>meet gf >fit as fuck, 5'11, natural D's >both like fitness >Always sure we wouldn't turn into fat fucks >5 years in >she start to balloon >look up girls on Facebook I used to go to class with >75% of them went balloon mode while some even went full Snorlax >meanwhile I'm just as ripped as I was in my early 20's
Why the fuck do women do this.....
Easton Carter
you just cant handle her
Jaxson Allen
Women are just naturally less motivated. Especially when they think they can settle.
Its one of the several reasons they mostly age so badly.
Robert King
Because they stopped trying to ride the cock carousel and are now being content with having a beta provider who doesn't mind her becoming obese
Liam Williams
Why don't you have a gf bro?
Elijah Perez
Thier whole biological life circle is based on -> Attracting best possible mate -> Reproduce -> Take care of offspring and use mates ressources to get by
So once their brain tells them they are in phase 3 mode they balloon
Bentley Cook
Colton Gonzalez
Dread game senpai you have to let her know subtly that she is replaceable since you're still shredded and worth more on the sexual market. Either she loses weight to compete with other women or you dump her and upgrade. Don't let the land whale bring you down. Unless you're a sick chubby chaser if so kys.
Jace Ross
because women store fat more than men do on the same diet, and women are hit on more than men in the same environment so why fucking try hard?
if a mans not getting girls he was to workout more, or earn more money
if a womans not getting men she just needs to got to more bars
Nolan Turner
Your fedora is showing.
Carson White
which part am i wrong about?
Angel Diaz
Luis Ortiz
which part am i wrong about?
Jayden Bell
Thinking men not getting girls is about their body or income.
99% of the time its because the guy is a fuccboi who doesn't actually make a move and expects women to do so.
The reason it LOOKS like men higher on the social and economic ladder attract more women is because their circumstances tend to lend themselves more to being confident in approaching women.
Women don't make the moves, despite what Veeky Forums likes to believe.
Ethan Sanders
>guy is a fuccboi >who doesn't actually make a move and expects women to do so.
Don't use definitions you don't know what are
Jeremiah Baker
fuccbois drown in pussy m8
Logan Martin
>The reason it LOOKS like men higher on the social and economic ladder attract more women It looks that way because they do
Elijah Gomez
when you enter into an exclusive relationship with someone, you take responsibility for their sexual happiness. sexual happiness is an extremely important part of life.
if you unilaterally decide to let your body go, you are abandoning your responsibility to your partner.
talk to her about it. i'm sure she knows that she's fat, and isn't happy about it either. but she needs to know she's got to pick up the slack, or you'll feel like she's taking you for granted (say that part) and you'll walk (maybe don't say that part)
David Anderson
dude you're straight up retarded
Isaiah Sullivan
I feel like this is actualy the best advice, I avoided speaking up about it to harshly because I didn't want to hurt her. But I guess I need to be less subtle and more straightforward about it
Xavier Scott
start by inviting her to come lifting/gym with you. that's a subtle enough hint if you haven't seriously brought it up before.
Brandon Jackson
We are past that station already, the subtle hints haven't worked sadly
Noah Gomez
your bitch thinks you're not gonna leave her so she let herself go. Tell her that she is becoming less and less attractive and that she is coming to the point of not being attractive to you and when she'll pass that point you're breaking up.
Isaac Ross
that's a shame. you don't need to be mean about it, but you do need to communicate that you feel like she's taking you for granted. because that's the actual truth. communication is key.
Carson Perez
nah bro, you cant take resposibility for anyone but yourself. Its not possible
Eli Thompson
Responsibility for an ASPECT of their life, yes. That's what makes a committed relationship special -- placing enough trust in your partner that you hand them this aspect of yourself and trust that they will take care of it.
If you didn't trust them to take care of it, you'd have pieces on the side standing by.
Levi Collins
I don't give a fuck what you define as a fuccboi, fuccbois.
Lucas Cooper
Yeah I guess
Bentley Watson
>2017 >being sexist
Adam Cruz
And everyone's human, we all fuck up, just like OPs gf is. But if you love someone you'll realize you're fucking up and abdicating your responsibility, and try to make it better because their happiness matters to you.
Ian Reyes
sex is one of the most important pary of the relationship. without it any relationship will break, so when woman gets fat to the point of becoming unattractive im breaking up. im not gonna fuck whale im not attracted to simply because we've been together for some time. relationship requires work which includes staying in shape for your partner. Just because we're together it doesn't mean you can become fat
Julian Allen
I will say this once and I expect you to never forget this: women are a meme. This advice WILL save your life, or at least your heart.
Dylan Scott
Thats the problem with big tits girls They get fat easily and their tits age horribly