/plg/ powerlifting general

/plg/ powerlifting general

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doggo* general

powerlifting is gay lets talk about dogs



Reminder that max legal = max comfy

is there a better feel than sipping on some whisky on a hot summer saturday night with the AC blowing in your penthouse suite

Having a beer with my father is a great feel.

only 6 weeks left of dieting, then maybe i'll be able to make gains. yay.
should i hop onto strong lifts or candito's strength/hypertrophy routine? i was a fat lazy fuck before i starting cutting, so i don't really know where to go after i am in a healthy bodyfat range and don't have to restrict my calories.

ms trappy


u ms trappy, i ms trappy!

Got a stiff neck and back, what should I do?

I cricked my neck whilst doing pendlay row and its making lifting really awkward, now I have an ache upper back too.

this guy is a fake gay



Those are some juicy FUCKING lips

dsls dude

Guys, please stop posting and commenting photos of me? Seriously?


I know this guy
he sucked me off once

>tfw had enough room in my macros to fit in a beer on a cut
it's the little things

They call him The Mexican Tomato

i don't drink beer, but i fit in some junk now and then. as long as i meet my protein goal and stay within my caloric budget i try to givemyself some wiggleroom. but when you're a small guy to begin with, my micro TDEE doesn't give me much room to work with

I can dead cling 115 banans

Is that fatlifts from fraud?


Who the FUCK is that sexy motherfucker in the OP?
Tbqh i wish I was a 15 yr old girl he'd probs go for me if I was



me and op

Veeky Forums is over

who the fuck is that lmao

Can anyone either write up or point me to a write up of the Nuckols 3x Per Week Intermediate Moderate Volume bench routine that doesn't require Microsoft Office to open? I got the free programs from his site, but they all appear to be on an Excel file, and I don't have Excel.


Google sheets could also work

does isley still browse fit


you do

Thanks, chief

Are you guys watching Men's Junior lightweight lifters? Already 3 world records scored.


here is the only doggers I have on my computer, hope you like him

I am watching now, grabbing some breakfast while they have their break now

The difference between 53kg and 59kg lifters is insane, what the fuck.

that midget guy won gold in 53kg class.
unbelievable fucking mechanical advantage.

it's like normal people are cucked by nature's jokes

Was funny with his deadlift, he locked out above his dick. But yeah, big advantage, but as long as he makes the weight I think it's alright.

jason luo just got greedy and lost gold.

It's not really an advantage for him since he can't deadlift. Look at the wilks score, he's got about 450 while the best junior lifters gonna end up around 500.

>know which quadrant?
I'd consider myself less extreme tbH, so more in the Bern zone.
The political tests were taken one year ago, the personality test in December 2016.

only for DL tho because he's short.
for squat and bench he's a strong as an ant.

Yeah but DL is a part of powerlifting. If he can't improve his diddily he's gonna have a hard time competing with the best when he has to move up to -59.


>all these skinny guys at 53kg
they need to eat


Hey I'm still looking for the Eric Spoto spurdo

opinions on WS4SB? and is it for intermediate+?

So I went to real weightlifting gym where only oly lifters train and they tought me how to clean, snatch and said Im welcome to came anytime I want and I have potential. I live 2h ride from them tought, so I crash only on weekends and stay there saturday-sunday.

Now best routine to mix up powerlifting with weightlifting? I could squat wendler style with more squatting template so 5 squat session per week but they're all light

I am currently working on increasing my weak bench (67 kg) on GreyskullLP. I can lift the weight off my chest with no problems, but then it gets stuck half way, and no matter how hard I push, its stuck.
And if the bar passes that middle point, then I can lock it up easily.
That is without a spotter of course.

What does this specific weakness mean, and how can I surpass it ?

Replace deadlift with oly movements? Isn't it just that easy?

Intermediates can do well on conjugate periodization. It is basically DUP with a lot of exercise variation (still sufficient specificity) and relatively high volume per session (with room to increase it further).

If you like the look of it, go ahead and try it.


Im doing typical deadlift only once a week like TM said and I have progress on it anyway, on other day I do snatch grip deadlift which is good

it isnt that easy, as you got partial movements etc. There was no main coach on this weekend beacuse hes in other country atm, and they said to me that I have to do for like month and a half stuff programed by myself, and when he comes he will make routine for me. They want me to start even if Im weak same as in powerlifting

I'm in fucking love now
go fuck yourself

Also, let's say my work weight for today is 70 kg. (Empty bar is 10 kg), at 3x5+

How many sets and reps of warmups should I use, and at what weights ?

I am asking because I think I am doing too many warmup sets, making myself tired by my work sets.

