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Does Veeky Forums approve of starving yourself to lose weight?

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how old are you btw

I did that and now my metabolism is FUCKED.

When I followed a prescribed diet from the hospital during recovery they CONSTANTLY insisted that I would not put on loads of weight and everything would be fine as long as I did what I was told (my school paid someone to follow me around and force me to eat lunch and follow me into the toilets).

I gained 30 fucking lbs in 6 months.

I have crazy blood sugar levels and will literally put on weight if I eat more than 700 kcals a day, even though I work an incredibly physically strenuous manual labour job 7 days in a row and do a lot of walking on my 3 hour commute. My body does all kinds of weird shit from random periods of insane fluid retention and weight swinging plus or minus 10 lbs. in a given month. I used to starve myself for ,long period of time then alternate with binging on sugary treats and making myself vomit/abused laxatives.

I'm still very much overweight by about 20 lbs but I don't look it (US size 4-6 on top, 6-8 on the bottom, was a size 00 when I had a 'normal' BMI). I have a nice amount of muscle mass for a grill but some really stubborn-ass fat and if I drop the ball for a second I will probably get really fat really quick.

DO NOT RECOMMEND. once you go down that road you have to STAY starving and stick to it or turn into a whale.

>gauged ears
>rainbow plug
>crystal necklace
>cord bracelets

Absolutely fucking degenerate. Would not bang.

How were you starving yourself.


You were so hot before

Well, there are dyels here who advocate water fasting, so I guess so.

You starved yourself and you're still fat?


Just kys fatty

Just not eating at all for days at a time. Chugging a lot of water and then even vomiting that up because of the combination of nauseating hunger/low blood sugar and feeling my stomach being stretched. Sometimes I would chew food and spit it back out or try dumb shit like having a straight teaspoon of artificial food flavouring, even a straight teaspoon of sugar. WHen I eventually had a binge (like half a box of cookies in one go type of shit) I would chug Epsom salts, which are quite possibly the worst tasting thing on the planet, then would be in the bathroom for 3 hours. Not fun.

I'm a guy and I guess I'm part of ED (eating disorder) Twitter. Its fun watching girls hate themselves and post nip slips. Best part is them not realising just how crazy they are.


Why are you so dumb.
Just waterfast for 3 days while still exercising and a little bit of light salt. Maybe you did this right but why would you cancel everything by binging junk food. Just because you're stupid doesn't mean waterfast is unhealthy.

You went about it in the worst possible way. Why didnt you check out proana or tumblr for tips?

are you still fat shit?

>ruining your ears forever
That's some degenerate shit

Reading comprehension. I starved, was forced into 'recovery' and now have to work really hard to stay out of the obese range, but like I said I'm not ALL fat, but that's because I have demanding job. If I were inactive I'd turn to lard pretty damn quick. I have particularly muscular thighs (my hamstring muscles are rock hard and stick out a few inches behind my knee) BUT I have this extremely stubborn layer of fat on top and my back was particularly chubby before I started this job. If I take a few days off work sick I can immediately see them getting thicker and jigglier, even if I've barely had more than a bowl of (no added sugar, almond milk) bran flakes all day for most of that time. In this summer heat I've found myself just not wanting to eat at all again but I'm still substantially chunkier than most women I see on the street. Drinking Starbucks and eating Krispy Kreme on the way to work. Fuckers.

Because it wasn't a conscious decision or mission. I didn't know what I was doing I was just really fucked up because of violent/sexual/psychological/abuse at home at the time and survivor guilt after a car crash and bomb attack. Also my dad wishing I hadn't been born. Also was completely banned from the internet. This was ages 11 to 17.

Honey cereals and almond milk arent as good as you think. Get into keto. And it sounds like you don't exercise. That's the only real way to accelerate your metabolism.

Honey, I know it's all carbs but literally a singular bowl of cereal is no way near anyone's normal caloric limit. Also, despite having osteomalacia and crippling muscle spasms, I do exercise. I am on my feet constantly at work, hauling over 2.5 metric tonnes of weight with my 5ft frame in a single day.

Did you cut yourself too?

At the end of the day, I fucked myself and now am permanently limited in terms of how much I can eat. My bones are fucked. My teeth are fucked. My heart is fucked. My mental health is a lot better and guys find me more attractive at this weight, it just fucks with my head that I can't be like those skinny girls who literally eat nothing but shit and never exercise but get away with it. My job is the only thing keeping me sane and in shape even though the possibility of getting super lardy is always hanging over my head and the BMI charts say I'm a fat fuck with a 24 inch waist. And good traps.

Yeah, but I don't anymore. If I get really depressed I usually slap or punch myself instead because it's less messy and I am less likely to get caught and grilled over it. My parents used to get extremely angry rather tan concerned or supportive about it, like I was their property that had been damaged.

You don't understand. You have to stop carbs completely in order to clean your liver otherwise your blood sugar levels will never reset.
And physical chores aren't exercise. Your body is used to it and won't do anymore physical changes. You have to surprise your muscles and use them in different more intense ways. You should at least do cardio to push yourself. If you succeed in doing that, your work will feel like an easy task and your mindset will shine.

Your metabolism can be stabilized. I starved myself down from 67kg to 56kg in 3 months and my metabolism is fine now thanks to steady exercise and diet. Just get your body used to it. Now, the fact that I'm a guy probably helps but still

Are you on twitter? You sound like someone I follow

I guess keto is the way to go but I'd argue the work I do is pretty intense. I know I need to go back to doing cardio but it's hard when you work 7 days in a row and already have to do coursework (I study full time in addition to the 60 hour week) 5 am to 8am, in your lunch break, during your commute home and up to 1 am when you get home. I'm thinking lack of sleep and constant stress is contributing to this.

