>All the gyms near me are fitness centers.
How far does Veeky Forums travel to go to the gym?
>All the gyms near me are fitness centers.
How far does Veeky Forums travel to go to the gym?
Best gym in my area is a "fitness center". Five power racks and dumbells up to 150 lbs.
my gym is literally 2 minutes away from my house
2 kilometers, mostly get there on foot. Not very big one and there are others closer, just don't want to meet anyone who knows me. Well, it's called "sport club" but that's just local style of management. Kinda comfy, the only coach I've seen for now is a manlet, though, looks a little like Thorin Oak-whatever that dwarf was called.
t. dyel
How does it feel being around weights you'll never be able to ever lift in your life?
Dunno, never met your mom.
i lift in my garage because the only gym here with a squat rack is $80 a month. there's another gym about to open a mile from my house, and i'm gonna try to get a job there. even if there isn't much good equipment, i'll get access to some dumbbells and shit i wouldn't otherwise, and not have to pay out the ass for the privilege
From my house (village in a valley with about 500 inhabitants) to my gym (main city of district) is about 30 km/20 minutes by car. But from work it's only 5 minutes. Usualy I go there after work so it's no big deal. It's pretty cheap with 35€/month fee
>not exercising at home
Holy hell, sounds like a life of my dreams, just make a gym in your yard, lifting on the open air and protecting your property with a bar in your hands must be great great.
this. if I ever had to drive more than 30 minutes to get to a gym I would kms. No motivation
15 minute bike ride, 30 minute bus ride then 10 minute walk. It's not that bad but sure it could be better.
about 8m from my bed
~40 minute drive
you're never gonna make it
Fucking kek
7 minute drive, if traffic is clear. Usually ends up being 15, but the grocery store is on the way back, so I can pick up dinner when I'm done. It's called an Athletic Club, if that matters to you.
10 km from one side of the city to the other.
It's either a 15 minute commute on saturday or a 40 minute commute on fridays.
>t. homeless guy posting from a stolen phone using free wi-fi.
15min by bike
>driving somewhere that's less than 5km away