Woo finally. thanks

Generally, just push harder off the chest. You should incorporate some assistance work in your program as well, such as dips or close-grip benching.
Think I'd do 2-3x10 with the bar, 1x5-10 with 40kgs, and 1x5 with 60.

who here /legdrive/ ?
tfw my paused bench sets feel almost as light as my tng sets

Commie, I've got a helicopter ride working for u

What the hell, why is this thread so shit today?


anybody checking out the hotties here ?

The powerlifting meme is dying. People are realizing what a joke it is.

It took me TWO weeks to realize that my lack of salt intake was making me weaker

All my lifts went down 20lbs and i couldnt grasp why. Ive been sweating buckets since its been 90F/30C the entire time

Why am I so good at wasting time, couldve made an extra 20lbs on my lifts in that timeperipd yes im still on SS

we're watching on cytube

it's a women cheating at ROM episode

A couple are completely bullshit yeah, but most are just bullshit. Squat was better though, looking forward to deadlift afterwards.

I Miss u too

>The bench session is the worst part of the competition

What a fucking surprise. Maybe it's just a shit lift for wankers (hashtag #ShitLift4Wankers) and we'd all be better off if it were replaced with a standing press

We'd be better off if you were replaced by standing press.

it should be replaced with bouncing 275 lb deadlifts on a carpet for reps

Strict press, no lean back what so ever and no bouncing and I'd agree. Could also just ban arching in the bench so we wouldn't have to redefine the entire sport.

there should be a fourth spotter who keeps his hand wedged between your lower back and the bench and screams no lift if contact is broken

I don't see the advantage of strict press over press.

And banning arching in bench is completely impracticable, no way to create a ruleset for that.

Of course it isn't possible to ban regular arching that even a 90yr old man can do, but what about chick-arches? Must be some way to define that and ban that specifically.

I just think it is ridiculous when you can lay down on the floor and bench your The Press. But it allows for more wieght so allowing lean back would probably be better in terms of creating competition.

For those of you bitching about the bench press in powerlifting, it is an absurd lifts with the way some people cheat the range of motion

Just more reason why powerlifting shouldn't be considered a sport

It's a hobby that's supposed to be a pissing contest between some chubby strong guys, not some Asian Acrobat who belly button fucks the bar

Quit taking this shit so seriously and you might get stronger instead of just looking Stronger by cheating the lift

While we're on the topic, I think there should be a maximum height allowed in handball and volleyball, maximum stride in sprints, minimum weight in marathons, strict jumps with no lying-back-technique, no running jumps, no more brushes in curling, no glasses or lenses in range shooting, and many more.

>but just in time for a shady blowjob.jpg

>no more brushes in curling

the most important one you listed t b h. literally ruins the sport. if you cant overcome the friction of the ground yourself. you. cant. curl. it

we should atleast have brush and non-brush federations to separate the real athletes from the cheaters

the equivalent of that guy in baseball who bunts all the time.

change bench press for power clean

after all its

power lifting

theres nothing in the rulebook that says a dog cant play basketball. ill allow it.

i allow it too but if he sucks im benching him

Can someone post the wheel of fortune where it's obvious it's supposed to say "EAT MORE"?

bench press already makes up only ~20% of a persons total. its already the least important lift in competition. most people can strict press ~60% of their bench press. if you replaced bench with the press, its contribution to your total would be so insignificant, literally no one would care about it

press fags btfo

thats why we should do power cleans

as any athlethic person should be able to power clean more than bench

bench btfo

even movement says "power" clean and bench press isnt named bench "power"

Bench and press then? Would give a little more balance. Not that it matters, the only thing that matters is fucking chinks cheating, rules should simply be changed.

>chinks cheating

lmao either you are a liftlet or a manlet beacuse chinks dont compete in any important weight class

>as any athlethic person should be able to power clean more than bench
not true

bench record is 325kg
best squat clean ever done is around 270kg, do the powerclean would be less than this

bringing up the name is semantics. everyone knows powerlifting has nothing to do with actual power development and is about maximal strength. its just named wrong. powerclean would just make PL discount OLY instead of being its own thing. it would also make the >sport even more disproportionately lower body. its also a gay lift for fags

adding a 4th lift would make meets hours longer. if you want to do that many events just do strongman you fag

nope, best clean and JERK is 266kg, best clean is way more



oly lifters dont care if they can clean 300kg if they cant jerk 220 with it



I said best squat clean ever done was 270kg in training by some russian dude nobody was talking about jerks

strongman is about maximal strenght, powerlifting is about moving most weight possible in given lift which doesnt mean pure strenght, best example of moving most weight and not being strong as possible is allowing for sumo deadlift or high arch bench