What is your city/state doing to deter bad food choices? Anything?

What is your city/state doing to deter bad food choices? Anything?

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Nothing, because the government has no business in forcing themselves into the voluntary choices and transactions its citizens make, you authoritarian fuck.



The state I live in still treats its citizens with some libèrty

With regard to soda, isn't it clear that the population can't handle the freedumbs?

>According to the most recent data, adult obesity rates now exceed 35 percent in four states, 30 percent in 25 states and are above 20 percent in all states.

Every state is now above 20% obese. Not chubby, but OBESE.

>can't handle the freedumbs

You're not entitled to tell people what they can or cannot handle you commie fuck

This fuck off nigger

Instead of taxing shit they should just cut all welfare and health insurance aid to obese """people"""

Nonsense. We need to make money off these fatties like we did with smokers.

Its their choice
This is a good option, everytime you go to a doctor you should get a bf% and prices adjust accordingly


And now it is their choice to pay the tax.

Only smokers smoke, cocksmoker

Your logic is flawed user

>soda tax
I need to see fatties' reactions to this now

Illinois soda tax is pretty bad, I'm going to start a political movement called the Sugar Party, and we're going to pour hundreds of coke and Pepsi bottles in Lake Michigan to show that we hate the tax. I need muh sugah

And only people who make bad beverage decisions drink soda.

The tax goes into effect two weeks from now. Right now fatties rage quietly in their homes, but in 2 weeks you should see a rotund shitshow.

Just because you have shitty genetics and can't handle the calories doesn't mean everyone else can't too

>Aim tax at fatties
>skinny cunts enjoy the occasional soda or float... why do they have to pay the fat tax too?

You statists are all the same.
We should have weekly weigh ins for those on any government welfare, if they put on weight - their "benefits" get reduced. If they're obese they get food they can cook, not an EBT card

no because they are not decrepit communists that want to purposefully ruin a well functioning industry because they are too stupid to make fat niggers pay more for healthcare

>you statists are all the same
>proceededs to list off highly statist big government thing he wants done

libertarians really make you think huh

Ban food period and make the nation water fast for 2 weeks

Why should libertarians not at least get value for their mandated tax dollars?

We disagree with most all of the welfare bullshit. But if we have to pay we can still have an opinion

Just because you have shitty genetics and can't handle smoking doesn't mean everyone else can't too

>fat people are a financial burden on society
>make them pay society back for being a financial burden
i see no problem here

I agree

My country just banned all unlimited rice promos from fast food restaurants.

t. fat fuck

>Every state is now above 20% obese.
its 30% average for the country.

Its a travesty that anything outside of staples is allowed to be purchased with food stamps. People are entitled to make poor decisions, just with their own money.

I'm surprised how many pro-soda fatties there are on Veeky Forums.

>Its a travesty that anything outside of Staples is allowed to be purchased with food stamps

Agreed, food stamps should be for shitty snacks and shitty printers.

>he thinks genetics will save him from his shitty diet of simple carbs because muh calories in calories out

Sorry I'm not dysgenic

and more importantly this is about Liberty everything else is irrelevant

>this is about Liberty everything else is irrelevant

In two weeks, the good people of Illinois will still be of liberty to get as chubby as they like off soda. They just have to pay for it.

>The tax goes into effect two weeks from now.
that explains why my brother and father have been talking about which brand of soda they're going buy 10 gallons of

Sure they don't. They're just going to tax the shit out of you no matter how you feel for healthcare. You can have obese people be taxed for Sosa or you can be taxed when it costs millions to combat the health issues caused by obesity.

letting people die because they cant afford their hospital bills.

Supply and demand nigga if people want soda they'll buy soda.

Not a fatty and I don't even eat that shit, but government get out of my fucking pantry REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

fuck off, the obesity crisis costs the government a shit ton of money and generates a lot of problem.

>muh freedom faggot

In Norway everyrhing unhealthy is HEAVILY taxed. A 0,5L cola will cost you 2,4 dollar, a pack of cigs is 14 dollar, a cheap liter of vodka is 54 dollar

Philly cuck here, our soda tax is also on zero calorie drinks as well. Makes no fucking sensem the money is supposed to go to dem programs for urban youth which makes me sick already but in reality it's just more money to pay city workers more.

