Jonah Hill made it lads

Jonah Hill made it lads

Other urls found in this thread:

>fat face
>made it

He'll make his way into an oven soon enough.

extreme fluctuation mode

He'll be back to Boogiesize by 2018

made what? he looks totally average. he'll get fat again soon when the roles start drying up.

why does he look so miserable though

this. his only role is the fat dude.

Once he finishes the movie that made him do that
He'll be fat again

Probably getting hit with that "lost weight and everyone is treating you better on the street" type of feel. At least I did when I first got some noob gains.

probably something to do with all that skin he has tucked into his waistband

Achieved Dad bod > made it

>he doesnt get post-workout PTSD
you aint workin hard enough. Never gonna make it.

>post-workout PTSD
I'm constantly miserable

Damn Jonah looks like THAT!?

>that nipple position


holy shit those are droopy


>suffer maxing

he's pretty short, 5'6" I can still feel superior if I try.

His nipples still hang 2 inches lower than they're supposed to

This looks comfy desu

these comfy fit wojacks are great


1910-20 apartment rooms were comfy

Lol at all the crab bucket faggots in this thread.

Jonah done pretty fucking good for himself considering where he started out, well played.

He has cute blue eyes. you cant deny that

eye area is an underrated asset of facial aesthetics

He looks 50 jesus christ

he needs to work on them chicky legs


Does the /pol/ retardation have to make its way into every single thread?

to be a skinny fat jew HAHAHA

This should deter anyone from buying the 'doing legs are a meme' bullshit. Honestly, any upper body work is totally negated with pathetic legs like that.

he looks fucking great Tbh

>those nips
Good thing he can afford skin removal

Shut up, disgusting kike

i guess if you never wear shorts its ok

but otherwise you're body lacks balance thats why it looks shit, imagine if you only did curls on one arm, same thing

fuck you liberal niggercuck faggot

How'd you get so edgy when you're only 14? Impressive.

shut your cunt mouth you oven-dodger


the "edgy" meme died in like 2013 guy. Get fucked.

He looks so fucking unhappy.

Is this what making it means?

lifting doesn't fix whats on the inside lad

being australian does though

Willy Wonka remake with Jonah Hill when?

Fuckin oath

good for him. he looks way better

and a shit load better than his first attempt where he starved himself to skinnyobese mode

now he just needs to keep it off and not rebound

ramadan really makes you hungry and cranky, huh mohammed

christ what a try-hard and reaching insult. Go to bed faggot.

He looks average at best but then again he is a millionaire and living an awesome life. So I doubt he cares about being ripped or big.

not that user but why are you arguing against /pol/posting with /pol/posting?
Also Jew jokes are totally on the table stop being a wuss.

loose skin titties

Fuck off kikes.

I guess he just did. War Dogs was the movie he got fat again for.

no he did not.
he made it to the starting point.
he was in the negative to begin with.

Fat kike faggot loser


Reddit would be more your speed

Damn he actually has a pretty good face.
If he got on tren and test he would be pretty hot.

>be merchant
>be fat fuck for your entire life
>lose weight
>still have dyel calves
it never ends does it

>implying he isn't already

that fat fuck is definitely cheating. no doubt whatsoever.

found this from a blog from 2012, this guy yoyos a lot huh? Although he looks a bit man here,he looked very twink

Mel Gibson mode
1v1 soon

attacking legs benefits the upper part of the body esp full compound mvm

>jonah will no longer be type casted as schlubby loser
>career over

I mean...JH in Grandma's boy and JH now is a pretty good transformation. Not by Veeky Forums standards but he went from a blimp to a reasonable human.

Get lost you no-so-edgy baby. This board is for fitness,not your racist political views.
Immature jackass.

Nah, he'll make another buddy pic with Channing Tatum real soon and it will be 50% jokes about his arse shrinking.

>when will it be my turn lads?
>this guy loses weight so easily
>is fat loss that simple?

that terrible shoop job on his arms

He lose weight then get fat and lose weight again

The Jew features are more apparent now that the fat is gone

What jew features?

Jew is not a race retard, he is germanic

He doesnt have any semitic features

Do you think ancient hebrews were pale and had light features?

>Jews are white

Jews are a race m8 deal with it

keto diet is the answer

because he loves to eat shitty food in excess

>not avalaible in your country

Does the reddit retardation have to make its way into every single thread?


If you think he doesn't look like a jew you're severely blind or simply ignorant on what jews look like.

well he had to or his career would be over. He can no longer play the fat teenager/college student making quips.

meme your way to a better body

I mean, he's not entirely wrong

This shit is exactly what we mean..

>Oh why do the other boards hates us..????

Not all other boards, just the ones infested with liberal cucks

just ignore the /pol/ posters , as long as people keep responding they'll keep shit posting

>Everyone who don't constantly shitposts about the jews are cucks

Get out.

Why would you have good calves if you never walk?

Everyone who gets butthurt about it is however

Jew is a religion, mate
How i would know , it isnt a fucking race

He is askhenazi, germanic-slavic mix

Not related to ancient hebrews

Semitics werent pale, they didnt have light features

Go get an education

Protip: Outspoken antisemitism is a huge part of the "Jewish Victim" narrative portrayed by globalists. Knowing that always gives me a laugh at (oxymoronic) anti-establishment neo-nazis that think jews run everything.

probably needs sun glasses

>not accounting for atmosphere and gravity

you dumb fucking spic.

you know what Ashkenazi is but claim Jews aren't a race?

get the fuck out.

>lost weight
>and his will to live

he is one of us, isnt he?

You dumb fucking germanic

Do you even know what askhenazi is?

They arent semitic, it means germanic jews


Because they were germanics/slavic that converted to Judaism

They dont have any semitic blood


stop being stupid

you are a fucking retard stop posting.



Atleast i have education and you dont

Illiterate pigskin

He's on gear, right? like, when was that french interview? this year? how did this dude drop like 100 lbs? i know he's hollywood rich so can probably afford daily trainer/cook but still..that seems like a crazy transformation within like 6 months

WTF, he looks like a that other dude now.

Shut up nigger Jew.

10 ibs a month is recommended limit, so this guy has to be doing double that
>mfw 1k cut