
Do you ever stop being exhausted in the gym on keto?

I tried it for like two weeks once and I was already spent after like 5 sets. And it makes sense, since your body has no glycogen on keto. So how the fuck are you supposed to lift, someone explain this shit

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Carbs are required for good gains.

This, keto is for cardio and weight loss. Protien synthesis requires more glycogen than triglycerides can provide.

you're not supposed to try to gain on keto. how did you miss this point?

carb-backload faggoy

Shower in the gym

keto is for cutting, not for bulking

Carbs are needed for effective workouts, keto is fine for rapid fat loss but so is doing a mid-low carb + cardio routine.

Seriously, just walk more and you'll get the same fucking results without royally fucking your diet.

>rapid fat loss
how? I've been doing keto and I lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks is that good enough?

No idea what your BF % or body is like so impossible to tell

sorry BF% is 19-20, weight is now 190.6 lbs and my body type is around skinnyfat but I'm not sure

wait till week 4 of it, you may want to add in some additional cardio. Keep in mind keto is working because it isn't getting most of it's energy from carbs and has to start finding sources elsewhere. Cr1tikal has a really good overview on how keto works.

>This kills the ketosis

was considering doing weight lifting after plateauing for 2 weeks straight from 40 pounds lost in 2 month (no cheat days, no carb refeeds)I was gonna try bulletproof coffee to see if its really just the lack of fats, and the extra protein killing me.

would spending money in the gym be pointless until I go down to the weight I want to start lifting?

yea I guess I have to now, I already run and walk everyday but it's time to do more, I'm trying to get to 170. Some days though it's extremely hard not to eat carbs since they're in everything

I plateud for two weeks. I was counting my exercise in my fitness pal and screwed me up. Now I don't count it and I'm losing weight much faster. Time to hit the exercise bike. Maybe I'll try playing fallout 4 this time.

>I was counting my exercise in my fitness pal and screwed me up.

Wait people actually use my fitness pal? I've found it to be the most useless site

Thing is I never once did exercise when I lost these 40 pounds. I usually ate once at day at 700-900 calories for weekdays, and 1200-1400 for weekends. I recently cut out crap I thought would be good for me like the 1 packet of vanilla creme, and yogurt blue cheese, and usually get down to 10-15 net grams of carbs a day. out of those 10-15g, half of that comes from the fiber power I put in my water.

Yeah I got a 795 day streak.

I did the low calorie no exercise thing before. It works. I lost a lot of weight. Lost a lot of muscle also. I was weak as hell with too high of body fat. Now I'm lifting and doing cardio. Working well. Lost 14 pounds since April 30th and my body is more muscular.

>When people don't realize that keto is a meme

>bananas and snails

It fails pretty badly in both of those categories too unless you think "cardio" is walking on a treadmill at 60% VO2max and "weight loss" is eating any junk you want at a caloric deficit.

Keto sucks for lifting. My sets are a few low rep/high weight and finish exercise off with low weight/high rep for form work.

Just stop, OP.

Yes ,try doing any serious biking of running on keto .

It's close to fucking granny tier once you get past the first 40 min .

Stop doing keto , it's a meme even for fat loss if you do exercice .

Fats burn in the flame of the carbohydrate .

Nah, I like eating fatty food.

But it's literally useless , a small serving of meat and an agg + a slice of cheese will give you everything you could possibly need from fat , that'll hardly be more than 600 Kcals of fat , so around 70g , there is no point to eat more fat at this point , you could fill the rest with carbs to perform better in any physical discipline .

Make sure you're running keto correctly. Fat should be 70% of your calories. If your eating too much protein that will kick you out of keto. Shouldn't exceed .8g per lb of lbm.

Might seem difficult but once you're fully into keto the hunger cravings and energy loss will go away.

I'm running the sheiko cms/ms template right now on keto. I'm down from 225 to 193. Have lost minimal strength. Definitely increased working capacity though. Still not doing any form of cardio.

look into Targeted Keto diet

Caffeine you retard.

I agree, but I'm running zone 2/granny tier speeds, so it suits me. Ain't looking to bust a nut, just pump some blood.

But you could go faster and farther during the same amount of time with carbs , you'd burn more total calories , as much or more fat , and you'd make way better heart gain .

That video is so cringe

You don't know this anons work capacity. As he has stated he's not doing some crazy routine. Keto is fine for cardio.

>just pump some blood

Not very helpful there either

that video is so /r/cringeanarchy, and not at all /r/mildyinteresting or /r/good

>don't eat keto because it's bad for the environment

lmao I'm not going to ruin my health because some indian won't use a condom

>you could fill the rest with carbs to perform better in any physical discipline .

this will give you diabetes

>carbs cause diabetes

OP its very very likely that you weren't truly in ketosis. If you are eating too much protein you will pop out.

one thing that i found helped is to take a good chunk of your carb limit for the day before the gym, so you have access to all 3 macros when you're hittin the weights

You're going to have to explain this to me user. The only difference i see is subject (2) and subject (3).

>literally mom science.

I have a hire body fat % than you. I still have been drinking a tad on the weekends just gin and diet tonics. But I'm cutting that out completely, and I'm currently down 27 lbs. Haven't even started cardio yet.

This, I can still hit a lma2pl8 bench for 10x3
then a lmao2pl8 incline 10x3 on keto for about a month. Haven't lost much strength at all have lost about 30 lbs tho.

Do you guys recommend Keto if I'm trying to lose weight through lifting and dieting?

>If your eating too much protein that will kick you out of keto. Shouldn't exceed .8g per lb of lbm.

for most people the "eating too much protein will kick you out of keto line" is something that you have to TRY to get to. It's a fuckload of protein to knock you out of it, i've found.

also what are some good staple foods if i can't afford steak for every meal. Does fatty ground beef work the same? i've been scraping by with bacon, dark meat chicken, and snacking on pepperoni and nuts

>"weight loss" is eating any junk you want at a caloric deficit.

Works for me. Only way I can still have cake and pizza 6 times a week.

The postprandial/alimentary lipemia after every meal on your meme diet is not conducive to blood pumping.

Keto is the literal "starvation mode". It's how your ancestors stayed alive when they continually came back empty handed from the hunt, it's how people today survive being lost at sea for weeks/months, and it's helpful for people with certain kinds of epilepsy and 'beetus.

Keto as a choice of diet is a meme. You'll probably gain back most of what you lose, which is a common and easily Google-able side effect, and you will lose muscle mass. Stop looking for shortcuts. Cut your calories by/or burn 500 a day until you reach your goal, or 1000 a day if you're above 20% bodyfat until you get to 20% and then do 500 until you reach your goal. If you're sensitive to carbs, run your macros, cut the carbs almost in half, up the fat to equal everything out and go from there.

This. I still eat like shit, but just eat less shit
>is a meme
>pick one faggot

>Not keto walking while on yohimbine

You're thinking of ketoacidosis.

Your ancestors didn't crutch on a diet of Panera Bread and Greek yogurt. Carbs are probably the least readily available macronutrient. If anything keto is the default metabolic state because carbs in high enough quantities to break keto are hard to achieve from hunting/gathering.

>I know nothing about human history and evolution

It's mushrooms n onions and potatoes you mongoloid