Should I start working out?

Should I start working out?


You look like a twink framelet cuckold


You look terrible
Put on some weight lanklet

Thats a gay ass question

Ur actually wearing girl shorts, are u aware of this ?

>girl shorts
>shaved legs
>has tits
>half face
fuck it I'd bang that chick

I don't have tits

you have at least one
also regardless of gender, yes you should.
Everyone should

>American men


if your face was better looking i would ravage your bp

No! You will get too bulky

It may sound funny, but that's why I've always avoided working out

why are you dressed like a bitch? Yes please for the love of God lift and please change your wardrobe

If you read the sticky you'll learn that you can control whether you gain or lose weight with how much you eat. And you can look in a mirror to see if you want to gain or lose weight

No. get some rainbow socks and and some cute undies and depilate.

then trap it up on /b/ until you are old and ugly

Depilate what?

You look like a girly poofter OP.

Become trap.

Depends are your goals. Do you want to keep looking like the postsr boy for the twink community? I would personally be ashamed, but that's just me.

everything, nigga. start with your face and work downward, nobody wants to see a trap with a hairy butthole

>6'2 master race

>those girl legs

Don't you just want to spread them

>his wrists are still bigger than mine

the hungarian d00d

I bet he doesn't even know how to change his oil

>trying to pretend to fix a jaguar
that's what most mechanics do anyways