Why are body types in America so dichotomous? I feel like you never see anyone that is intermediate anymore...

Why are body types in America so dichotomous? I feel like you never see anyone that is intermediate anymore, people either look like a model or a landwhale

You don't see pictures of commonplace, average bodies online much.

They're there, you just don't notice them

We're creating an artificial caste system based on BMI. And by artificial I mean artificial sweetener.

I live in Colorado and never understand these threads. Many average girls, few landwhales, so-so number of "model" type girls. My sister loves going to Texas because she says she gets treated like a Barbie doll no matter where she goes.

people either look like shit or look good
if you're in between, you're probably working on yourself to look and don't want to show it yet
when people go from skinny or average to fat, they get fat fast
nazis should have gone for fat people not jews

This is a good point. Also, maybe confirmation bias?

I live in Wisconsin. Up here they're either Germanic Goddesses or they look like a pickup truck

This is what happen when you have a country that simultaneously haven't faced hardships, have an optimistic culture and sells beauty like nobody else can.

Americans are literally spliting into two races

The poor, fat and ugly

The rich, skinny and beautiful

Honestly this is just the natural culmination of capitalism, in socialism everybody was equally average.

Do you think it's because food culture has become dichotomous? All the new meme "diets" basically fall into one of two groups: Healthy to the extreme (Keto, paleo, vegan) or wildly unhealthy shit like HAES


And now the poor race is exterminating themselves with opioids.
>feels good

You're just so used to landwhales everywhere that intermediate people look like models.

south florida here 8/10 thin qts all around
>go to the beach
>notice group of qts mirin
>sit alone and read a book

left: sanders supporters
right: trump

thats why

Id plow Jenna anytime

Get your /pol/ shit out of here you nigger, keep it to your containment board faggot

Tru tho

100% fact

I actually read an article on this that I can't find for the life of me. It was about how nowadays, being fit takes conscious effort (since fast food is cheap/ convenient and most people aren't in physically laborious jobs among other factors) so that people who are a healthy weight are more likely to have educated themselves (or been raised in a family where they learned young) on all aspects of a healthy lifestyle, not just how to be thin. This leads to non-fat people being more likely to exercise, thereby, the "model" look.

yes you do. the average is just fat.

Wow, it's as if the country of America contained a large amount of diverse people across a vast territory where social norms may vary!

why the fuck is Goldberg supporting Bernie?

The globalist zionist elite create test tube baby models to shill monsanto corn syrup oreos to the sub 90 IQ American majority interbred with negros as they are.

FACT: 100% of negros are obese
FACT: 100% of American whites have negro dna

Argo, by the transitive property, 100% of American "WHITES" are obese.

The white man in his herrenvolk wisdom recognizes the base degeneracy of the fat "white" negro and thus breeds the honorary aryan Asiatic much as Hitler would do had he spawned into this, most degenerate of ages.

even if this is ironic you should kill yourself

>t. cuckboi

you are nigger

Assblasted cuck twink nigger detected

Go back to eating Jamal's HIV semen out of your transvestite (((girlfriend)))'s BOY-PUSSY.

I will be intercoursing the herrenvolk honorary aryan asiatic female much as MUSCULAR FITNESS GOD ADOLF HITLER would have done had he lived in this, most degenerate of ages

Welcome to the home of inequality. It's not just by income any more.

In HITLER"S AMERICA there would be NO inequality because ALL would be ARYAN MASTERRACE enlightened not by negro vagina but by the sublime herronvolk wisdom of the ORIENTAL CLITORIS

This would make sense but about half of the rich people I know are still ugly and fat.

She gets treated nicely here because everybody is nice, not because everybody is fat.

>relaxed schedule
doctors are the most depressed people in the world

>finished high school with 4.0
>couldn't get through engineering and dropped out
Am I retarded? A-am I going to make it?

shoulda been a doctor bruh

enjoy the cuckery

>from Arkansas
>move to Hartford, CT for work
>unironically say ma'am and sir all the time
>the Connecticunts fucking love it
>"OMG r u like from the sooouuuuth??? XD"

This place is pretty, but the people are autistic and left lane exits are fucking stupid. I do like the seltzer water though...

Depends on specialty. Life sucks in med school and residency, and some fellowships, but some specialties really are "lifestyle" specialties. Saw a job offer for an outpatient general pediatrician near where I live for 240k in one of the lowest cost of living areas in the United States, and it was only 4 days per week of clinic work (easy as fuck 95% of the time). The area isn't in a city, but the Ozarks are beautiful. Also not 400k ortho money, but 240k in the least compensated specialty in an area where 150k will literally buy you a really fucking nice 4 bedroom home is pretty damn comfy.

But yeah, the "relaxed schedule" jobs for doctors still exist. They're just generally for outpatient and private practice docs in specific specialties.

maybe its because you only go to the gym and mcdonalds for your bulk

i think i have a pretty medium body

im not that fit
>225x3 bench
>115x5 OHP
>275x5 squat
>lets not talk about deadlifts
working weights, with
>2.5 mi run at 7:20
best run so far, generally run 6:15-6:30 miles

but i'm still pretty fat, with moobs, love handles, belly fat, jiggly triceps, fat hamstrings, etc at 6'2 ~182-184

so i'd say im intermediate

don't drop out like a faggot, just do better
you need to put in the work and actually study for some classes
t. current engineering student

Would have needed bigger trains, bigger ovens and bigger showers

>wah wah the truth hurts