Share your Swim Sets

Anyone else here a competitive swimmer? Share your hardest workouts.

Twice through
200@2:30 IM moderate
200@2:30 Fly (IM pace)
4x50@50 fly fast
100@1:20 fly fast
200@2:30 IM moderate
200@2:30 back (IM pace)
4x50@50 back fast
100@1:20 back fast
200@2:30 IM moderate
200@2:45 breast (IM pace)
4x50@1 breast fast
100@1:20 breast fast
200@2:30 IM moderate
200@2:20 free (IM pace)
4x50@50 fly fast
100@1:10 free fast

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What's a good beginner swim routine?

That all sounds girly.

I'm also interested in a starting swim routine

Glad I found this thread. Was just about to make one. I would like to start swimming too this week. But I need someone to totally spoonfeed me. I have no clue what IM moderate, Fly or back fast could mean for example.
Also, do you need swimming glasses or can you do fine without them?

Good starting routine according to /r/swimming

I swim since childhood. there is literally no science to it. You can join a class if you want. There are places that do so, even for old peaple.

If you cant join a class, best way to go is to do the 4 main styles, and practice them througly. For example, in crawl, swim for 200M by using just your legs. Then same lenght by also using one arm, keeping the other forward. Then start swiming normally.

You can repeat this process with any of the styles, although some are harder than the others. Generally it goes like this

>Butterfly: hardest
>Back: hard but not that much
>Crawl: average
>Breast: easy

At first, some styles will allow you to go tp greater lenghts without ever resting. But with enough practice, butterfly is gonna be as easy as walking.

PLEASE NOTE that, even though swiming with only your legs in any style is way harder than swiming it with 1 or both arms, its extremly important that you get used to move your arms and legs at the same time. I say it beacuse when I swim, I use my arms way more than my legs, and sometimes I even forget that I have them. This happens only in back and crawl, styles that you can swim without ever moving your legs. In Chest and butterfky thoug, legs are a mayor requirement, Specially the last one. On breast, legs and arms are equally important, and compliment each other, even tho you can swim without moving either of them. On butterfly tho, legs are a must, they are what allow you to get your upper body out of the water in the first place.

I advice to swim for anything over 1 hour. At least twice a week. Remember that swiming REALLY wears you out, and you may feel the after effects for hours after it. For example, I swam for 1:30hours and finished at 11:15. Still feeling tired and sleepy. But its really rewarding. Swiming is considered by many to be most complete sport, since it all your body extensively. It gets you an awesome body, and an ungodly strenght.

Godspeed bro, may your gains come quickly, and remain forever.

I'm nowhere near your level (is that metres or yards, btw.?). Anyway, favourite exercises:
1) Speed pyramid: 25 fast, 25 recovery, 50/50, 75/75, 100/100, 75/75, 50/50, 25/25
In a 50m pool, adjust to 25, 50, 100, 150 and back.
2) IM Pyramid: 50 fly, 100 back, 150 breast, 200 free (x2 if I have time) 150 breast, 100 back, 50 fly.
3) breathing: 50m each breathe on 3rd, 5th, 3rd, 7th (x2).
4) distance: 3x400m (yes, boring)

Normal session for me is 2.5-3km, warmup, technique drills, speed stuff, endurance / longer distance stuff, cool down.

I was googling a little and crawl is basically freestyle right? And what do I do about anxiety? I absolutely want to swim, and there is nothing for me to be ashamed of (Im the most average Joe to ever live) but Im afraid that someone will say something when my technique is bad (and it will most likely be bad for at least a week or two until I get a hang of thing). From what I heard my town´s swimming pool is really small and angry old people visit it. Do you think it would help if I went at 20:00 before the closing?

Dude dont worry about it. My normal swimsuit broke and I have been using a speedo. You know, the ones that are smaller than a baby's benis and make your crotch look huge?, yeah those. Nobody at the swiming pool I regularly visit ever said a thing. Not even weird stares, or comments from inocent childs.

If you are just starting to swim, you gotta understand that your techniqe aint gonna be perfect, but remember this: If at the end of the day, you are not in pain, it beacuse you didnt do anything. You gotta practice like every one else, nobody started from 100, everyone started from 0. And if someone gives you shit, tell them to go fuck themselves with a screwdriver , even if you piss of his entire family. Either that or talk them into being more friendly since you just started. Also yeah freestyle is crawl.

Dude dont worry about it. My normal swimsuit broke and I have been using a speedo. You know, the ones that are smaller than a baby's benis and make your crotch look huge?, yeah those. Nobody at the swiming pool I regularly visit ever said a thing. Not even weird stares, or comments from inocent childs.

If you are just starting to swim, you gotta understand that your techniqe aint gonna be perfect, but remember this: If at the end of the day, you are not in pain, it beacuse you didnt do anything. You gotta practice like every one else, nobody started from 100, everyone started from 0. And if someone gives you shit, tell them to go fuck themselves with a screwdriver , even if you piss of his entire family. Either that or talk them into being more friendly since you just started. Also yeah freestyle is crawl. And please, for the love of god, dont swim at night. If you do, be ready to be half naked and wet, with a cold that a polar bear couldnt resist.

alright thanks for encouraging words and advice. Is 45 minutes enough for a beginner or should I go for more?

thank you, user - I'm not the one you were replying to, just a lurker, but I also really appreciate you taking time to be kind and helpful to the rest of us

have something strange I made

Glad to help

One more important thing, is it okay for me to start completely alone or should I have a coach or something to tell me what Im doing wrong/right?

Not him, but here's my take.
45 min is probably enough for the beginning - a lot of beginner classes are that long.
If you have more time, though, I'd advocate to go swimming for longer sessions. Reason being that what with going to the pool, changing, shower, etc. there's quite a lot of overhead involved. That becomes less in relative terms if you swim for longer (let's say from the time you leave home until you're in the water takes you 20min, and it takes you 25min from getting out to getting home, you'd have 100% overhead for a 45min swim session. If you swim for 1.5 hours, it's just 50%.)

Thats up to you. If you want a coach go ahead and do it. if you dont, still good. Just google your doubts, or post here and if I see it ill be happy to help you out.

Lil bro swims for 45min. He is six. It is obviously ok to swim ofr short time if you are a beginner, but not that much.

You pay for our but 45 min accounts already for the changing and stuff. You have to go in ten minutes before you want to start (14:50 for example) and have to leave 15 minutes before the hour ends.
I think I can manage without a coach and just do my thing, but Im afraid I will forget how to do the techniques. I might just ask someone at the pool if they look friendly and I forget something.

Oh, that's different then. At my pool you just pay to get in, an noone cares when you leave.
As long as you're exhausted after your swim, it's all good.

>200@2:30 Fly (IM pace)
>200@2:20 free

Either you're a collegiate competitive swimmer with ~10+ years of experience or just flat out exaggerating. Those times are incredibly fast.

Anyhow, I'm a swimmer with ~10 years of experience. For the last 2 years I've cut down swimming a lot.

Swimming excessively burns a shit ton of calories and can ruin your gains. Sure, you'll be lean, but it'll be a lot harder to get big.

Back in my prime, I'd swim 2 hours a day, 6 days a week. I'd be eating 4000-5000 calories a day and still look really skinny.

Now, I'm bulkier, and only swim 30 min a day, 3 times a week. Swimming used to be a chore, not i just do it for fun and relaxation. Nothing better than floating around in a pool and daydreaming.