The last image you saved is now your gym bro, how fucked are you?

The last image you saved is now your gym bro, how fucked are you?

I would be having some great fucking time

>jesus is my gym bro
Pretty gud.

Not sure how to feel

I-I'll do the extra rep, M-Mr. Pitt

at least I will never have to bring my own milk

I'll train him to be a powerlifting god.

Wojak and I would crush it

Not bad.

I'll be fine

Score. We can spill our spaghetti when someone asks for a spot and share autismo stories.

as long as she practices squats on my face, i don't have any complaints

Me and jb over here finna F L E X on some hot mommas

Gal Gadot.

I'll be alright.

Extremely rare real life ripped pepe

Im ok w dis



>German "Kopfnuss Kalli"
>drug addict
>makes stupid youtube videos


bad posture oh darn



Last picture saved is myself because I'm an ego maniac. Fuck yeah.

Rip body fat

Not fucked. Also started first day of PPL so it looks like I'm going chadmode

Kek I got everyone on Veeky Forums backing me up I'm gonna suffocate on the bench press

Im ok with this. Also please kill me I orbited a star and got burned AGAIN.

>/pol/ attacking Veeky Forums

Must be an old image from before the merging.

Well then this should be fun

He must use Veeky Forums


im okay with this

lmao last pic i downloaded was myself from the cloud. I'm my own gym sis


as long as she keeps the outfit

I guess my gym bro has no chill.

im fine.

well, hes dead


who dat

fuck its wojak


>judo training
>guy talk about politics, women, and the struggles of being manlets
>loyal security detail around us at all times so we get all the equipment whenever we want it and never have to worry about dyels and gym staff killing our groove

I would love this so much.

Good bye humanity

Wut do??

Please let this happen, please

I'm good.

spike spiegel training jkd

fuck yeah

I think I should be alright.

Hell fucking yeah, I'm ready for the test boost every workout

kek holy shit! we spiegel boyz 2017!

You are gonna lift a lot of legion corpses

good lifits hedger

A pair of bald eagles for spotters, cool.

well im fucked

wut, Veeky Forums merged with Veeky Forums. /pol/ merged with /mlp/ lmao

It Hindenburg


i don't know i think it's ok

I guess this makes me Wojak.

i'm literally saved

Take your shower at home

With their forces combined, they could help me load the bar

Totally honest answer. You guys are going to be pissed off at me.

Oh boy

>tfw don't have a gym bro
>don't have any friends
anything would be an improvement tbqh

i think the last pic i saved was pic related

No he means the "merge". When the fags came here to improve themselves.

I mean shit she is thick. I would fuck her in the gym shower for sure. I would literally eat her ass out after our gym session.

My gymbro

Is she gonna be a gains goblin?


i don't need spotting thanks

>Watch your form, user

>when you have no blood going to your muscles cause they all in ur pp

I'm gonna be alright, man.


Based cocoon mode



Hight test meme was a mistake

Gonna make mad gains


Fucking South America, man

yall fucked up



neck yourself


Don't ask.

Is that your gym buddy or do you want me to take a seat

Why don't you take a seat right over there, user?

FUCKING GOAT Okada will take my vertical to the next level.

Ah yeah.

Fuck yeah
Take me to depressed ascendence, WoBro


user what the fuck


what the fuck dude
enjoy your ban, i got one just for predicting my dubs.