Realistic super hero bodies

This is what a super hero needs to look like
Are they right Veeky Forums?

The comments are gold too

People are ripping this nancy boy shit apart in the comments. There is hope...

mother of fucking god

Holy shit Cyborg is a fucking robot. Why would a robot be made to look like a fat fuck?

Why is "realistic" code for fat? Especially given that they spend their days doing strenuous physical activity, therefore heroes being really fit IS realistic...

because it helps people..?

Are you even American?

to be fair, robots are made to look whatever we want. this one looks like my fetish

well glados was designed to look like a woman tied up and hanged upside down, so that's fair

I can't see them for some reason. Is it at least reaffirming for Veeky Forums?

is she also suppose to look like an amputee. what's up with her arms?

If they were fat, they wouldn't look super or heroic. Also harder to believe they are super strong, super fast, super agile, or even super smart if they're all fatfucks.

Besides, there are already fatass comic book characters
>The Blob
>Big Bertha
>The Penguin
>The Clown from Spawn

Kingpin is a powerlifter though, being able to go toe to toe with spiderman and the like

>Average viewer in US

Hahahahahahaha fucking burgers trying to show that being a fat cunt is normal

>super hero's have "perfect" bodies because they don't sit around all day eating pizza and 2 gallons of coke every day

Blob and Big Bertha are pretty strong too.

Theyre not supposed to be realistic, you fuckwits.
>lifts 2000 ton building
>has a nice rack
this is super unrealistic and degrading to women because it holds society up to a standard that requires a rational caloric intake

I think it's a good idea.
These unattainable ideals of beauty have been doing so much damage to people, and they need to stop.

We should also photoshop pictures of rich superstars and billionaires to look homeless to protest against irrealistic ideals of wealth.

Let's take pictures of driven and hard working people and photoshop them to look like lazy slobs to fight against unrealistic standards of hard work and achievement.

Or photoshop pictures of people working to fight against unrealistic employment ideals.

Or perhaps edit scores and recordings of great musicians to make them sound bad, so that musicians don't feel oppressed by unrealistic ideals of talent.

Why not turn all famous paintings into potato jesus? This way painters can feel comfortable painting the natural way without the pressure from those unrealistic realistic paintings.

yes, inspire people to be nothing, that will fix that vast epidemic of people being nothing worthwhile

there's no reason the whole population can't look like that with the access to protein and weights we have these days
don't drag me down to your level

>those comments

there is hope after all

>he will never be american

Realistic, as opposed to a flying alien that shoots lasers out of his eyes.

Most of the comments are a mixture of lampooning how stupid it is that fictional characters have to look "realistic" when they're not even real, combined with pointing out that making someone fat does mean they are "realistic."

On the other hand, being able to jump over buildings would probably make you that muscular, so who knows. Maybe it is indeed realistic.

>On the other hand, being able to jump over buildings would probably make you that muscular,
It doesn't.
T. Fell for the jump over buildings to become muscular meme

>this person is at an unhealthy weight
>lets fix it by making them an unhealthy weight



spooderman with a beer belly
congratulations you have outdone yourself baka

It pains me to think I live in a society where some people actually think being fat is more normal and realistic.

>A spokesperson for told HuffPost that the organization focused on superheroes because they are role models for so many young kids.
“With new releases every summer, we can see how these films positively affect their younger audiences. But, it’s hard to have such positive takeaways when the bodies represented on film don’t mirror what a typical body looks like,” the spokesperson told HuffPost. “


One of the main reasons I'm so into fitness now and I understand the importance of a muscular physique for a body is because I grew up with ripped heroes (DBZ especialy).

They are superheroes, they are supposed to look like they can smash a planet in half and crush an anvil with their bare hands you absolute fucking troglodytes.

What makes you idiots think setting an average coutchsitter fat fuck as a rolemodel is a positive thing for children.


>unrealistic body standards
Peak performance right here...

why don't we just make all comics about fat slobs working desk jobs too while we're at it

That's not even an average body by my country's standards.

Should we really tell our kids to aim for mediocrity or worse?

>an exercise regime that is similar to what superheroes do

>two instances of rifles with not-Aimpoints mounted in front of not-ACOGs
Goddammit this is what triggers me.

Who knows, maybe this can be Marvel's new virtue signal, now that they've converted all their iconic white male heroes into nonwhites or women.