Soda is unhealthy as fuck, but taxing things always creates loopholes and workarounds. Basically, efforts like these just fight the symptoms and not the root cause. In this case the root causes are laziness, lack of time to exercise, market saturation of unhealthy food, lack of nutrition in popular foods, and low cost of junk food. Higher taxes on one aspect of one root cause will at best have a marginal impact on obesity and health costs. I'm not saying solutions are easy, but this isn't one of them.

Every crime should have a victim, getting fat doesn't involve one and if you think there is then fuck off. Getting fit doesn't have victims either.

>People need to be taxed so the government can just throw away more money

Sure is college kid in here

>but this isn't one of them
Taxing, combined with a shaming company, worked great for smoking in yurop. Of course dealing with obesity is more difficult, since even if you start eating well for once, you're still a 300+ lbs lardass. They should either go full commie (i.e. tax unhealthy food to oblivion and generally pressurise fatties to lose weight) or go full lolbertarian (no gibsmedats and let medical companies set insurance costs based on bf%). Right now it's all care, no responsibility, and that's the worst thing one can do.

Every single person has their version of "not with muh tax dollers"

The funny thing is that these taxes disproportionately effect the poor.

In the US, over 1/3 of people with household income under $30k smoke. While only 12% of earners with over $60k do. The poor spend on average 14% of their income on smokes vs 2% for the wealthy.

Almost none of the tax collected is earmarked for smoking cessation programs targeting the poor.

And the claims that the elasticity response to tax increases is .4 is laughable. Maybe when taxes were only a small portion of the product cost was the elasticity response was .4, but now that the price is so high already, that response is now purported to be as low as .07

Being poor is directly correlated to making bad choices in regards to health decisions. And I would argue that this correlation between income and smoking prevelance is more granularly related to education vs income.

The proposed Illinois soda tax has no earmarks written in to bolster health initiatives or instantiate programs. I'm looking forward to seeing the results of this taxation attempt to see what kind of elasticity response it actually results in.

>get a large population of people fat with cheap food and drink products
>now tax those products now that they're addicted to them
Scummy as fuck.

You think these taxes are the cause of poverty?

if you dont agree with this youre a cuck boot licker.

Look, Americans are too stupid to have complete liberty in these kind of things. They need somebody to hold their fat little hands

Oh right that secret extra bit in the Consitution that teabaggers believe, 'government is never allowed to improve anything and if they do it's oppression.'


Soda is garbage for dumb consumers you dumb faggot

Your daily reminder that George Washington PUT DOWN A REBELLION so the fledgling USA could impose a whiskey tax. Libertarians hate America and fitness.


>Soda tax


americans should stop stupid taxing reforms like this and start educating their people better.

Absolutely not. But the poor are disproportionately effected by it. That is to say, the effect it has on the poor is significantly greater than the wealthy.

This might be justifiable if the elasticity response is or remains as strong as they purport, but the latest evidence based arguments do not lead to the conclusion of high elasticity any more.

This lower elasticity means the impact of tax increases yeilds less impact on the frwquency of smoking occurances for an even higher financial impact. Again, this may be justifiable if these funds were earmarked to aid in directly impacting smoking cessation in the poor, but this rarely occurs. Instead the increased financial burdeon, whose primary purpose is purported to be the reduction of the incidence rate of smoking, is often earmarked for other unrelated programs whose goal has nothing to do with smoking cessation.

Furthermore some studies have demonstrated that the incidence rate of smoking has been steadily shrinking irrespective of any taxes and that the largest drops in tobacco sales are strongly tied to the instantiation of public programs and education efforts.

My prediction of these so-called obesity taxes that are being put in place will have virtually no long lasting elasticity response and will have no direct or appreciable effect on the intended purpose of reducing obesity rates or diabetes because there is no earmarks for easily accesable public programs and education efforts. Time and time again we are shown across the board that education is generally the easiest and cheapest method to reduce long lasting systemic social problems, and time and time again we ignore this.

Japan has made serious ground on fighting obesity by instantiating mandatory education and consultation programs for the overweight and it is much more effective impact on the problem.

Have fun with that.

Left will scream poor people are too stupid to not be obese.

Right will scream death panels.

As a centrist, I also think it's kind of silly. We shouldn't be encouraging obesity, no, but we can't just let people become homeless due to being fat.

Which is why we give everybody access to atomic bombs, right? Way to go not making a nuanced argument.

They're gonna tax you anyway, you are delusional if you don't think this is inevitable in a normal western society.
Taxing proven unhealthy foods or drinks is the least harmful way of taxation.

