350 cals

>350 cals
>11grams of protein
>a treat to reward your gains
>only cost about $2

Why isn't lunchables your goto Veeky Forums food?

>350 calories
>11g of protein
Keep killing yourself, fatass

I'm 5'8 and 172 lbs. BMI 25. I am the epitome of good health.

Unless you're jacked and 12% at that weight, you're fat, little man

mmm 5'8 and 172? that sounds p fat honestly.

grams of protein
trash. that's half a meal's worth of calories with 1/5 the protein I need.

>$2 for cancerous 11g of soy protein.

Id rather buy 18 eggs for $1.29 and get 108 g of protein to last 6 days at 18g a day nothin personnel kid.

People say I look pretty skinny tho so yea you are wrong

You can't even buy a load of bread for that price. What makes you think you can get over a dozen eggs for below $10? Even if you could, no one should consume more than an egg per day. That's too much bad cholesterol

Dude i feel sorry for you. You've really got no better life than to shitpost and troll here?

Your american is showing


Lunchables are not very tasty OP.

I'd rather go to the local russian grocer and get some real cured meats + cheese + fresh baked bread for next to nothing.

Americans are disgusting. Serve better food to my dogs.

grams of protein
>>only cost about $2

Can of Tuna.
>30g protein

You're an idiot OP.

Because I'm not a manchild or actual child and cook my own food.

YOU make ME sick. Get off of here now.

Well because it's probably shit quality food. Protein and Kcal isn't everything.

Enjoy your mercury

600mg sodium

Hungryman costs $2 on sale and has 800 calories and 25 grams of protein. Much more for your value.

A fifth?

>55 grams at 1g/lb

This is The Manlet to end all manlets

>look pretty skinny

This is not the same thing as being skinny.

I'm 5'7 145lbs and cutting to get a good skele base. Unless you're ripped you're a fatty.

22 BMI, 22% BF

So you know exactly average, but skinnyfat.

But I'm American so everyone thinks I'm skinny/auschwitz/bulimic

>tfw 5'9" and 215 pounds

I need to die

>350 cals
>god knows how much sodium
>only 11g of protein
yeah that shit is horrible for you no wonder youre a fatass

>350 cals
Why not get a carton of eggs instead for that price with 840 calories

>eating this absolutely processed shit meat and cheese in there

Never going to make it

>unironically using processed as some kind of quality measurement
I suppose you also don't get vaccines or other medicines when you're sick, because those are processed even more?

to much sodium

>5.5g protein per $

Absolutely disgusting.
Read this:

no thanks

Horrible processed cheese and 'meat', packed with sodium and sugar.


I'm too lazy, what are the best picks?

Wheat and oats.

I remember when Lunchables had those little Bionicle comic books in them. Those were the shit.

I'm an ausfag and I buy 30 eggs for $6.


>13% protein
>Veeky Forumsfood


Early Bionicle was cool as shit. They started going a bit too far with them though.

weak bait