Ever have to upgrade/downgrade your height?

Just got back from the doctor and they actually measured me. First time getting measured professionally and she said I was 6.05 ft. I always thought I was 5'11", so it's kinda cool to be in tbe 6 foot range now. This explains why anything people told me their height I was thought they were inflating it since I was so sure about mine. Apparently I just had shitty posture.

Anyone have this happen to them? Whether it made you shorter than you thought or taller than you thought.

That pic is a shoop, here's the real one

I'm between 6'1" and 6'2" so depending on the situation I'll use one of those heights. I mostly just say 6'1" but when I feel like someone in the room needs an ego check I'll claim the extra inch. I try to round down to check my own ego though. It's a silly thing, but for whatever reason us dudes obsess over it.

I'm 6'4" and nobody asks my height :( European though

Height threads need to be deleted

I'm anywhere from 5'8" to 6'3" depending on which 7-11 I am walking out of

Thought I was 5'10, got measured at the doctors and found out I was 6'1

they're board culture, user

How does that even happen lol

Do you feel tall? I'm OP and I definitely feel average. Or maybe I never notice short people as much as people my height and above

SeeShort answer, I don't know.

Nah I don't feel tall at all. People always act like I'm hella tall but I don't see it. "Short" people don't feel that much shorter to me, but then again it's probably different looking at a direct comparison rather than comparing form your own perspective. I've got a friend who's 5'8" and even when I stand right next to him I don't feel crazy tall. It feels average honestly.

I'm anywhere between 5'2 and 6'7 depending on where I'm shitposting

Probably because you overlook (lel) short arse cunts like everybody else of normal height

>am 5'10-5'11'' king of manlets
>license says 5'7''
>i say 5'6''
>if anyone asks, say i'm 5'6.5'' but the dmv rounds up

>always say I'm 5'10"
>check right now

I just say I'm 5'9"

I'm really 5'14"
It makes manlets sweat

>short answer

i am 5'7
tell everyone im 5'5. ensue stuttering and confusion. many laughs.

another height thread.
5'10" (179cm) femanon, usually consistent with doctor visits, although i bend my knee to conceal my height throughout the day

Always thought i was 6" 0, got measured at docs and actually 6" 1. Great day, the sun was shining and the air was sweet.

Same thing happened to me. And now everything I know is a lie. If I'm taller, that means everyone else who I thought was lying about their height was actually correct. So now everyone is also taller than I thought. I measured with a friend who I always thought was around 6'1" based on my 5'10" frame, and he's obviously still taller than me, but now due to my new knowledge he's all of a sudden 6'3". What the fuck. I always thought 6'3" was a giant. Those really tall guys I assume are 6'3-6'4" are now 6'6"??? Isn't that supposed to be more rare than it clearly is? Is height just a meme? The number on my license plate will go up now, but I'm not any taller than I was yesterday. Everyone that's taller than me is still taller than me. All it did was make me less impressed by big numbers since now I know what it looks like.

It's a blessing and a curse.

I'm 196cm and I feel slightly below average until I see another human bean.

Checked, get on it mods

193cm and same.

thought I was 5'10, turns out I'm just 5'8 when I got a passport

sucked dick for a couple of hours but since it didn't change anything I moved on and continued with my life