Dude stop eating industrialized/fast food, it's bad for you

>dude stop eating industrialized/fast food, it's bad for you
>eat these fruits and veggies full of poison and GMOs and this meat full of hormones instead

you literally cannot eat healthy these days unless you grow your own food and raise your own cattle.

Other urls found in this thread:


if you life in a first world country its so easy to get good food not even joking
even if you're poor, honestly buying fresh food is ALWAYS cheaper and better

people act like fast food is so cheap but its fucking not at all, not compared to buying bulk veggies and eating leftovers for a week
I make one big pot of stew and that will last for a long time
every day I'll have some of my stew, just heat it up and maybe get some bread too.
so easy to make as well, as are most basic dishes.

>he doesnt grow his own food and raise his own cattle

Vast food is actually really expensive compared to veggies and fruits in the right season. Just don't het fruit from the supermarkt because it's 4x the privé. Unless you live the US probably

>living in Murrica, land of GMOs and high fructose corn syrup
>easy to get good food


it 100% is
I'm from Canada so things can't be all that different
SO much food grown here its insane that people somehow "can't find any"
even buying overpriced organic veggies from a supermarket is cheaper than buying fast food every day.
I mean like fuck, a pretty meager meal from McDongles costs like 12$, that or you load up on dollar menu burgers and feel like shit

if you plan your meals beforehand (like plan what you want to make for the entire week) you can easily buy food in bulk and make a ton of it beforehand without having to worry every single day, then have loads of leftovers to eat when you want to.

>grow your own food and raise your own cattle.
yes if you can find non GMO seeds.

Tell me what's wrong with genetic modification?

>GMO's are bad


We have a small agricultural land behind our house here, we grow our own shit in it. From veggies, potatoes, beans, onions, cucumber etc, and from fruits strawberries, cherry etc.

Its a really comfy small farm life we got here in the city.

Try it out lads.

its not that they're bad but they generally taste like shit and are mostly starch and water

that amount of land in the city here would cost millions

>he doesn't live next to farm lands
>he thinks big cities make him more "cultured"

Evolve faggots, live a real life and learn a skill.

>muh gmos
>muh hormones
>muh industrialized food
Neck yourself you fucking moron
We've used gmos from the dawn of civilization
Hormones such as animal hgh brakes down when cooked and androgens and estrogens are just put in till the animal's levels are on the high side of average
Industrialization is literally the only way we could ever feed our population
You are seriously a fucking retard
Kys please

thank you for saying this, i cant stand those memes

t. Shlomo Goldstein, Monsanto Inc. legal rep

doesn't mean it's good for you

nothing wrong with GMOs

how is it not good for you again?
cause gmos bad
hormones bad
If you even wanted a solid argument against farming practices pick something non retarded like the constant use of antibiotics
but no
you show your complete lack of knowledge on biology medicine and farming and continue being 60 IQ degenerates
neck yourselves


back to /ptg/ you fucking plebbit piece of dogshit

>muh studies funded by billion dollar corporations!
>don't use common sense goy listen to these (((experts)))

so why are GMOs bad then? Genuinely curious.

I didn't know my 60 year old chain letter forwarding aunt used Veeky Forums


Yet another /r9k/ thread, blaming everything but themselves for their failure.

muh its too hard
muh illuminati
muh GMO

suck an organic dick.

fit is the board for baseless retarded he said she said arguments
worse board for any sort of discourse

holy fuck that's a nice core
what did you do friendo?

I know.
I've been here way too long to still get baited into arguing with idiots but here I am.

not me, some guy that posted on current body threads years ago.

I remember he was pretty strong (squatted heavy), didn't deadlifted, don't remember much else.

Literally nothing wrong with GMOs.
HFCS is only an issue if you're consuming finished product or confectionery; if you're so fat that you can't go without a massive sugar hit, then buy Kosher products that use cane sugar.

am i screwed because i can't squat m8s
what do i do
my core always has looked shit
why even live at this point

pol is turning like this as well
only a couple of good threads here and there at this point

you can get core without squatting, large part of core is low bf, and if it makes you feel better I'm pretty sure the guy in the pic used to take steroids for a while.

>All this GMO hate
I bet every single one of you crying about it is from California.

The ONLY bad thing about GMOs is when they're designed be single generation crops.

i want that klokov thicc core though
not a zyzz core

I'm sure OHP, weighted chin ups, deadlifts etc... can get you a long way there, plus, that type of core is difficult for anyone, especially klokov tier since he is a professional and steroid user.

i have noticed that i brace my core a lot when ohping and rowing
maybe i should start roiding or something
it's not fair m8s

>Hormones such as animal hgh brakes down when cooked and androgens and estrogens are just put in till the animal's levels are on the high side of average
One new Israeli shekel has been deposited into your account!

neck youself you /ptg/ plebbit degenerate


It's like you're actually retarded

>Monsanto shills on Veeky Forums

Fuck off.

Buy organic food from your local farmer. Don't give money to this power hungry corporation.

I do buy from my local farmers, they use GMOs.