Besides Willpower, how do you make a cut easier?

For example i've heard

>eating lots of protein
>eating lots of veggies
>drinking lots of water

anything else help?

fasted morning cardio

>fasted morning carido

>not being able to use logic
>not being able to use Google

yohimbine + caffeine + 30-60 mins LISS + fasting 2 hours after

The old "myth" of revving your metabolism by eating more, smaller meals. I love how the 5% change in a metabolism study renders the benefits thereof "non-existent" yet that same offset in a blood pressure study makes chocolate sound like a super food.

Stimulants of any kind inc.
More water
More veg
More fibre and volume (more veg)
Keto/veg diets

But none of this works unless you're not an idiot

Intermittent fasting

Just took 15mgs of Yohimbine, 100mgs of caffeine, and 40mgs of Vyvanse.

Wish me luck Veeky Forums.

fasted cardio is no different than any other cardio. hate that myth

Intermittent fasting, since I eat only two big meals and a snack during my 8h feeding window, I don't feel a need to cheat

Meal prep.
By far the biggest helper in stopping from being tempted by shitty foods. For me at least.

Don't try to justify eating ANY shit food if you are constantly craving it, because it will lead to more and more cheating on your diet.

this, i was about 80kg (176cm manlet) and i struggled to lose weight even though i worked out because i ate like shit and at gave into cravings at odd times. i unironically lost 12 kg in around 4-5 months doing intermittent fasting because i formed healthy eating habits. it was only hard for like a week, seeing results and feeling good made me even more motivated to go through with it.

Occupy yourself so you don't just eat because you're bored. Last semester I was at school all day, definetly helped reduce my calorie intake. Now I find playing video games helps strangely enough. I'm so into it I don't go and get random food to snack on

>@14% bf leanness or below, else it makes no noticeable difference

I have a chest day every week and a fast day every other week the day after my cheat day.

My cheat day the calories are in line but my macros are out of the window. I look forward to it every week and it keeps me from falling off the wagon. Also keeps leptin levels high.

I'll start my cut with a 2 week no carb keto diet, and I mean no carbs. Then introduces 20g or less of carbs a day. Usually 1/3 cup of rice. Keep it at that level for 2 weeks. This keeps me in moderate ketosis while still giving me enough energy in the gym. Then I introduce a cheat day once a week and a fast day every other week. By week 12 I'm usually at my target, but I've had to take it out to 15 and 18 weeks before.

Cont. so after my cheat day (Friday or Saturday for social reasons) I'll be back in ketosis by Tuesday morning latest.

I keep my protein consumption high and my fat consumption high. I'll eat a fat bomb twice a day. Either two table spoons of peanut butter twice a day or a couple of string cheese or something like that. Keeps my body burning that fat so the calorie deficit takes from body fat.

Try being 6'5 so your TDEE is like 2600, makes cutting easy.

Where do I find a girl with this type of body?

What are u female ? or is it zero cardio train 3 times a week ss ?

Protein and Soup are most filling.

So chicken soup for the the teenage swole

Male but skinnyfat as fuck, gonna start bulking when/if I see abs

You think cutting is hard? Try eating 1500 calories when you're so full you're about to puke and you need to be in bed in an hour.

Find ways to make protein and vegetables better.

Grilled cabbage... I didn't think I could look forward to eating cabbage, but it turns out I can.

I wanted you to explain ur reasoning so i can point out why its incorrect to do so. I was planing on explaining why its stupid as fuck, but insted now ill just say...Google it.

>i unironically lost 12 kg
God fucking dammit, you went too far with your underage memeing.

When I was cutting weight for high school wrestling I would eat ice. It kind of tricks your body by giving you the satisfaction of chewing and putting something into your stomach, and then the cold ice will help contract your stomach taking away the hunger feeling.

The best bit of advice you wil get is this.
keep busy, keep busy and keep busy when you feel that hunger creeping in distract urself anyway you can from it.

Drink a fucking protein milkshake. Dont be a fucking retard, user. Learn from fatties who drink those over the top hot drinks. Mix protein powder, cocoa and PB with milk. Now you have enough protein and quite a few calories. Add unhealthy calorie heavy tasty shit to fill the calories in. Enjoy good drink before bed. Job well done.

DNP does not make cutting any easier

t. did DNP

i'd much rather just cut at a 1000 calorie deficit than do that shit again, it fucking sucked

Dont take dnp.

I bought some and had a intense allergic reaction. I reckon i would have died honestly
Liver was dying, could not take any medication, completely hospitalized, inflamed skin, i looked like deadpool.

You never know how your body will react to somethjng like this, especially with it having a long half life.
This is warning to anyone who wants to take dnp, if your body cant handle it you will get fucked and fucked hard

The trauma it caused my to have was astronomical, i developed alopecia on my head and I lost 20 pounds of muscle.
It worked. I lost weight, i went straight skele mode and had 0 self estesm. I was out of the gym for over a year. Dont cheat dont do anything like this shit


ephedrine and caffeine is safe provided you take it easy and dont go crazy like a retard with the dosage

Peanut butter on keto. Sure thing bud

Honestly just planning out the day for me helps. I usually log all my calories in mfp In the morning in traffic before work. Make sure my macros are in order. That way when I have time to take lunch I already know where I'm going. Then after walking or gym the walking i eat dinner play games until bed time. It's not so bad really. Weekends are harder desu

can you expand on this?

I've been doing IF off and on for a long time, and I always figured fewer larger meals was the way to go.

How many meals you do? more info, etc.

I can't really answer I'm genetically predisposed to being able to instantly fast, I don't feel hunger. umm... distract yourself by playing with your cat? It's mostly habit that makes it hard.

how does one acquire ephedrine?

most commonly people buy over the counter bronkaid or primatene. you would need an i.d but all you have to do is ask for it at a walmart at the pharmacy. google it

chocolate is a superfood just dont add sugar