Measure bloodpressure

>measure bloodpressure
>its 125/55

Apparently thats very low. Its this good or bad?

you're like 5 inches away from dying

That is low enough to be dangerous, you should see a doctor.


good for longevity, but you feel pretty tired all the time. 100/60 reporting in

130/70 every single time I'm measured

Paramedic here.

I'm hear to laugh at you all while you discuss what you think BP means.

Also OP your diastolic is a bit low, you generally don't want to see a difference greater then 40 mmgh between the systolic and diastolic pressure (top and bottom number). However I am willing to bet that pressure was taken by either
A)a shitty CVS auto BP cuff
B) a shitty RN in a doctors office who hasn't actually practiced medicine since school and just does what the doctor says

My bloodpressure just dropped a bit too

145/90 represent

it was taken by a machine. I had to go to the doctors because my vein got inflamed 5 days after I gave some blood and some stupid bitch couldn't find my blood vessel.
Anyway they measured it using some automatic machine and that finger thing. It was 125/55

You are fine, stop being a bitch tits.

Unless you are a 70+ years old or pass out during strenuous exercise.

Pls quit medicine and stay quit.

If it's symptomless it's usually not anything serious. If you've been dizzy and shit in the past and are now symptomless get a doppler echocardiogram done at least. It's useful to know why it's happening, if it don't bother you try drinking some more water and see where that gets you.

I get extremely light headed from exercise and lose vision and hearing temporarily. Do you know what it might be? I breathe correctly. Is it low BP? Do I need to see doctor?

Need weight, height, and bodyfat % to tell if you're unhealthy or not. BP is not a be-all-end-all measurement

My blood pressure was taken with a stethoscope and a real mercury pressure cuff you flaming ponce.

Nobody can tell you why that is. You can get a stress ECG done if exertion is an issue. Good idea to get bloods taken too.


I didn't say anything bad nor did I complain you dumbass. I just asked if its okay, I have no physical problems besides getting extremely worn out by even the slightest sprint or walking uphill and I'm Veeky Forums. But I'm a swimmer not a runner.
13.5% bodyfat


For some reason that fucking ayy lmao bitch is getting posted on this board and /tv/. She reminds me of the girl who rejected me because I asked her out two days late. Fuck this shit, it's been a year and this is making me really sad.

would you consider yourself an endurance athlete? sometimes well-trained runners/swimmers can have very low BP because their heart has become more efficient.
How many readings did you get on the BP machine? I would take at least 3 or 4 more in succession, the more readings the less likely your reading was just an outlier
are you drinking enough water? were you possibly dehydrated the day you took your measurements? has your urine been normal pale yellow or more concentrated and dark?
if your symptoms persist see your doctor and talk about it

Op you have Aortic valve regurgitation you will they in near future XD

he doeasnt have low BP he has low diasystolic pressure, it's not corelated to being athlete

Medfag here. First thing they taught us when we were learning how to do a physical exam was that if the BP was off, check it again. We can't really make a conclusion off of a single BP measurement. Furthermore, we need your heart rate. When your BP goes down, your HR goes up to compensate. If that is your BP when your heart is say, 70bpm, you are most likely OK. When I see someone who is 70/40 and at 130bpm, that is someone I get concerned about.

>thinks the cuffs in drug stores are inaccurate
>thinks nurses can't take an accurate blood pressure reading
no wonder your dumbass is a glorified emt

no you're wrong, low diastolic and normal systolic can be a manifestation of endurance training

Yes the second number (55) is too low. Get your BP taken again (4 or 5 measurements in a row) to make sure it's accurate. If it's still that low, go to your doctor, especially if you have symptoms like light-headedness upon standing

BP is fine, if you're worried about it or feel weak/lightheaded just eat something with salt and drink water.

Is 135/72 high?

I usually have low BP too. I don't think it's been a problem?

Mine's normally like 105-110 over 60-65

ehh i was at 151/90 once. because the stupid bitch at that blood test spent an hour poking both of my arms when i told her i can only get shit from a butterfly.

felt fine and im still kicking now.
hr never went past 80 anyway

Borderline, lose some weight you fat fuck. Strength doesn't matter when you get diagnosed with COPD or CHF at age 45.

I have absolutely no endurance outside of the water, but I can swim for days. I did waterpolo and swimming a long time ago tho.
I got 2 readings. I drink A LOT of water so no I was not dehydrated. And my urine is normal.
well shit, just as things started looking good and I got a gf

i weigh 148 lbs

Swimming is not well understood in terms of being an endurance exercise for a number of reasons. So being good at swimming may or may not tell anyone anything really.

Again, whole bunch of reasons why you may find running hard. Moar tests are needed.

can i get source ? i would like to read about it i
cardiomiopathy is related to being athlete and this cand lead to low DBP

Goddamn are you 4 feet tall? Honestly though if you eat tons of salt you should reduce it. Maybe implement some cardio and try to reduce your stress levels if you haven't already. 140/90 is technically true hypertension, but in reality everyone has their own baseline.

what is your bodyfat?
you got hypertension, but im sure you know that.
Ever had a doctor use one of those machines that takes several bp measurments and disregards the first one? i normally get hypertension measurement at doctors, but with this machine i had perfect bp..

me i am former skelly and recently gained some weight

People like you are the reason RNs and MDs are so shitty to us

lol paramedicel so a minimum wage medicuck who gets passed over by literally by nurses for literally all other men in the medical field

Low blood pressure is fine as long as you're symptomless. If you have fainted or get uncontrollably dizzy frequently, then you have a problem.


I've been drinking 4 of these per day, should I stop?

Blasting 500mg test e, 300 tren a
5'10 275 lbs.
>Ride or Die
Most likely the latter

That's normal

>mfw I drink one of those every day but never poured it out of the can
Looks nasty as fuck in a glass like that. They should have just make it clear.

Nah youre good

>5'10 275 lbs
Guarantee you that's not muscle so you're roiding while fat as fuck? Of course this is b8 so it doesn't matter anyway

holy shit bro my systolic (top number) is the same as your diastolic (bottom number).

Good luck with your stroke/ heart attack and pulmonary embolism goals of 2017.

Pretty shitty feeling m8, do you still see her?

It is fine as long as you are not showing symptoms like light headedness, dizziness, passing out ext.. especially when you stand up, if you have these you should see a doctor.

115/75 @ 52 BPM reporting in
you're fine, I don't know where you live but I'll make a wild guess and probably you live in the Northern hemisphere, approaching summer with hot temperatures
>tfw 35°C
and it's common for some ppl to experience lower blood pressure. Don't forget to drink more to compensate for your sweat

Yes fat.
Not bait...but stay mad.

Humanity will be left behind through massive gains or death. Either way I was my hands clean of the filth chained to their earthly slavery

Lol @ male nurses, being a MALE NURSE, is there anything more cucked?