Fix your brain first.

Improve your body later.

How low did your BMI get?

Keep it up

hahahahaha keto is meme

It's weird, I lost the same amount of weight in 2 weeks once, doing the exact same shit, but at other times my weight hasn't shifted at all, or I have lost weight but it was muscle mass, not fat. I do think you definitely have to be active WHILST starving to not just be left skinnyfat. Perhaps I should try going off the pill as well.

>the pill

Its probably whats been fucking you over

have you tried posting tits with timestamp?
welcome to Veeky Forums

It's actually really easy to slip off into a disorder when you are a mentally unstable female. I've been using things like skipping meals as a way to punish myself for a while. The thing is, I am eating extremely healthily, haven't touched Fast Food or Sodas in literal years. If I ever want to have something sweet(rarely the case), I make up for it by skipping a meal. It gives me a sense of control and sort of "proves my willpower". The fucked up mindset is that quite often, being hungry is more enjoyable for me than eating, so I find it ridiculous when people shovel junk into their mouths on a "cheat day", when a "cheat day" for me would be two eggs, an apple and a few vietnamese spring rolls.

Right now, I've been trying to get out of this, though, since I felt dizzy an weak a lot, sometimes couldn't even get up to exercise, started getting infections more easily and am losing hair. I am eating the right things, but I am now forcing myself to eat at least 2000 calories a day which is still under maintainance for me, but not as extremely (I am pretty tall and have a fast metabolism. I used to eat around 2500 calories a day when I was less active and didn't gain weight) I have locked away my scale and after 2 weeks, will let a friend judge if I look fatter or not(Because crazy panic of gaining weight and all) Right now, I have a BMI of about 20.6 and bodyfat percentage of 19~20

i eat 5000 calories a day & never skip meals...

That reminds me of how I went out to eat with my best friend(Veeky Forumsbro) a while ago when he was bulking. We had lunch together and I was like: "Well, I'll probably just eat a soup or something in the evening" and he said: "What the heck, I'm getting another lunch after this"

true but im not bulking im maintaining

Female or male? Which height? Which training?

male 183cm 168lb 15h+ a week cardio

Former anorexic. At my best I was under 90 lbs at 5'4"
It was a disorder but it was my favorite disorder. It was about control. I lost weight fast doing pic related then I just got hooked on hunger pangs and bones.

The problem is that once you "recover" you gain weight. I am now at an unhealthy 160 and to make matters worse, I have very little muscle mass as I gained the weight without much muscle so I very much feel like an anorexic weak little thing surrounded by fat cushion. It is very soft and flabby. I have seriously one of the ugliest bodies I've ever seen and I'm including online. You may not suffer the same fate though. Just be careful

has anyone pointed out the fact that the girl in the op isn't even skinny

Fuck off my Veeky Forums you filthy shitskin chimp


That's just fucking scary. I rather be fat than be like her.

Both are more or less equally damaging to your body and have irreparable effects on the mind/body, but at least I get to feel good getting fat.

>girls who literally eat nothing but shit and never exercise but get away with it.

No they don't and never will. They're young, but those unhealthy habits will irreparably damage their bodies in the long run.

Just like tanning. You look great now, but in 5-10 years you'll have wrinkles and folds much earlier.

No wonder you need a lot of energy.

If I was purely rational on the matter, I would have never started skipping meals and restricting myself, but food is such an easy thing to project other issues on. The good thing, though, is that it stopped my mild alcolism, because of all those caaaarbs!

I'm feeling pretty damn lucky reading all these depressing posts. I'm a guy and beyond making sure I have enough protein a day and enough multivitamins, I seriously eat whatever I feel like.

For the last 4 years, I've been eating at my uni cafeteria. It's all you can eat. And I've been eating at this place for the last 4 years, just about every single day. I'm guessing I consume almost 4000-5000 calories a day. Though I rarely eat sweets and drink soda maybe once a month.

I swim and lift almost daily though and quite intensely so that's probably why I'm not a fat ass.

yea it works i was 295lb fatty 4 months ago

i would water fast for a week then interment fast for a week now i down to 249

its hard a fuck you need extreme will power

do you like to be mistreated? can do that for you


you are like a stick now user

Never knew that was a thing, don't know to be turned on or absolutely disgusted

Some of the chicks are fucking cool but mostly its just mental illness and crazy levels of self loathing. The hot ones are a bonus though


>will literally put on weight if I eat more than 700 kcals a day




>but at least I get to feel good getting fat

Think again dipshit.
>sweaty everything from literally doing nothing
>wearing a 30-50 kg backpack for the rest of your life
>see disgusted faces for the rest of your life

>that body and pic

I'm on a super light pill now, but the last one I had was fucking crazy. I did gain weight, even though it wasn't a huge amount, but that was the tip of the iceberg. I started extreme self-loathing and just cried out of nowhere. I basically had a mental breakdown twice a day and wasn't able to control my emotions at all. (I suffer from ASPD, so I normally don't even experience ANYTHING near that) Sometimes, I just cried and told myself "Fuck it, I'll continue on with my life" and went on with what I was doing while crying. I also smoked a while during that phase, because I was set on harming my body and I developed the habit of scratching my chest and legs until bloody when I feel depressed that I haven't dropped since.

looking good

pretty much the body I wan't the mother of my children to have. good job