World War 3 will happen in 50 years, when every American is heavily overweight and the nation as whole becomes too pissed with the thin and sporty Euros mocking them. So they will form a fascist state ideology claiming racial superiority and attempt to conquer the world to force their own image of what human should look like and eradicate all else.

In ruines of Europe, concentration camps will be set up where prisoners will be force fed until death.

'Mirin that bulk

Jokes aside - the issue of unattainable and unrealistic beuty ideals are actually very real in modern world thanks to TV, internet, photoshop. It negatively impacts cultures all around the world - for simple fact that real women/men are not as beutiful as what you used to see on TV.

This evolves to absurdity, like in South Korea where everyone has to have plasatic surgery or not considered a worthy human or China where current female ideal does not even look human. Same applies to other cultures.

Of course, its also feeds the cosmetic, beuty, surgery etc. industries resulting in being able to attain somewhat fittin result by "fake" means. But in the end, it still cant match up the Image - when from the young age kids see the extremely beutiful people in TV, games, comix etc.

That said, there is no fixing it. Trends need to change naturally and the only way to do so is push other images to become popular. The way US does it with promoting fat heroes is dumb indeed. On other hand, creating natural human looking heroes that through charisma able to gain popularity and set own standards of looks would be beneficial.

Its a good goal to make people be attrackted and like people around them. Its just in US case the hurdle is too high since everyone is fat and imbred.

You're putting the cart in front of the horse.

These superheroes are modeled with (exaggerated) characteristics that people naturaly find attractive. It's not that people find these charateristics attractive because they are shown in the media, there is a huge biological component in there.

It's not some tinfoilhat conspiracy theory, it's simply supply and demand, modeling superheroes after average bodys literally makes zero sense.

Now the thing I am bothered by is the superthin models on t.v. that hardly eat anything, that is disgusting and sets a bad example. That is different however from fitness models or bikini models.

Your assumption that we could change what people find attractive by pushing other body types is not sustained by any evidence whatsoever.

>Your assumption that we could change what people find attractive by pushing other body types is not sustained by any evidence whatsoever.
Entirely wrong. This happened all the time during history and beuty standards changed many many times over ages. Best example is "Fashion" which is huge factor of attraction, and fashion changes all the time and is easily pushed to promote whatever possible.

Instincts play actually small role in attraction as compared to accumulated psychological garbage standards and currently modern beuty standards are even contrary to them. Everything else, but instincts - fetishes, fashion, cosmetics, body shape: you can be indoctrinated to.

For example Take Overwatch Zarya - an ugly lesbo russian powerlifter, that however suddenly is popular beuty archtype and appealing to many character. Make few comics and animated movies about her and sure enougth american teenagers will sleep and dream of being clenched by her bearhug to death.

I disagree.

The ideal should be to have the highest forms of everything and regard it as a goal in a kind of "shoot for the stars" kind of thing, just like we always did throughout history (where we idolized idealistic and unrealistic version of humans through religion, mythology, fiction, etc.) up until being a victim became a hobby and feminists decided that extreme beauty doesn't make them want to improve themselves but make them feel self conscious and worthless.

Just because some people/cultures go overboard with it it doesn't mean that idolizing excellence is a bad thing (let alone that idolizing mediocrity should be the solution).
Just because some Brazilians fuck their arms and pecs with synthol to look like their fitness idols it doesn't mean we should prevent people from seeing actual fit people and promote the idea that being a mediocre slob is the goal you should attain.

The level of idiocy on this one is staggering

>Entirely wrong. This happened all the time during history and beuty standards changed many many times over ages

Aah we have the fat ladies in the painting theory.

Yes, there was a time when fat ladies were depicted in paintings alot (and even then, they weren't tubs of lard, just slightly chubby) because it was associated with wealth. But that says nothing whatsoever about what people found sexualy attractive in that age.

I would like to see your evidence that proves that there ever was a time on this planet when a fat body was found to be more sexualy attractive than a fit body.

And showing a couple of paintings or statues of fat women is not proof at all, since I already explained why these women were sought after.

