Do the 'natural' testosterone supplements work?

Do the 'natural' testosterone supplements work?
Namely - Fenugreek seeds, Ashvagandha, Tribulus terrestris, and Boron.
These are the few ingredients found in all Pre-Workout Test boosters
Some studies show they work beautifully, others say it has no effect. Or the effect is actually negative.

I'm planning to start all 4, does anyone have experience with these?

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snake oil

Idk if tribulis boosts test but it will give a huge sex drive boost and massive erection and the ability to have sex over and over again. I had to stop taking it doing no fap because i would immediatel y just start hitting up whores on tinder and bare backing them

thank god i didnt get aids or something.

tribulis also makes your skin feel nice and warm and somewhat of an energy boost i guess? im not familiar with the other three. Apparently horny goat weed increases test tho.

Ash is an amazing supp and i recommend it.

well ive even started yohimbine hcl, for fat loss and ed. Would all this be too much for my body? I really do want to improve my test and libido though.

Also I'm only 22, with ED which sucks, so im doing NoPorn.
But would all these supplements ruin my system?

How long were you on before you started seeing changes? Also do you cycle ash?

None of that garbage works.

Sleep a lot, eat red meat, lift weights, spend time in the sun everyday, and take zma. Those are you testosterone boosters.

Even zma hasn't been definitely proven to increase test


Tongkat Ali works for sure.

Don't waste your time and money, man. If you want high Test, pin Test. If not, be happy with the Test levels you have and make the most of them. Those are your options.

Thanks user, looks promising i might try that out too.
But my question still stands. Would taking all these supplements to boost testosterone together, have any negative effects?
Or is it ok to stack them.

The only thing that boosts test is test-e or test-c.

Haha, word. Or prop, phenyl prop, acetate, or undecanoate.

Hey, if I can change my test levels legally, even slightly, i don't want to take illegal injections. Plus, though I'll try my best to be precise with these, there is no massive negative con, for fucking up the usage a bit.

They work, but the effect is negligible and is normally on a lower scale than your natural test fluctuations anyway, that's why studies are often inconclusive.

If you're low test, just inject test.

>even slightly

Is that worth it, though? I mean, to shell out a bunch of money for supps that take you from 500 ng/dL to *maybe* 600 ng/dL? I mean, do you think that kind of increase is going to translate into any meaningful improvement in the gym?

I'm not low test, but I'm not high test either and want to increase my libido, which these medicines have proven to work on. Even if they don't increase my test a lot, I'll get something out of taking them

Honestly, I don't know. You could try contacting a nutritionist, but it's doubtful they're aware of these obscure herbs.

I'm 29, so my stack is creatine, L-arginine, DHEA, & tongkat ali. I've noticed no negative effects, only extremely positive ones (I don't use them for ED, but rather gym performance and the added bonus of libido boost). I'd say it gives at least a 20% boost in energy in the gym, and if I don't have sex every day I get a bit crazy. Also, it can make me too aggressive, and I have to try a lot harder not to be mean to people and be snappy.

If you get the tongkat, I suggest buying the powder in bulk from Amazon from Bulk Supplements or Micro Ingredients, as the pills are overpriced (that goes for any supplement though).

Also, royal jelly is supposed to give some test/energy boost. Never tried it though.

If those supplements are only worth $4 for almost a month or two of supply, then yea, honestly it's worth it

I can understand it being worth it from a cost perspective, but my question still stands. Do you think you'll make any noticeable gains at 600 as opposed to 500 (or something similar)? What's the goal here? Because aside from having a slightly higher number, I don't know what it's going to get you, man...

You could just try the cum holy grail stack plus the Tongkat and some DHEA.

Imagine being 5'11.5 and a supplement might be able to get you to 6' without any negative effects, wouldn't you try it once?
Also as i said, even if not the test boost, some of those ingredients have been proven to help libido, and heal the penile muscles. So I'd be happy if they even do that. Test boost is a bonus desu

Is that the one with l-arginine and stuff? Because I'm already having all that

Honestly, I can't really see the benefit there either (though I am admittedly not as obsessed with the whole "manlet" thing as much of Veeky Forums seems to be). I'm 5'11" as it is, and I'm fine with that. Having an extra inch might make me feel a little better if I wrote it on paper, but no one around me would notice anything different. Bumping up to 6'3" or something like that, on the other hand, would be a worthwhile improvement.


(1) L-Arginine, 1000mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1000mg
(2) Zinc, 50mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 50mg
(3) Pygeum, 100mg Strength, Taken 2 times daily = 200mg
(4) Lecithin, 1200mg Strength, Taken 1 time daily = 1200mg

seen any positive effects?

Why not just get on TRT, man? Then it's not illegal, you can get up to the very top of the natural range, libido/sexual function will be improved, and negative side effects will be negligible, as you're not going supraphysiological.

I saw positive effects from reducing masturbation from everyday to every 3 days. Now whenever I cum, it's a fuck ton, and it spits too.

