Can you build muscle with bodyweight?

Can you build muscle with bodyweight?

Yes but you will reach a plateau soon

As a noob for sure so if you want to start at home just go for it but if you're a lazy slob then it's better to pay for a personal trainer/group training because you can't cancel them easily and it will help you to sink into lifting.

>will reach a plateau soon


Yeah to begin with - the basic calisthenics movements like push-ups, pull-ups, chin-ups and dips will put on some muscle. Eventually the resistance becomes too small and all you are doing is increasing muscular endurance and you won't game anymore size. Then you would need to increase the resistance by adding weigh via a dipping belt for example. You can make decent upper body gains but your lower body will look like shit, pistol and body weight squats won't get you far.

you can't load more than your bw.
ex: pushup,pullups,dips, which after a few months of consistency, you'll blast sets of 20 barely breaking a sweat.

At this point, you've reached bw plateau. from there on, your only way too increase difficulty is to work with angles, but then it's not the same muscle working (ex pushup>pike pushup>handstand pushup)

let's not talk about idiocies such as 25+ reps, save yourself the trouble and just sandpaper your joints.

yes but you need to buy weighted vest and overload like you'd do with lifting

Can confirm from personal experience. Don't have a choice though because the only gym within 40 miles is tiny, crowded and gay.

Pistol squats with a 50 lbs kettle bell, explosive squats will get you pretty far. Not sure you know what you're talking about.

50lb kettle bell isn't body weight Sasquatch

That's not the push up progression.

Push up->PPPU->tuck planche-> straddle pl->planche

i you want good lower body just go on a bicycle

Absolutely. Invest in a pull up bar and rings and your set for upper body. There are alot of progressions for bodyweight and if you can rep out one arm chins, ring turned out dips and shrimp squats you'll be alot stronger than your average Joshua. However adding weight is far more efficient. I personally love bodyweight training but adding weight chins and dips will allow you to make much faster gains.

Beat me to it lol

you know with what you can buid muscle with? STEROIDS

Yes, but why would you when there are weights?

I only have a 50 kg dumbbell and I cannot lift it.


is this a good starting bw routine for a skellyfriend?

Yeah. Eat a lot too

Does anyone have a list of progressions/exercises with the approximate % body weight that is being resisted?

e.g (these values are random)

Standard pushup - 40% bodyweight
Inclined push-up X ft - X*40%*bodyweight
One-arm pushup- 80% bodyweight

etc. for other exercises and progressions