Can I get as big as the golden one without being a nationalist?

Can I get as big as the golden one without being a nationalist?

Sure, as long as you're a /fraud/.

That would be highly unglorious

You can but you wouldn't be a true friend.

Every pro athelete is on gear, and they're all celebrated when they come back with a medal or title.

Reailty Pill: No slayer is racist.

Picture any of THESE guys spending time online bitching about minorities fucking "our" white women. Lmfao.

Reality Pill: No cool, chill, low cortisol slayer is going to spend a single minute talking about races. If you know any of the nerdy race-talk buzzwords such as "haplogroup", your incel ass belongs on uncool aspie populated forums, specifically, one ass cheek on /pol/ and the other on stormfront.

Meanwhile, legitimate slayers are soaking sun with friends of all races not having a damn problem on their mind.

Racism comes from incel nerds who stay in on the internet all day or from lower class subhumans that either can't get laid or have to settle for uglies. Slayers and handsome men in general have a very positive outlook on life and don't hate other races as a result of it. Most slayers could care less about politics, they are too busy living the life.

nice dubs
IPF is mostly clean

>I'm a degenerate - the post

No. Nationalism gives you the strength and will to prove yourself. Notice all the fat asses ruining the west have never been strong. All they care about is getting the money they need so that they can fuck a six year old so that they can finally feel like they have a normal size penis.

When we retake the west, we will throw everyone who can't deadlift 3 pl8s to the dogs. Maybe you should stop being a little faggot and start loving your country.

As long as you suck as many Somalian cocks as he does yeah

Chad should be thankful lowlifes like myself ate memeing for the existence of blonde women

You don't know Staceys don't want Chads anymore, only Tyrones? I thought you were smarter than that

So slayers are completely subhuman and have to be killed or worse deported to Somalia.

Lets keep it fitness related or else mods will be angry. Have you guys noticed his arms getting smaller?

Whats with somalia you autist?

> I can only deadlift 130kg/286lbs

I-I really need to fix that ASAP

>he thinks his post was fitness related
So you don't agree that Stayces don't want slayers(lmao white ppl names) but a nigga?

Lmfao. Awww, why's that, because your oneitis wants to fuck them and not you?

>When we retake the west
Lmfao. Fucking cringe.

You /pol/fags are a joke. I can literally see, literally FEEL your entire personality. You're a socially awkard, insecure friendless virgin who's DESPERATELY trying to "back up" the one cope he THINKS he has of being some cool, laid back smug guy who "doesn't approve of race mixing" (FUCKING LMAO), despite the fact that you're a terrified bitch who can't even talk to WOMEN, let alone "take back mother europa!11".

Just look at your life. You white knight for women who HATE YOU, lmfao. It's HILARIOUS. An unwanted, autistic Veeky Forums virgin VOLUNTARILY spends his time white knighting for "da buuutiful aryan wimmin of moder europa!111" despite the fact that HE IS COMPLETELY FUCKING INVISIBLE TO THE WOMEN IN QUESTION. LMFAO.

Your dreams of running around rounding up the "weak" are about as likely as you ever finding a girlfriend. I know you like to get excited online, but remember what happens when you find the courage to leave your room: no MIDDLE CLASS SUBURBAN BOYS aren't going to do SHIT in the face of a massive dicked 6'3" low inhibition Tyrone.

Eugenics happens EVERY DAY and it's WOMEN who decide it, and guess WHAT? NO WOMAN ON EARTH GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU. "Western civilization" = western women, and WESTERN WOMEN DON'T KNOW YOU EXIST. .

But yeah, I'm sure your "Aryan Princesses" (FUCKING LMAO) will reeeeeally prefer your "proud nationalist christian morality" and powerlifting to Alpha Tyrone's LONG, DOM BBC.

Why did you feel the need to type so much you insecure faggot?

Now that's what I call a bait.

No. Beta leftist beliefs literally leech estrogen into your body.

You regret you made you grave, well its too late

Source on that?

So I'm doing gslp 3x/week and now I started doing a martial art 3x/week aswell and my ohp is getting weaker and weaker. I'm also cutting but my other lifts are still improving, even my bench.

So can I acutally overtrain my shoulders this easily? I heard the deltoids regenerate very fast because they are so small

It's been a while since the last latsbrah thread, has he given up on us?

He said athletes, what has the IPF got to do with it?

>powerlifting athletes

This. You're never gonna make it with incel resentment.

>that wall of text

that's what I call triggered

This is actually true. You really think Chad is gonna pass up on a chance to fuck that THICC black girl you secretly jerk off to because she's ''Muh untermensch''? LMAO

>Implying good looking, socially capable, non virgins with hot latina qt3.14 gfs cant have some of the same ideological views as the ones you mentioned but in a non autistic way... right

you just sound like a mixbreed incapable of having any sort of national pride or identity due to the fact someone in your family line whether on purpose or not, got knocked up by a black brown whatever.

you speak like you talk from experience, like perhaps you've been cucked by a 6'3 tyrone? if you ever even had a woman in your life that is

people who unironically talk about degeneracy are fucking faggots who never where and never could
classic sour grapes
'it's not that I can't have fun because I'm essentially unlikeable, it's that I don't WANT TO because muh degeneracy'
it's al plain as day

>cucking yourself to a collectivist ideal

you're all just proteins i'm yet to consume and incorporate into myself

stop attacking the authority of the person you argue with

>Samefagging your shitty post

You don't even deserve an extra (You) on that pretentious shit you wrote.

