>dating a girl for 2 months
>find out she has a 6 year old son she never sees because she doesn't have custody and the dad doesn't let her see him
do I just ghost her?
>dating a girl for 2 months
>find out she has a 6 year old son she never sees because she doesn't have custody and the dad doesn't let her see him
do I just ghost her?
>mother lost custody and visiting rights to a child
>father keeps child from seeing mother
yea something's wrong with her. women don't lose custody/visiting rights easily in this world.
For a women not to have full custody of her child there must be something wrong with her. Abort as quick as possible user
that kid needs to get out soon as possible
fuck her first'
also reported
For the love of god yes. There is nothing more embarassing as a man than to raise your wife's son, especially considering she'll probably refuse to carry your child.
Don't ghost her, just be honest. Tell her that you're not interested in dating someone with a child and that she should have told you that upfront.
Run away
If a court placed a child in care of the father instead of the mother then she is messed up.
How the fuck do you even lose custody as a woman?
couple in that pic adopted the black kid, he's not biological to either, and they're in the airport because he's fresh from whatever black person place he came from.
the mother "loses" custody because she didn't want the kid.
Op is gay and stupid, please let the thread die.
Depends on why she lost custody, but is probably the most fair answer. Don't be a dickweed and run off without a word, just be straight with her if you want to end it.
Mistreatment and drug abuse, not even adultery rosties loose custody
>what are red flags
>the mother "loses" custody because she didn't want the kid.
it's more likely she was a threat to the kid, like a drug addict or something.
woman rarely give up kids, they get child support for that shit.
Tell her you have siphylis, if she makes a fit about it ask her how is it any different than her not telling you about the kid.
Then enjoy the meltdown and ghost her
Well atleast you know the kid isnt black because dad is around
>dating for 6 months
>doesn't notice the pucci is bombed out and depleted like Afghanistan
In Sweden it's not uncommon. Standard is shared custody of course. Needs to be something quite bad for either parent to lose custody but it isn't easier for a woman to get sole custody than a man from what my dad tells me(he is a divorce lawyer).
I feel bad for American men in regards to children and marriage.
He said 2 months
She was probably a meth addict or some shit
Jesus Christ liberals are pathetic. You can see the death in his eyes.
And OP, yes, ghost.
Dear OP,
This is where you GET THE FUCK OUT.
Good luck.
you didnt notice her pussy was loose
that's a myth
it goes back to normal after awhile
look guys i'm projecting :D
it's just a normal picture
There's no indication any of them are even related, they're just posing for a picture. But it feeds the alt right narrative.
Hahahahhahahahahahahah, yeah.
Or the Dad is just a really good caretaker
T. Guy who has custody of his son despite mom being normal
There is nothing wrong with that picture
You gotta wonder just how much of a fuckup she has to be for the courts to award full custody to the father
It's almost exclusively drug abuse or charges, very rarely will it be related to money or even mental illness short of suicide attempts.