Are you her ideal man Veeky Forums?
Are you her ideal man Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>love bulking
>18% bf tho
lets be honest, probably not
but planet fitness scientists have proven women like "dad" bods , this is very inaccurate
not yeat user, not yet...
In the future.
Don't try to police her delusions user
Sauce on these two? por favor
Danberu nan kiro moteru?
Thank you!
I do it for him, lads.
I'm getting there.
I like where I've gotten to but I'll soon find it normal and try to get bigger.
At least, not until my chest is as glorious as hers.
I remember 6 years ago, hentai and doujin werent censored but now most of them are
This is a normal manga though.
>read the manga expecting lewds
>get workout tips and motivation instead
Bloody Japs.
Try you luck faggots, i'm rolling for Russia
For reference, Machio-san
>cocoon mode off
yeah going for dubs
this is a waste of a thread
I am hoping for Machio-san since I'm a femanon. Or failing that boxer girl if I have to go for another girl
Pretty much.
Gimme dem triples
the pale one please
pls petin
>tfw you will never carry qt3.14cardio bunny on stage
You literally cannot lose! (Pls gib chubby brown fang girl)
wow the girl sure looks like shit when paired with the dude
but shes not my ideal woman either
good read
Good taste, son.
>fellow teppufags on Veeky Forums
Superb taste, bros
>tfw no hime gf to make cum just by removing my shirt
Hime cut is best cut.
Good taste lad.
ok i started reading this shit, and I'm more interested in the teacher's gains than the actual women. Are those japs spreading the gay virus?
I just want a strong, violent gf with intense mental problems to abuse me.
someday user
Where do I find girls like this IRL
>inb4 train MMA
successful amateur, still haven't found one as arrogant and motivated
idk be an MMA instructor
someone will come to you
Go to different gyms I suppose.
Though Natsuo is a top-level sadist first, Mary Sue second, and a fighter third.
She's probably one of a kind.
Which is beautiful, but sad as well.
this is you i guess
I do amateur bjj and I know a couple of hot scary women. If you change gyms (maybe to a more costly one), you might also meet pro females so there's that (although usually the best have personal training).
Truly patrician
>deletes post to add 4 words and a picture