What is your typical breakfast?
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I automatically assume anyone that actually eats breakfast is retarted
Coffee, protein bar and a hand fruit.
One piece of fruit
2-5 scrambled eggs
1/2 avocado
sometimes buttered toast or a banana if I need the carbs
2 cups of espresso and then a cup of black coffee or green tea
>not IFing
2 of these
I automatically assume anyone that doesn't eat breakfast is easily manipulated by fad diet memes.
>1/2 cup rolled oats
>1 scoop whey protein
>blueberries or fruit (I just throw a bunch in)
>1 cup non fat, plain greek yogurt
>~16 oz milk
I'm usually not that hungry in the morning so I drink my calories and macros for the gainz
This board is so autistic
Forgot the nutritional yeast in the coffee, adds 3 grams of protein in just 1 tablespoon. Also makes pan/oven cooked meat taste like it was grilled.
hope SS is going well champ
oats and wheat bricks.
except fasting has scientifically proven health benefits. stay mad.
breakfast is a meme created in the 40's by ad companies to sell cereal
What's wrong with just bowl of oatmeal these days? And isn't whey protein a meme?
It actually is, though I added reps and a few more exercises.
Also if sarcasm, I don't get it.
Testing...one, two, three. Well...well fuck, I mean; I just don't know what to say. I'm very glad to be here with you tonight, I'll be able to talk to you about some things...that I know a great deal about. Everyone knows that you are fucked up. And everyone knows that I am fucked up. But, does everyone know that you are more fucked up than me? Well, I know that. And you know that. But our purpose is to tell everyone that. Take for instance, the time you went to the bathroom, to take a shower. You had some soap, a towel, shampoo, washcloth, a brush, everything was set. But you had to call me to come turn on the water for you. You didn't know where or how. That is one instance of how fucked up you are. A second instance of how fucked up your are: You was going to cook you some breakfast. Well you went in there, and put some toast in the toaster, put a skillet on the stove, put some grease in it. You got you some eggs out, some bacon. Poured you some orange juice and some coffee. Got some jelly and some butter. Fried eggs, salt, pepper, got some bacon on the grill. Everything was fine - except for one thing. You had to call in there...to show you how to use a fork. Now a third instance; the way you're fucked up. You got dressed, ready to go to school. Everything was fine - got outside, got in your car. Key in the ignition. Except for one thing. You had to call me to come show you...
And my first meal of the day is typically breaking a 14-17 hour fast, you're not even wrong. I mean it's RIGHT there in the name, break fast.
yes, (((ad companies)))
Steel cut oats and greek yogurt
Just guessed SS based on the meme aspects of your meal haha
Shit, how did they affected Soviet Union and China to have breakfasts too?
Yeah I also break fast around 17:00.
Usually have two meals and some snacks if I feel like it until 22:00.
Yesterday I was at a park, some guy coach was working out with his group. He came to me very friendly and we talked and he asked if I wanted to join his "fit club"
eventually at the end of the day he asked if I have breakfast. I said, no I don't. I eat at evening only.
He said well that's not healthy.
Our group consumes "the perfect breakfast"
Afterwards he tried to sell me HerbalLife supplements.
> breakfast first thing in the morning confirmed by herbal life faggot.
Go back to /x/ plz conspiracy tard. Also did you know that soy is sentient and WANTS us to eat it?
I go out on my bike to see what food carts are open, usually get either two rolls with some egg and other things in it, mystery meat on a stick/bun, or a bowl of noodles
Blech, my fucking aunt uses Plexus and is constantly trying to get me on it.
1x Proton shake
2x servings steel cut OATS
You know who else had breakfasts? Hitler!
1/2 pound of cottage cheese. Mixed with a cup of fiber one.
6iu of HGH and 80mg Anavar
fasting makes you smarter too!
ping pong for cardio?
>1 to 3 slices of bread (depending on size of the loaf)
>THICCC layer of butter on them
>marmalade or honey on top
>soft boiled egg
>coffee with milk
>the economist
>the economist
dat fibre
Depends what I have in the fridge that morning brah.
Sometimes eggs, sometimes salami, cheese, sometimes yesterday's lunch.
You know the times are tough.
There's no point in eating breakfast.
~100g of oats
~50g of sausage
3-4 eggs
it varies a bit depending if it's lifting day or rest day, but it's more or less this.
Gud album