Is that from the person/outfit that did photoshops of videogame characters
because it was retarded then and it's still retarded to do now

Beauty standards are indeed pretty flexible and do bend around society and the image it gives them, but they always stay around the same core principles dictated by our evolutionary psychology that tell us that a partner is healthy (genetically and non), fit for survival, having and raising children, having resources, etc.
Every beauty standard is mostly a version of one or more of the above-mentioned that's adapted to the current culture.

Zarya isn't ugly and isn't mainstreamly liked as other more conventionally beautiful characters, and even if it was it would still be an exception to the rule.
You can't use an exceptional fringe case of something to say it's all like that.
That's like saying that humans are normalli 2.5 meters tall because the guinness world record holder is.

Blob is a special case though.
Being a fat fuck was literally his mutant power.
When House of M happened he lost all of his body fat instantly and just had a giant blanket of lose skin that they needed to trim off and restitch back up because he could barely move.

And then he was some reality TV fitness guru for a while until he got his powers back.

>dex vs strength

Aren't modern pro bodybuilding physiques based on the comic book ideal of superheroes?

im sad this thread is dying because i was genuinely enjoying seeing a reasonable and respectful discussion on beauty ideals
on Veeky Forums of all places

if thread dies before the other user answers let it be known that i witnessed your well-formulated and thought out arguments, bless

Why on earth is "realistic" just synonymous with "fat" for them. What is "realistic" about an overweight superhero. It's not like people who are not fat don't exist. You know like actually high performance athletes who outperform the average joe in physical activities. A realistic superhero is slim and has muscles, he's not fat, not even a little chubby, what's so hard about that idea.

We can go "this is what superheros would look like if they were your average joe", we can talk about advertising pushing the standard of how people feel they should look higher and higher to a degree that's uncomfortable for many, but the misuse of the term "realistic" is just riling me up. It's not even realistic, it's even more unrealistic, you don't run at lightning speed and lift trucks if you're a chubby average guy. Being halfway fit is not "unrealistic". God. Screw this.


exactly. i don't think most of those "before" pictures in the post was even unrealistic to begin with.
Sure, most of the men got that "dehydrated bodybuilder" form, but that's not unrealistic. some men dedicate their lives to look like that and are successful.
I can see how the women look a bit unrealistic (they are mostly just skinny without much muscle, Gamora looks like she's missing a rib), but that doesn't mean that they should be altered to look chubby.


it bothers me that feminists always target Barbie. I mean, at least barbie had a job. When I was little girls were also playing with Betty Spaghetti (limbs are literally noodles) , Polly Pocket (same problem as Barbie; tiny, weird proportions) and Bratz (massive eyes, massive head, tiny body and loads of makeup, always about shopping and boys) but i don't see any of them being targeted as "unrealistic standards for girls" and "bad influences on self esteem".

that tells me that the people complaining about Barbie don't really know why they're doing it. If they truly believed that the way Barbie looks is harmful, they would target her equally bad or worse counterparts as well.

Yeah I remember Bratz being a big thing here as well. You can hardly get more degenerate than that, yet nobody seemed to have an issue.

true. i remember the girls in my class fucking around in the computer room on that bratz website, playing the stupid fucking shopping and dress-up games, and it's all just "Can you make Chloe's massive doe eyes and pouty lips beautiful so she can meet Chad at the beach in her new string bikini?", but apparently that's not as bad as Barbie's rocket-scientist ass.

Thank you.
Your appreciation is much appreciated kind user.

i honestly never noticed that
it's kind of weird now i think about it but i guess that's why she's simultaneously scary and alluring

to be fair the one on the right looks more intimidating, it's like an 80s bodybuilder physique vs strongman physique. they weren't going for that of course but it's a shame you don't see many superheros with proper strongman bodies, they're all going for that super low bf% and stomach vaccuum look.

They should be more 'fit' like a gymnast than like a model or bodybuilder tho, at least the 'non-powered' like Batman and Black Widow.

>but it's a shame you don't see many superheros with proper strongman bodies

I suppose he's a bit more towards that end but i was thinking more of this

I am not exactly a comic afficionado though so there may well be some that i'm not aware of

>then they go and read garbage like this on Huffington Post and Buzzfeed

Liberals are such fucking hypocritical sheep and don't even realize it. They only hate Fox News because their puppet masters told them to, while reading some equally trite nonsense on one of their pop culture websites the propoganda police has approved for them.

If liberals are told to love something, they will. If told to hate something, they will.

