Chad school

Haven't been back in a while but I ain't forgotten about you guys

I beleive you all can benifit from daily threads on becoming chad

This guy here is an example, watch his interviews with celeb women and take notes

Other urls found in this thread:

just another example that chad can get away with anything

He's average looking at best but it's his "confidence" and personality we must pay attention too and emulate here

Don't fall for the girls love an asshole meme they're only fucking the burnout women, whereas this guy is fucking the waifus

>average looking

If he's average looking I'm extremely ugly.

"Oh hey Chad it's me, Chad."

That dude is a solid 9

he fucked up

>triceps curls

what do ya mean

>Bench kicks

they lost interest by the end

How do I become a chad?

you don't

stop trying to be anything and just be yourself

They took the control of the conversation and he gladly played the part of the dancing monkey

More specifically be the best you that you can be, you wanna kick annoying traits and keep the good ones.

Well isnt that what trying to become Chad is? Being as perfect as possible?

That guy is very good looking

also when they reacted poorly to his shitty pick up line he tried to regain their approval with the shirt. beta as fuck.

So mods 404 John but not chad threads? Fuck this board

omg she is so cute.

And he goes and apologies like a real cuck. Ain't no Chad in this video

for a shitskin he's literally a 11/10.

Very attractive guy, perfect teeth, hygiene, hair etc.

Average my ass

I promise you he's fucking theese women

Your homework tonight Veeky Forums is to look up interviews of guys like Chris hemsworth/Ryan Reynolds/Ben afleck and pay attention to how they treat the females

post links

>Your homework tonight Veeky Forums
Get real loser. Women can detect real confidence and try hards. Don't try and emulate another guys personality because you think he's cool. Be yourself and chicks will be into you.


What was that? That was nothing. That was conversation in front of a camera. What kind of interactions do you have that those 53 seconds set off alarms in your head?

Perhaps she's exceptionally expressive because she's A-list actor Anne Hathaway.

I need to slayer/chadmaxx

brb getting plastic surgeries and buying roids

CHAD calls A-LIST CELEBRITIES FAT and TURNS THEM ON while YOUR clever pick-up lines are IGNORED by FAT SLUTS on TINDER

Another aspect of it is the Chad voice. The voice a jock gets after he drinks a few beers, maybe takes a bong rip. Similar to this:

where does robert redford fit in?

a hybrid between chad and slayer

This is why I don't bother with women. All these mind games are asinine.

Picture is epic
)no homo(

He's gay

no man, this is life, this is the game.
I love playing it, rise, reduce value, make qts get insecure, fuck them, make them love you.

>he doesn't know all these interviews are staged
are you 12yo?


Fuck off /pol/ southern euros are white too

>we must pay attention too and emulate here

Sometimes it seems like you guys are even proud to be total losers.

dont get angry, dont bother user.
It does not matter if some blond call us White.
Acient Greece is the Peak of Human potencial.
Blondes are lucky if they have a bit of southern genes in them.

Can we get some real chads giving advice in here instead of neckbears looking at betas more attractive than them and considering them alpha


That guy goes all high-pitched and starts back-pedalling as soon as she gets offended. How is that not beta?

>just be confident bro!

That was so cringe. That moment when he's undoing his buttons and everyone is quite was very awkward. Antithesis of Chad.

If that's what it takes to bang, so be it

What advice do you want..

Im not a chad, but im an Alpha with pretty much success.
The most important Thing that separates Alphas from Betas is this.
"Alphas approache and dont know the fear of rejection, they know their value and it doesn't care if others approve it or not. Alphas just do what they want and live with the consequences.
Betas fear rejection and fear taking the wrong decision. They Need other People to confirm their value.

My advice to get pussy is this.

Dont fear being rejected, if you like a grill, Approach it, if you want to kiss her, juast do it.
It does not fucking better what she wants or if she likes you.