Alright so here's connors workouts

alright so here's connors workouts
he has a few different ones and recommends full body 3x a week for the first year of training
>3 sets deadlift
>3 sets squat
>3 sets bench press
>3 sets horizontal row
>3 sets incline bench
>2 sets curls
>2 sets lateral raises
>+1 accessory of your choice

and all reps should cause you to fail in reps 8-12

and second year is upper lower

4x bench
4x rack pulls
4x incline
4x lat pull downs
+1 of your choice

4x squats
4x leg press
3x hamstring curls
3x leg extensions
4x calf raises

this is done everyday with only 1 rest day a week

and 2+ years PPL

4x bench
4x incline bench
4x cable flies
4x shoulder press
3x lateral raises
+1 of your choice

4x rack pull
4x lat pull down
4x row of your choice
4x other row of your choice
+1 if your choice

4x squat
4x leg press
3x leg press variation
3x extensions
3x leg curls
4x calf raises

done pplpplx

other videos are basically don't over/under train, do good form and don't do cardio

now diet...
track your macros
hit your macros
he can set up a diet plan for you for a small fee :^)

1g of protein per lb of lean body mass
he says if you're 200 lb 10% bf then you should eat at least 180 g of protein a day
0.3g fat per lb of bw
rest of it carbs, when bulking eat more carbs, when cutting just eat less carbs

and finally supplements

others he only takes because he gets them free

anyone got a torrent or dl link for it? curious about it


google it there's some youtube with the links in the description, it's just full of short videos, no spread sheets, just documents that say exactly whats in the short video and it's over 5 gb I've already posted the main parts though

I might try this, I'm not sure though, would like some opinions from others.

3x 3 sets of deadlifts every week? Oki doki

does he not isolate triceps at all in any of these workouts???

Should I play runescape again? I'm seeing heaps of RS nostalgia and it's becomming difficult to resist the temptation.

>don't do cardio
what did he mean by this

Literally "don't do cardio". It's shit, uncomfortable, makes your balls bounce and only crossfitting twinks and nigerians do it.

You're the real MVP op. Cured my curiosity

Just don't do cardio unless if you have a sport or something that requires it. Once you get the body you want go all in with it (for people bulking, if you're trying to lose weight do cardio)

B-but routine doesn't matter if you're not lean

Automatically discredits anything else the idiot is going to say. Enjoy your heart attack at age 26.

>tfw when almost 25

He doesn't recommend any bicep/tricep isolations or rear delts etc?

Also, what about the 2nd PPL, do you always do the shoulder pressing after the bench/incline bench?

>He doesn't recommend any bicep/tricep isolations or rear delts etc?
that'd probably the +1 exercise of your choice but he doesn't actually say it, it's whatever you want
that's the entire ppl routine you just repeat it and have 1 day off a week

I don't think he's big enough that it's much of an issue.

>Someone that I share oxygen with actually thought "phuckable physique" was a good idea for a name

Can we just ressurect zyzz already? His brosplits may not have been the most efficient but they're sure as hell more fun than full body, upper lower, and ppl

I think ill try his PPL.

Only because I'm bored as fuck of lifting and have been lifting for 6 years.

Haven't done a PPL since like 2014, so hopefully its refreshing

red:wave:SELL LOBS 350G EA

If you have enough time to waste Old School Runescape is awesome. It has a polling system so only things 75% voted yes on by the players enter the game.

He meant that although you are training to get muscle you should also get as fat as you can to prevent that muscle making you any more attractive.

You don't lift for girls, do you? You better don't, because that is forbidden.