They (in 2017) are literally automatons that do and think what they are told with not so much as an objection (internally or externally). The perfect submissive citizen...

If they have to turn in their own mothers into the PC execution force, they will... and with a big fucking smile on their face. An empty skull, filled with the fumes of smugness they get from their precious news and movies.

>Being an adult
>caring about comics

Come the fuck on.

>I am not exactly a comic afficionado though so there may well be some that i'm not aware of
There aren't, but mostly out of laziness. The vast majority of artists in the industry simply aren't skilled enough to cartoon varied physiques in the time frame they have for publication. When you consider most characters/series are passed around between artists (and fill in artists) like prison currency, it means every character's body and silhouette is essentially interchangeable.

Could you please discuss your back ground a little bit? Like about your background and education? Because I'm genuinely curious about what series of developmental events led to an adult human being coming here and posting something so mind bogglingly stupid.


Let's teach kids it's OK to take no responsibility for their own health!

This shit is pretty fucking evil to be honest bois.

Americans are such a disgusting race of mongrels

that's true, especially since they basically draw the same physique they've learned since they started and then apply costumes over the top, as skin-tight suits, so basically there's no differentiation.

some artists i saw posted around /ic/ had very good range of body types in their comics, with big strongmen type physiques constrasted against lithe, agile ones, all exaggerated and superhero-esque but still interesting - and they had unique silhouettes, which is a common thing done in games to easily distinguish characters but rarely done elsewhere.

The Incredibles did it well too, despite being stylized.

>m-muh racial purity

No one cares. Fuck off.

They're "super hero's" for a reason user

fuck you bitch quit being a pussy and lose some weight, people shouldn't cope with their weight and attempt to be content. Set some goals and never settle

How does normalizing obesity help anyone?

>Huffington Puffington
>really makes you thick

Sauce on gif?

Nigga have you ever read an 80s batman comic?

I can't wait for them to do a "Realistic MMA bodies" article and photoshop a bunch of UFC fighters to look really fat.

>fat characters are all villains
Really makes me think.

At this point Huffington Post is trolling you motherfuckers, do you not see that?

Hes like 98% muscle or something retarded.

The most oppressive regime in history!

Iron Man and Hulk are black chicks now? News to me.

Iron Man is now a sassy black teenaged girl, Hulk is a chink now.

Why would you build a fat robot?


If it was all about strength, yes, a strongman look would not be out of place on on a superhero. Thing is, they have to be athletic all around, run fast, jump high, hand to hand combat, and so on.

Chink hulk is alright though. At least he was before he became the hulk.

Fatties can't reach as far around their body to do modelling poses and the logical conclusion is obviously that models have unusually long arms :^)

Is this an injustice reference or am I retarded

Don't know why people are shitting on you. Self-important teenagers, most likely.

Photoshop is a real problem. High ideals aren't a problem. They're aspirational. The problem is when the ideal is set to something to which nobody can aspire without surgery.

It'd be great if we could uninvent Photoshop so that the media would be forced to work with real human bodies. Superheroes would have to be actually ripped guys, not Ben Affleck with CGI abs. Women models would have to have actually clear, even skin, good proportions, etc., instead of ghouls like Jennifer Lopez being made to look young through the magic of computers. And these are things people could work towards fruitfully, even if they fall short of the mark in the end.

The media is divorced from a meaningful engagement with the human body, and that's a shame. We can't uninvent Photoshop, though, so I agree that the path forward is to work toward an alternative ideal culturally.

also check these trips


self hate is the only way to leave humanity behind

Shes also smarter than tony stark (the guy who made the iron man suit turn liquid and come out of his pores) at age 19. Fucking retarded...

Yea, it freaked me out when I found out too. Back in like 2011 when Portal 2 was released.

The article is bullshit and should be labelled so with out hesitation, those comments tho. The new world order should leave the media behind. If you see bullshit then take aim and fire.

god damn it.

now i need to fap again

Wait, for real?

No, I'm making fun of that word error. She meant exercise regimen. She said regime, a word used to describe the ruling powers in dictatorial states.

Yep, been that way for over a year now. I dropped out of comics after Multiversity and Secret Wars closed up all the lingering doubts I had about the industry. There's some Image stuff I'm still interested in but I can't be bothered, reading real books now.

Good thing Spawn was always black, so they can't ruin him.