Improving lung EFFICIENCY

Everywhere I search, everywhere I fucking look, when I try to look up ways to improve lung efficiency, every single page is about lung capacity.

I'm looking for ways to improve the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, specifically, not to increase capacity. Does anybody have any sources for that?

Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm looking for ways to improve the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, specifically, not to increase capacity.
How dense are you?

did you ever do a biology class?


Capacity = amount of air that lungs can take in and process

Efficiency = exchange rate of oxygen/carbon dioxide through the alveoli

Efficiency of oxygen absorption into the blood is mainly determined by the relative percentages of oxygen in the blood and the alveoli. Basically the more oxygen in your blood, the harder it becomes for oxygen to enter the blood.

Wow you know what are the standard values for those?

The classical way is to train in low oxygen environments, like a mountain. Not sure how to simulate that effect without having a mountain handy, however.


there are low oxi masks, but apparently they are useless unless you keep them on all day and night
anyway all it does is improving the quantity of Hb in blood cells and mioglobine in muscle cells, lungs are unaffected

Thats not possible, the exchange of gases in the lungs doesn't work that way.

Yeah it does, it's called diffusing capacity, and is also affected by how much blood can actually be pumped through the lungs.

Volume of blood + rate of diffusion = lung efficiency

Raw volume of air intake = lung capacity

Yes, exactly.

They don't do anything. You can only stimulate further RBC production/erythropoiesis in hypoxic air. Or blood doping.

if you dont have health issues like asthma there's no real limiting factor in o2 diffusion beside the blood flow from heart. best you can do is to do more deep breaths instead of many shallow ones, since you will save up the air from the dead space (the one in trachea and lungs that isnt doing any gas exchange)
yeah that's what i heard. only know one guy using it, his stamina is unreal but not necessary related

Hold your breath, or do repeated exercise taking as few breaths as possible.

I'm a kendo practitioner and it's a standard exercise to do, say, 10-15 cuts in one breath. Friend of mine does kendo and is a smoker; it pisses his doctor off because his blood oxygen levels are higher than the average non-smoker.

Then in that case you have to improve the pumping capacity of the right ventricle, which as far as I know, you can't do in such a way it would be beneficial. Therefore, by doing cardio, you can increase the volume of the LV and increase stroke volume and have more blood being pumped to the muscles, which is better oxygen delivery capacity.
If you want to "improve" efficiency and make gas exchange faster, you're going to have to change the solubility coefficient of O2 or its partial pressure to create a larger gradient between your body and the environment.
Why are you being so autistic?

It's for a specific exercise where breathing rate is key, increasing capacity doesn't help much so the only option is to improve processing efficiency.

Do you hold your breath while doing the exercise, or just take in as little as you can while still breathing normally?

low air volumen =! low levels of oxy

Drugs probably.
Drugs to increase the hemo-good gainz-goblins.
And for that you can easily bump up the hemo iron levels in your blood by eating liver.
Drugs to increase the hemogobling count? idk, probably whatever stuff that armstrong guy was taking.

the % of o2 in air stays stable anyway. you could achieve the same result by breathing less

god damn so many retards in this thread...
Look up how to improve V02 Max.
its what you are looking for. and if you complain about the methods, you arent gonna make it bitch.

>What is mountain sickness?

Dam there are some dumb fucks today.

>op is a wizard who ask for something pretty specific
>hurrrrr let me disregard whatever the wizard asked
>durrrr do this and if you dont you suck

Are you gettin enough O2 in your brain muh man?

>modifying volume is same as modifying pressure

>density of air
>2017 somehow still uses preassure to state something in his wrong ways.


Lung efficiency can't really be improved too much if I remember correctly. It's genetics, look at the people of the Himalayas and Andes, they adapted over a period of time and don't get mountain sisckness as much compared to others.
Lung capacity can be increased by cardio

Exactly, and lungs that adapt to this can process more oxygen from the same amount of air due to them being used to lower saturation.

saw this awhile ago what do you think ?




Its retarded.
Retard masks, dont work.
Thing is you need to inhale the most volume your lungs can handle and your body should adapt to the less dense atmosphere.
Not breathing less you sick erotic suffocation degenerates.