them from it the best you can. I'd recommend not having a television and restricting internet access to your children.

>dat fat labia majora


christ, you're pathetic