Wouldn't it be expensive? Plus I'm only 22 so I don't know if it's safe to do it

If you don't actually have Test levels below the normal range (based on bloodwork), then yeah, it can be expensive because you're basically paying an anti-aging or men's health clinic to put you on Test when a GP probably wouldn't. At 22, you're done growing, so Test stunting your growth isn't something to worry about. As for other aspects of safety, a low dose of injectable pharmaceutical Testosterone , if it puts you on the high end of the "normal" range, will not really have any significant adverse side effects. However, it will shut down your body's natural production of Test. That's not an issue if you're injecting it regularly, though. TRT is for life, so you need to decide that up front. However, you'd have higher Test than 99% of natty lifters for the rest of your life, so there's that...

I should note that I'm speaking from experience here. I'm on TRT, and my cruising Test level sits at 1,100 ng/dL without the need for any aromatase inhibitor. All my bloodwork values come back normal, I have excellent recovery in the gym, and I make great gains. All I have to do is pin Test C twice a week, and I'm good to go.

>how do I boost test
>Just inject artificial test which will shut down your system for producing test

> Doesn't understand cycling or PCT

Natty test production doesn't matter if you have a steady supply of exogenous test. My testicles haven't produced Test in quite some time and I can guarantee that my levels are higher than yours on any given day.

>for life

Why would you do that?

Why wouldn't you? TRT shuts down your natural production. It makes no sense to cycle Test when you're not going above the normal human range. You'd essentially be shutting your natty production down in order to reach high natty levels, and the PCTing, during which time your Test levels would plummet and would take a while to recover. It's not worth it. It's far better to simply continue with TRT for life, so that your Test levels are always at their peak, without the need to ever PCT.

>so long as I have a constant supply of artificial hormones I don't need my balls

That's the long and short of it. If you'd look at it from a practical perspective instead of a mocking/judgmental one, you might see it a little differently. Can we just drop the whole "steroids are evil stigma," please? Would you respond as sarcastically to a diabetic who injects insulin as you would to a person with low Test who pins TRT? "as long as I have my artificial slin, I don't need this pancreas, hur hur"

Having high test (life energy) while being unable to procreate (continuing life energy) is pointless.

Personally, I don't ever want kids. For those who do, however, there are options for TRT that preserve reproductive function. Being on TRT doesn't mean you're going to be sterile. You can engage in plenty of "life energy continuation"...

People dependant on daily injections to function due to genetic weakness should be euthanized

Lol you can't have kids. You might as well get a high score on muslims

Well, if this thread is going to devolve into a bunch of shitposting, I'm bailing. Anyway, I tried to share some relevant info for consideration. Good luck with the Test levels, OP.

Yes,. 20% improvement

OK, but 20% improvement on something that is fairly low to begin with is not really a considerable improvement in the real world. If you have 50 cents and you make a 20% improvement on that sum, can you make a decent purchase with that? Or can you just say "I made a 20% improvement. Isn't that nice?"

people who say 'that garbage doesnt work' are people who have access to steroids or are NOT like minded in the sense that some people like to min max anything and everything. youre supposed to have a perfect diet, this is just an additional step you can take. YES this stuff works, you just need to have your diet in check for it to have any 'meaningful' effect. obviously this isnt going to even come close to if you were to just inject T, but saying it does nothing is foolish.

that being said ashvagandha, maca, horny goat, yohimbine, D-aspartic acid, following
and the godtier cum screencap, all have noticeable effects on my mood, performance in gym and sheets, confidence etc.. all the things associated with increased testosterone, link related: https:// androgenrx com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/testosterone-transformation.jpg

pic related also about increasing test. onions, garlic, tumeric, and cumin

i take supplements on par with tyvd. if your 'healthy lifestyle' is actually healthy and well rounded etc, no you wont have any issue unless its hereditary if you drink plenty of water. you dont want kidney stones either

orrr just pin 500 mg / wk of test e for 16 weeks and enjoy your safe, moderate gains

>If you lift 100lbs deadlift and can now lift 120lbs it's not really an improvement


idk shit but I read some some shit about fat increasing test

Creatine boosts test

>only deadlifting 120 lbs is impressive

Fuck off nigger. How about this:

My Magikarp can jump 10 meters. I put it on some supps and now he's jumping 12. Is this improvement significant?


We're arguing about improvements not what's impressive. Now if we go from 300 to 360 lbs. Wouldn't that be impressive.

If I was in 10th grade, sure.

...or you could just:
- lift weights
- eat a healthy diet
- eat plenty of leafy green veggies
- get 8 hrs of sleep a night
- limit masturbation to once or twice a week
all of these things will boost the fuck out of your testosterone.

This kid is too stupid to use steroids.

Take celery seeds they are amazing for ED

1kg costs £6 inc delivery

It contains an aromatose innovator for your testicles. Look it up on thundersplace . People's testicles double in size and they ejaculate 3 times as much and have constant erections.

You only need one teaspoon for a dose so it really is dirt cheap.

It's also a pheromone and used to make high end perfumes. Eat enough so that you sweat androsterone and watch woman fall over for you

Isn't it supposed to be zinc with folate or something?

What brand of celery seeds?

Anything that actually works on a hormonal level is banned by anti doping agencies.

Is that king edward?

Are there more things like this?

That's Henry VIII. Edward I, Longshanks, was Veeky Forums, something like 6' 7", and drove out the jews.

Wasnt edward plantagenet, house of york, tall and fit and fucking badass aswell.

I tried searching for this only info i got was put celery seed water on the penis for better erections.

I'm guessing any brand would work. You could try getting organic ones