>he thinks 3 bucks for a half liter of cola and 14 for cigs is expensive

I'll give ya Norway does tax the shit out ya


I'd agree with you if the fat fucks that kill themselves with this shit had to pay for their own medical bills

>into the voluntary choices
I voluntary choose to support taxing soda so my taxes dont go into healthcare for type 2 who never ate well.

Texas seems to lowkey got some shit going with HEB to make veggies healthier and easier access to healthier food in general. At least in the past years I've noticed that shit getting cheaper and being pushed more and sodas going up in cost at the same time.

Idk if it's legit business or not but sometimes I notice little "liberal" shit getting around lowkey from the government. Like while everyone is anti-birth control on the record there's been legislative pushes for free birth control to lower income women so long as they don't have children already. Plus we're the greenest state and no one gives us enough credit for that shit.

My city there's been a ton more parks and sidewalks built in the past year and I see more people out now as a result. Especially with those free exercise in the park classes.

i dont understand why they do this in america because their healthcare is private. the consumer is footing the healthcare bill.

i could understand why it might happen in the uk with social healthcare.

i seriously hope they at least dont increase tax on sugar free sodas

>You're not entitled to tell people what they can or cannot handle you commie

I should be allowed to drive on the side walk

Obesity is more complicated than that. Someone who is obese puts more strain on society than just their medical cost.


I was being pedantic because it's Affect not Effect in that case.

In the case of reeducation, it's certainly important but educative strategies need to be looked at. One of the best strategies seems to be having a competitive element (who can lose the most weight) with a substantial cost to failing (so proportionate to wealth and income). UK's Channel 4 even did a TV series based around it, very interesting.

I'm somewhat wary of these sorts of interventions tho, as I in the past have been on the receiving end of medical incompetence and could easily see blind adherence to BMI (so a swole tax as well as a fat tax) and people that have gained weight suddenly and temporarily due to a medical condition getting screwed over (I had something similar to cushing's at one point and that wrecked my lean mass and fat mass for about 3 years after getting it sorted).

Because healthcare isn't 100% private in America.

No matter how shit our system is, we will never leave you on the streets to die. Instead we'll pay thousands to keep you alive at the bare minimum when a $30 doctor visit might have saved you and the tax payer from reaching that point. This is why our hospitals are constantly going into the red. Or more closer to home why you see posts on Veeky Forums about some user who can't afford to see the doctor and is asking about X problem.


Tax unhealthy shit like soda, use that revenue to subsidize healthy shit like carrots, oats, etc.

Theoretically, if you eat healthy, you should still be saving money in the long run even if you indulge in the odd soda.

They're not stopping you buying it, they're just altering the price.

What are the fatties going to do? Protest March.

Since obesity and diabetes are a result of dietary fat and animal products, and sugar consumption has been declining for 20 years with zero positive impact on anything, a soda tax does not actually do anything to help anybody.

That's not his argument. In fact, you bringing up them "altering the price" is his argument.

Protest waddle

Nothing, because it has no right to control such thing. Everyone should take it upon themselves to control what they eat and make sure they're not obese and unhealthy. What the world needs more of these days is personal responsibility and accountability.


I hate Americans.

Norwegian prices are a special thing indeed.

They should tax chain fast food, chips, cookies and fried stuff far before taxing soda. Those are the real killers in America.

Mafia is going to do mafia stuff what's new?

Holy fuck someone with a working brain.

It's not that they're pro-soda, they're just brainwashed into thinking any government involvement=bad

KYS vegans.
Post sugar consumption/obesity rates since 1900 and not 1999.

Hate us all you want. We will still exist long after you've been swallowed up by the Caliphate.

Why not? They made that choice themselves so why not should they not face the consequences?

>you authoritarian fuck
I fucking wish we had an authoritarian government. No one would be fucking fat and I could at least walk around burger land while not being disgusted.
If you don't believe that anything that's statistically unhealthy for you should be heavily taxed then you alone can pay for their bills.

>we will still exist long

Here's a more updated no.

I honestly have never heard of a time when any form of US government was fiscally responsible

>Mfw obamacare

This tax is not about promoting health. The state is about to declare bankruptcy. It is merely another way for them to tax their residents to death.

That's their choice to make. We shouldn't start taxing food, we should just cut the costs associated with obesity, like stop giving the fatasses free healthcare and disability

>but we can't just let people become homeless due to being fat
are you sure

How will you ensure that this tax actually goes towards healthcare and not just more handouts for single mothers, refugees, and urban youths?


Only cucked freedomlets will disagree. I have abs so fuck off with your "fat murican" comments