/ourguy/ general?

I wasn't even samefagging, but whatever.


Nationalists are so fucking pathetic. You know all of those weebs who go to anime conventions and dress up like little girls? They do it because they're insecure faggots that need a group to identify with because they're too immature to have their own personality. Nationalists are exactly the same. Pathetic loser who need to cling on to their idealized idea of a "nation" to have anything in their lives to be proud of.

t. nigger with shit ancestry and nothing to be proud of, be it personally or family wise

You're a joke, son.

I really, really, like you.

To think that someone wrote this and someone might actually take it with a grain of salt.

Any guy will fuck anything. Check 10 years from and see who they marry and have children with. Spoiler alert, it won't be a fucking nigger you dumb faggot.

Globalists pls go.

Look at his quads ffs

No. Hitler must lift with you.

Imho Artemus Dolgin is prettier.

why is the chick always blonde?

Can we confirm this once and for all:
Is he natty?

All blondes are white, but not all whites are blond.
>inb4 albinos and pygmys

Chads who spend they're time focused on fucking and parties don't ever cause real change, they simply follow the popular opinion (You forget that the majority of men were never chads, this is why ancient society was structured to give wives to the majority of men in order to prevent the death of society, no great society's gave women rights as great as we have today, and our society will die for it). They are just cogs in the machine, following their base animal urges for their youth and then getting a job and popping out more kids to work and reproduce. Hitler wasn't a slayer, neither was Caesar.

>typing all this
>using caps lock so much
Why are you so angry lol? I'll humor you. Women are like children, they are incapable of making rational choices and must be told what to do by society, we don't white knight for them, they need to be put back in their place. Who cares what women think? They change their views whenever it is convenient to them.

>But yeah, I'm sure your "Aryan Princesses" (FUCKING LMAO) will reeeeeally prefer your "proud nationalist christian morality" and powerlifting to Alpha Tyrone's LONG, DOM BBC.
The way in which this entire post is written reeks of butt hurt. Why are you so angry? You seem to have this warped perception of reality, where is this white knighting? Maybe you white knighted at one point and were turned down? Why are you so focused on the size of black mens penises?

yeah that hairless prettyboy cringelord truly symbolizes heterosexual, nationalist power a strength right?

White brunettes are the best, though.


>loser who need to cling on to their idealized idea of a "nation" to have anything in their lives to be proud of.
What? Your nation is perfectly normal thing to be proud of, in a healthy society anyways. This brings people together in order to advance the national interest. Humans are tribal animals, and are stronger because of it. Those with no pride in their nation or race have an unhealthy mindset, or have nothing to be proud of(the majority of people today, which is why you are so resentful). Pride in a national and racial community is what has created the greatest civilizations.

People with no sense of racial and national community are easily led by the nose by bankers who can appeal to their base animal and self centered desires. You are nothing more than an ignorant slave attempting to speak on things you are ignorant of, or incapable of understanding.

>The way in which this entire post is written reeks of butt hurt.

projecting this hard

>Why is being a nationalist associated with being a racist?

I don't think mass immigration and miscegenation is good for society, doesn't mean I hate other nations and other races, I just love my own people and want them to prosper.

I see people misusing this, whenever they are called out for something, they just go "projecting", as if it somehow invalidates the observation and aids their argument.

Are you memeing me?

It doesn't have to be nationalism. Imperalism and magocracy are also valid.

What separates humans from animals? Higher Ideals, looking out for not just your own interest, but those of others in your tribe. That is what makes us human (inb4 hurr durr no its our DNA)


He goes out of his way to hide his face in photos, now.

Quite rightly.

Meanwhile these guys all look better than anyone you'd find attending a LGBT/black lives matter rally

Stop defending chubby suburbanites who are mad white chicks don't want them.

no nationalism increases the testosterone stat by 150%

half those guys are underweight if anything

Not true all my chad friends call my big black friend nigger to his face

all bantz though

>You can say the exact same thing about the left. Replace chubby suburbanites with chubby females who are mad men don't want them.

It is almost as if people try to avoid struggle and perpetuate shallow, boring, mundane existance.

They just look average to me.

"projecting" here would insinuate that he is actually guilty of everything he is annoyed by here. Soo are you calling him a nationalist? You can't always just use a buzzword to discredit people you disagree with, animefag

Pretty much this. Extreme politics are a way for boring people to find friends

>spot the projecting mixraced cuck

chads are objectively casually racist, though
they won't shitpost about pajeets or niggers, but they will complain about how loud the chinese people at the next table is, etc.

This is such a sad post. People that don't lift forget how to enjoy their lives and them come to Veeky Forums to lecture us about political ideals

Chinese isn't a race.

That's not racist though. If they say something like "damn why are the Chinese so fucking loud" then maybe. I have a hard time believing any Chads will harbour any resentment for races. Why would they?

>I have a hard time believing any Chads will harbour any resentment for races. Why would they?
because they're fucking objectively inferior, and it only takes a few interactions to figure it out

Chads don't go out of their way to be racist because they have enough friends to not ever have to worry about niggers.

Does he weight cut for photo shoots

Bearded dude is cute

>let us cherry pick the ugliest ones
Fair enough, but you gotta admit lefties look like the scum of the earth.

>meanwhile on the left

I like you


You can cherry-pick disgusting cretins out of just about any group.

I was on board until you started sharing your archaic beliefs about women. Good luck getting laid, let alone having a happy marriage. Life CAN be a fun adventure, you know, and women in your life can play a huge role as your partner.