Veeky Forums FEELS

>be me
>start my first test cycle
>finally gonna make it
>throw my back out in week three
>agonizing pain
>cant walk for a week
>finally get better
>still cant squat
>legs are falling behind now
>try to just do what I can
>make the best out of it
>dont want to snap my shit up again
>week 7 finally feeling good man.jpg
>girlfriend breaks up with me
>cant eat
>cant sleep
>shit workouts
>tfw losing gains while on gear
Hold me Veeky Forums

Why would you keep doing your cycle if you injured yourself so soon into it?

I only bought enough for a 10 week cycle ,so I decided to keep pinnin and I would extend my cycle to 12 weeks so I bought another 3 weeks supply of test
>tfw is got seized at customs
>cant even extend my cycle now
>kill me now
>pic related is the seizure letter

user you're fucking retarded
You should have dropped the dosage to TRT on week three and just cruised until you were better. 10 weeks blast is enough for 20-40 weeks cruise depending how much you were taking.

And 10 weeks is fucking pitiful anyway, you should at least do 15 unless you get to 10 and think you're gucci

I said hold me Veeky Forums not scold me Veeky Forums

>What was your source? Deep web?

>Are you just going to run hcg and pct for now or wait to find another source?

I want to see Bess Kalb take a big black cock in her pussy. I would literally pay upwards of $1000 for a video/scene of her tiny pussy getting ripped open by a humongous 12 inch black dick. I want to hold her hand while she moans "sweetie" or "honey" "I'm so getting pregnant from this" as she takes a full load from a muscular black man. Ughhhh hnggggg oh emm gee I want this so bad please make this happen Bess!

>Be me
>School football combine
>Try squatting 205 for first time (baby weight I know)
>"I think you're strong enough user, but shaky form, don't squat today"
>Should have gone lighter so I could get a number down

You have no idea how let down I am. At least my bench press is improving consistently.

This makes me reee so fucking hard. I'm not even a roider but why this shit is illegal, yet a mentally ill 8yo with a fucked in the head mother can go on hormone blockers absolutely escapes me. I could walk into my doctors, say I'm having troubles sleeping and be prescribed sleeping pills that fuck with regular body function and cause dependancy, but if I was to say I suffer from body dysmorphia, it's get the fuck over it. If I wanted to cut my dick off and call myself princess however, that's a different story.

it was actually the deep dark web
, i have a few more injections , and I'm going to run my pct , i have hcg but i dont feel i need it though , balls are looking pretty good

Tamoxifen = AI like airomedix?

its nolva


you run nolva and clomid or you're sticking with the nova/hcg for pct?

yeah man , luckily i told my source and they are reshipping it to me free of charge , It might get here before I run out , if it does ill extend my cycle to 12 or 13 weeks

I still don't understand how you can get something like this without a prescription.

I have nolva and cloned and hcg but I most , the last two weeks of cycle I will pin the hcg and then run clomid and nolva together for pct


Sounds like you've done the research etc.. thats legit man

How much test you've been running? 1ml+ a week?

Eroids is a good place to start looking . You may find answers to your questions there

250mg twice a week

I usually just a few other ones, will check the other one out as well


My phone is a nigger

How do amps work? Do you break off the top and just stick the needle in? I thought once air touched the oil it would be contaminated...

i have a ampoule opener , works perfect everytime , yes just open it and suck it out , its easy as fuck , doing steroids isnt as complicated as people try to make it out , the whole process takes me like 7 minutes and I'm done

Their sources says legit but what about the shipment, if its coming into the US and you ship to your house? There's some issues with that...

Ok. I'd have to get an opener. I thought you just break that shit off with your hand. I've been using vials for the past 5 years but I'm not against trying amps. Thanks for the insight

I'm more of a fan of the vials myself, not sure how these guys deal with the amps

customs can seize it randomly but i have it shipped to my door everytime

What protocol do you follow?