Am I on track?

In January I was 315 and now I'm 290. I feel like I'm losing weight at a slow pace (been at 2700 calorie/day which is a 400 calorie deficit). Any suggestions on faster results? 6'3 btw.

Well according to T Nation I should have 600lbs of muscle but I don't see them anywhere.

Top kek

Funny how this is the opposite of how it works.

Really gets my fat metabolising.

Eat at a lower calorific deficit ?

Try eating at the 1800-2000 range. It's a big change but it will make your results faster.

reestimate your TDEE

dont lose fat too fast tho lad

I haven't had any in 3 years. Can I get a rain check?

I know that feel

>only a year

>Any suggestions on faster results?
Eat less.

>implying I have sex
All I need is my right hand.

25 pounds in six fucking months? WHEN STARTING AT 315? what the fuck?

I haven't had sex in almost 22 years. Where are my gains?

yeah i dont have se anyway. i could happily go a few more years for epic gains

that's absolute dogshit progress dude. you should be eating 2000 calories TOPS

>tfw 26 year old virgin

I would become a god.

>eating 2000 calories TOPS
>eating no more than 2 kcal
I don't want to starve myself,d ude.

It's called cocoon mode faggots.

>be 22
Does it count as giving up sex if you never had it?

>a year

>Mfw if I did this since I was born I would have 750lb of pure muscle right now
>Mfw I have no face