Masculinity / Red Pill Development Blogs

Who here /improvman/

What are some great blogs about masculine mindsets you know?

I'll start by posting the best article from each blog I know:

Illimitable Men:

Pretty much told me what the fuck was wrong with me all these years and gave me a helping hand out.

Made me realize that women respond far more to behavioural traits, and although societal winners are appreciated, ultimately its the social winners that make the pussy tingle

A good general outline of behaviours a man should manifest on the Machiavelian scale

Other urls found in this thread:


I didn't read any of the others I just picked one and briefly read through it.

Fuck me do people actually try to apply shit like this to life? That is fucking hilarious and sad at the same time.

why do people who dissagre with the red pill think we are sad people?


Emulating this is not the point. It's a display of what is actually arousing to a female which to a man's logical brain makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Try to actually do this once in a while. Just act unapologetically obnoxious and hold your frame. You'll be amazed at the results

The 7th Hermatic Law

The Principle of Gender

The Principle of Gender embodies the idea that gender is manifested in everything. The authors state that this does not relate explicitly to the commonly understood notion of sex, but rather "... to beget; to procreate, to generate, to create, or to produce..." in general. Gender is manifested as the Feminine and Masculine principles, and manifests itself on all planes.

The Feminine principle is always in the direction of receiving impressions, and has a much more varied field of operation than the Masculine. The Feminine conducts the work of generating new thoughts, concepts, and ideas, including the work of the imagination.

The Masculine principle is always in the direction of giving out or expressing, and contents itself with the "Will" in its varied phases.

It is said that there must be a balance in these two forces. Without the Feminine, the Masculine is apt to act without restraint, order, or reason, resulting in chaos. The Feminine alone, on the other hand, is apt to constantly reflect and fail to actually do anything, resulting in stagnation. With both the Masculine and Feminine working in conjunction, there is thoughtful action that breeds success, which points out that both the Feminine and the Masculine fulfill each other.


Art of manliness has a few good articles and podcasts on masculinity.

>masculine mindsets
Either you lacked a good father figure or you're completely missing the point.

Being so preoccupied with how to be a man is pretty faggy and unmanly 2bhfamaladingdong.

I read the Illimiatble men post. The fundamental flaw is that he thinks no single mother can produce a boy that becomes a man. Mostly, this post is based on BAD single mothering from weak and shitty single mothers. No doubt many are failing their boys. The post overgeneralizes by saying that no single mom can get it right. It also overvalues paternal influence.

I'm a man raised by a single mom who was plenty masculine. And of course, guys will learn from peers, uncles, grandparents, and others, cobbling together an idea of how a man is supposed to be.

Also, plenty of dads fall far short of the ideal in the post. Not every dad is the guiding star of his boy's life. Some barely care at all. What a boy or girl needs at a minimum is one intelligent parent that gives a shit. Having two is excellent, but not strictly necessary.

I have a wife and two children of my own, one a boy. All is well.

Mostly what that post will breed is resentment towards single mothers. Some deserve it, no doubt. Others are doing just fine, though.

I hope you kids know which one you have.

Masculinity is a lie. It's a thing that people claim to "have" or to "be" while the reality is that you must always prove it by the way that you behave, thus being somewhat on the lines of the performance rather than an ontological quality. Accepting the logics of masculinity just puts you on a competence market in which you must adapt to an ideal that doesn't even have to represent your interests. Leaving this aside, the claim of masculinity=good just serves the sexist domination that forces a glass ceiling on women as they're not able to achieve "true masculinity" as the ultimate good through the lack of phallus (disregarding their real capacities). For instance, the heterosexual example that a man must be taller and stronger than her female partner is an example of this domination, as the unspoken law that a woman's social status is defined by his male partner (as she is unable by definition to compete in this "masculine economy" as she has no currency). You're just enforcing feminism through your vain attempts to adapt to this "redpilled masculinity" mentality.

>Just act unapologetically obnoxious and hold your frame
I do this all the time.
it's called being funny.

This is pretty pathetic I'll have to say. If you want to be a man, someone to be admired, to be wanted, to be sought after, then you don't go for marketable ""philosophies""". Men shouldn't give a rat's ass about what one 'ought to' be, but dedicate himself to his field whilst being capable in other areas. If you feel emasculated, no. 1 is to start physical activity no. 2 is to constantly push your limits in everything. After every single day, by the time you get back home and lie down in your bed, you should collapse knowing that you have been the best 'you' that is possible, doing everything you thought to do that day. All these scales and all this 'advice for lost boys' is bollocks. Go find a job, talk to people, take up a demanding hobby, challenge yourself with people out of your league and learn to enjoy pain. Syssyphus didn't try to bargain with the Gods to understand his fate, he kept pushing that fucking boulder every single day with a smile across his face.

Lmao all of you are so embarassing. You must be those guys at the club who think awkwardly yelling nice ass at girls will get you anything other than dirty looks.

Only gay bears are obsessed with masculinity because they use that and facial hair to conceal their femininity and the fact that they love taking dick up their ass.

That's not realistic enough.
>wearing shirt with two buttons undone at the top
>standing awkwardly by the pillars
>going into the middle to dance but focus on the actual moves, end up tripping over yourself and saying sorry to any women you touch
>awkwardly follow one girl who isn't the most attractive, but since the one you eyed previously has disappeared, 'this one will do'
>ask her 'hey do you want a drink' too quietly
>tap her on her shoulder, she says 'what?'
>'haha I'm sorry I confused you for someone'
>leave the club
>go home and have a wank to the brief time you touched a woman

t. bouncer who sees this shit every weekend

would you rather I awkwardly whisper into her ear?


This is actually true. When I take LSD I lose all filters and just say whatever comes to my head loudly and confidently. I've never had so many people laugh at my jokes or agree with me.

Inb4 fedora

Being in game for a decade and seeing the matrix. Im only willing to add one idea to this thread. You have to look like a man and not a boy. Either by lifting, getting grizzly or dressing different. Look at youself in the mirror. Are you a child. Or do you look like a man?

>tfw deadbeat dad

My mom did the best she could, which was certainly better than my dad would have done if he'd taken custody.