>overweight women of any kind
Don't even talk to them.
>overweight women of any kind
Don't even talk to them.
Other urls found in this thread:
>haven't fucked for years
>fatty wants the d
d-did i do good fit? She had big ass tits, with a big ass belly to go with it.
>talking to others
Imma say you dun gud kid.
I fucked a couple fatties when I was on a long dry spell and I hated it. Didn't even bother trying to get off the 2nd time, never fuckin a fatty again, I literally can't even if I try.
dont talk to fatties full stop. if one tries to talk to you just push them over
You did good
You can get addited to it and you always gonna hate yourself afterward.
>not wanting to feel superior to the thing you fuck in any way possible
did they smell bad or something?
I did the same thing and the sex was terrible since I couldn't do the things I could do with a skinny chick, plus the pussy smelled like fish
I get off sometimes by being hotter than the fat girl I'm banging. Most of the time they're insufferable but I've met a few who shared my brand of depression, fun to banter with.
They can only manage a few positions though, I get most of my pleasure by training them to relax their throat and swallow
>fat woman waved at me when i was on a jog yesterday
>wasn't even alone
>got straight ignored in public
what was she expecting?
Who said I do?
>mfw go clubbing with a well-fitting t-shirt and fat girls try to grope me
This is one of the only things I don't like about being black. Bitch I have abs take your chins and back tf up
troll detected!!! Black Men cant resist a fat white woman! It's science.
man I want Stacy not Rasputia
Why don't your stick to your QUEENZ?
Wise man once said, "there are two kinds of men in this world: those who have standards and those who get laid."
Fat women only go for aneroxic white boys or fit black dudes. Fact.
Why won't you?
Because I'm a young healthy male who likes young healthy females.
Why would I limit my dating pool to the 2% of black girls who are attractive as opposed to every single young attractive girl?
Because you're expanding the pool of unattractive black women, fucking stop
>implying you wrap your HIV rascal
ya and guess who the fucking loser is? hint its a surprise answer.
i feel like a fucking retard for falling for this meme and fucking ugly bitches just to pad my number
It's the truth :(
>what are condoms
>what is birth control
Nobody's getting pregnant user. Have you ever had sex?
Yes, at least one of them did. Smelled like sweaty ass when I was tryin to hit it from behind cause I didn't wanna watch her gut jiggle to my rhythm. Also grabbin their hips/ass/anywhere all feels the same as a titty cause of all the rolls, but not in a good way. It's sorta difficult to explain why I dislike it so much, I've just always preferred skinny girls and fatties fuckin gross me out.
I already preempted your argument, thx for proving your low IQ and the fact that you're not smart enough to exceed take advantage of birth control.
Please, don't breed, don't litter.
>superior fucking an inferior
you already failed.
That day Fukushima got hit by a 7.4 earthquake
i've never told anyone this in person, and I likely never will.
>making out with fat girl - which was disgusting btw
>stop, she went to go use the bathroom
>presumably to "freshen up"
>comes back, we resume where we left off
>time to fug from behind
>she sticks her ass up
>suddenly assailed by the stench of shit
>mfw she couldn't even wipe her ass properly because of how fat she was
>I already preempted your argument
Well, you were wrong which is why I even bothered to respond.
>all this negativity and white nationalist larping
This is Veeky Forums, not /pol/.
Whats the cut off line? Is the sex good with the chubby wife type?
Your position is a bit ironic to be honest
>man I hate brown people, like 2% of you black bitches are even worth looking at
>hehe let's go make some more brown people with the attractive white people!
It's true that foresight is a uniquely white thing I suppose
>go make some more brown people
Why do you fucking idiots think that having sex=having kids
>black dude won't love up to absent father stereotype
You guys are right, fuck reality
same here
a fatty wanted to suck my dick but i told her to fuck off
Ye never hit a fat girl from behind. I got limp and we ended the evening there, i will say that
I generally ignore fatties. Never make eye contact or hold the door for them either.
Fuck fat people
Same. I fucking hate fat chicks. Even the slightest bit of chub makes me completely not attracted to them unless I haven't jerked off in a week.
>best friend has a fat gf
What do Veeky Forums?
what a nice ass
Well what did you do?
Wow they really got to this goy.
that same wise man also died of aids no doubt
>Meet up with cute girl from OKC
>When I see her, notice she is 15-20lbs heavier
>Has cute face and big tits so I stay
>Can tell she is dtf and figure why not
>Go back to my car and pull her panties down her dress
>Bury my face in her pussy, was so soaking wet and plump it made my dick rock hard
>Fucked her silly and came all over her fat titties
>Told her afterwards I didn't want to see her again since this was just a one night stand
>Bitches me out for a week straight, even offering to fuck again on an actual bed
>Turn it down because no way I am going to go down fucking a fatty twice
>Several months pass and she hits me up stating how I motivated her to lose weight, sends me new pics
>Was already dating a petite grill at this time so told her congrats and to fuck off.
>tfw no matter where I go I'll always befriend overweight women
I think I'm coping for something.
Didn't know cow tipping was still a thing.
T. Retard