Do SARMs actually work?

I'm thinking about taking roids, but too worried about buying off the deep web or legal complications, so figured I'd stick to SARMs. Is there any real proof that they actually work? There's no real studies on them so how can you know the gains are not just placebo, like users just worked harder on their cycles than before them?

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They don't work as well as steroids.

>there are no real studies on selective androgen receptor modulators

Not as much studies as they have on steroids, plus all the ones I've seen have been from sites selling SARMs so obviously they'll exaggerate benefits.

Do you have any good links though?

There are a lot of anecdotes about the effects so you should read those. It's worth a try yourself to see how it's like. I recommend either Enhanced Athlete or Olympus UK.

I did a couple of "cycles" of sarms about a year ago. I was eating clean and lifting 6 days a week. I saw major results but it could have also just been diet and exercise. Went from 20 % bf to 13% without losing any weight. Again though. Could have just been my diet and routine.

What sarms were you using?

Losing 7% bodyfat without losing weight doesn't typically happen with just good diet and excersise.

I was doing Ligandrol and Ostarin (sp?). I didn't really have any negative effects and did no PCT like you would with pinning. I even got to keep the extra muscle mass. You lose the low bf the second you change your diet though.

Over the course of a year tho? Plus I was eating about 300 grams of protein a day. Eating about 3500 calories but virtually no carbs.

>I ate 3500 calories a day
>I lost weight instead of getting fat as fuck

Welcome to drugs bro.

Ran cycle of Ostarine from verified source. Been eating like two or three cheesecakes per week. Lots of fried chicken. Sort of a dirty bulk type deal. Have gained like 7 or 8 pounds in 4 weeks, some of it definitely fat.

Squat has gone from 315x2 to 365x6. Shoulder injury prevents me from currently benching or deadlifting. I say worth.

Daily dosage? Have you felt any suppression?

20mg, not off it yet; I have like four more days on it. No suppression while on it, no common side effects or anything. Won't know for sure until I get off it.

From what I've read, and I could be wrong, but they'll still shut you down with none of the benefits of steroids.

Largely just snake oil for people too scared to take the plunge.

As for steroids, no need to piss around with the deep web. Plenty of decent legit sources on the normal web.

im taking lgd 4033 and mk677, just finishing up the cycle for 2 months, gained about 13 ish pounds , good amount of fat too but all my lifts went up a considerable amount and im more noticeably more muscular too.

MK-677 is great all around. Doesn't even require a cycle. Haven't tried LGD because of the suppression.

>bulking on Ostarine

you people are going to ruin sarms for everyone else. Why not just do LGD if you actually want to bulk with a sarm?

What you are experiencing is what normally happens when you eat at a surplus and lift. It's really hard to see the benefit of a compound that was created to combat muscle wasting disease on a bulk. I went from 180 pounds to 162 on 7 weeks cycle and went from a 160 overhead press max to a 185.

just stop wasting osta now, get some lgd and cut with osta and you will see all kinds of gains.

What are your stats? At my height and weight, 3500 kcals/day is still 100 under my maintenance.

MK-677 is not really worth it unless you are:

a) Using is specifically to recover from an injury
b) Using it in combination with something else to help keep your tendons/joints fluid enough to lift really heavy all the time.

MK-677 is more effective than Ostarine on a bulk.

fuck off dylan gemelli

I'm 6'2, 186lbs.
My maintenance is like 2400. I'm cutting at 1800 til I hit 175 then I'll probably bulk around 3000 daily til I get around 200lbs.
Thinking about getting big like Clarence though, something about that "natty looking while obviously not natty" kind of thicc is appealing.

other than testosterone and nandralone there are basically no human studies of steroids friend.

its supposed to not suppress that much on what ive read

it doesn't "suppress" at all in the typical sense seeing as it doesn't even effect androgen receptors, but you'll notice when you stop taking it

I took them on and off over a two year period and only thing they did was drain my bank account. $400 for a few months and they only slightly increased my strength and I mean maybe 1.5lbs on my bench.

Why would you keep spending money for two years if you didn't notice anything for the first year?

Gotta be bait.

what did you take? what was the source? dosages? etc.

Nah seriously. I guess I justified to myself that the money was worth even a slight increase and in my country they only come in injectable so I was pinning every day.

You were pinning SARMS? the fuck?

lmaoooooo i'm fucking dead

>pinning every day
>every day

They do come in transdermal but you may as well be throwing your money down the drain if you aren't injecting.