That kafir who sips water between sets during the ramadan

>that kafir who sips water between sets during the ramadan

Im in no way a poltard but im a dentist and my patient couldnt even swallow the water from the drill lmao

Btw inb4 pol meltdown i have plenty of muslim patient who dont give a fuck about that

Back to leftypol you communist jewish shill

>That cardio-camel that wears her yoga burka to the gym

You aren't allowed to drink water while fasting????

What part of fasting you do not understand??

Why aren't you stating dry fasting?

So what do muzzies do in the gym?
Some kind of... suicide squat?

My gym is usually infected with shitskins, but it's heaven during ramadan. Shitskins never bring towels, never re-rack weights, are curlbros, etc. Why are they so subhuman?

Fucking stupid mud monkey religion.
>can't drink water
>can fuck men and little boys
Seems legit

sorry, infested* those fucking ragheads disgust me.

Muslim girls are THICC

Homosexuality is forbidden

Post the webm

then why are muslims always fucking small boys?

The same reason catholics do
Repressed sexuality

top kek

Few priests vs every country ending in -stan...

Bacha Bazi.

Man love Thursdays.

It's to relax before their day of rest on Friday.

Ask anyone who served in the Middle East and they will probably tell you they can remember hearing the screams from the poor boys.

And hairy.

well thats why most of Veeky Forums isnt muslim