Getting gastric sleeve surgery soon, im going to make it bros

getting gastric sleeve surgery soon, im going to make it bros

>be me
>be big guy
>struggle with weight since I was 12
>try tv dinner diets, making my own vegetables, diets, exercising regiments
>dont work fast so stop them, sometimes i even gain weight

This time:
>have a personal trainer for 10 hours per week
>go to therapist once a week
>date set for surgery in mid july
>parents helping with the cost

I turn 23 this year and i am excited for how my life will turn around! anyone have any weightloss stories to help encourage me?

Can I cum in your snatch when you lose weight?

Take it one day at a time my friend.

im male

if you're resorting to GBS you've already past the point of no return

This is a woman?

>tv dinner diets
lol this is why you're a fatty and surgery won't ever fix that. Instead of paying tens of thousands of dollars on getting your stomach sliced, buy a good book on nutrition from a doctor who's not just shilling things and learn how to eat.

This op dont do it its not worth it

>getting surgery to lose weight
I'm sorry user you are now a bitch

>struggle with weight for as long as i can remember
>do sit ups everyday thinking it would make my belly go away
>turn 18 and find Veeky Forums
>read the sticky and do ss
>lose a bit of weight after a month but look noticably more fit
>keep going and make smalls my regular size shirts
>fast forward to a couple months ago
>stop working out and eat like shit
>gain a lot of weight
>start woorking out and dedicated my self to dropping bread completely
>lost 6 pounds in a week and a half
OP you just rather take the easy way out than to actually exercise and diet. If i could do it you can too you lazy fuck

You are fucking pathetic


>im going to make it bros
No, you're not.

>dropping bread

Why can't you just eat wholegrain you faggot?

Yes, this product that required less working processes is of course going to be more expensive because it's good for you or something, ehehehe

Or may just read the sticky and realise you just need to eat less.

OP here, its harder than just that. i didnt eat a lot as a kid and still got big. its metabolism

The fact still stands that you need to eat less and move more. Fat loss comes when calories in

That's a woman in OP. 1/10 bait.

official bait thread confirmed

Bullshit, I thought the same thing when I was skinny as fuck, would eat what I thought were 'big' meals and I never gained weight, put it down to 'muh metabolism too fast', you are eating too much, give us an example of what you would eat when you are trying to lose weight

what do you think metabolism is, exactly?

I'm not saying surgery isn't an option, and it's worked for many, but you've got brain issues to fix if it's going to be long term. many fatties got fat again after surgery because they didn't fix their fat brain.

I can tell you have fat brain because I'm a recovering lard and you talk like you think like a lard.

you have to do these things to lose weight:
1. learn about nutrition
2. restrict your caloric intake while maximising nutrient intake
3. move more
4. keep at it forever

the band won't fix that.

>and it's worked for many
>and it is worked for many

>nothing works
>I've tried eating everything that tastes nice and the easy exercises
>surgery is the only option left

Talk about demanding the effect of good effort. A shitty philosophy of life that surely penetrates all your values.

Right now you are living on impulse and that means one bad decision bleeds into the next.

Have you tried not eating any more fuel for multiple days in the week? your fat stores could sustain you in the wilderness for weeks possibly months... it's like you prepared for hibernating but never did it.

>i didnt eat a lot as a kid and still got big. its metabolism

fucking retard jesus christ

I got one, I was 260lbs and got down to 190 in 4 months by keto, 2hours exercise, and willpower you fucking pussy. To make it you have to be the one making it, not your surgeon.

Extremely obese people have the easiest time losing the weight just with diet so i will never understand this type of drastic action.

Seems like laziness honestly. This is coming from a guy that lost 120lbs.


For fucks sake take some god damn responsibility for what your stuffing in your damn cake hole. Or no matter what you do you will fail.

Oh and its not fucking magic its gonna take years to fix your level of broken.

i believe in you