Be squatting 315 for reps

>be squatting 315 for reps
>QT3.14 gym crush comes over to talk to me after my set
>thinking she's going to compliment me on how strong I am
>"omg my boyfriend is pissing me off again. I fucking hate him."

Why do sloots think I want to hear about their problems with their beta boyfriends? Going to be FA for the foreseeable future I suppose...

Men run to other women for physical needs.

Women run to other men for emotional needs.

Not to suggest there's no overlap, but that's the trend on average.

>Women run to other "men" for emotional needs.

After you implying I'm wrong? I'm speaking from experience. Those scare quotes around "men" are unnecessary. Men. Males. Humans with penises.

She wants your D

you are the nu male

today on "Thinks that never happened"

>a girl walking up to a guy she knows and talking to him is impossible
You live a sad, lonely existence.

You're not squatting enough

>gym crush
>talking to you
>not taking obvious signs of her "i want to fuck you"
you are either lost existence, total autist or both

You are a fucking moron. That is her priming the excuse for cheating on him with you.

>Pretend to listen
> "He doesn't deserve you"
> "I know right"
>anal sex

>comes at you bitching about her bf

Maybe she wants you to do something about it. You know?

That or she thinks your gay, m8
Theres a sick brand of women out there looking for a gay pet monkey they can squeeze all their insecurities on for them to soak up as well as dumping all their emotional baggage on. And you might fit that role for her

you're a fucking idiot. i've cucked 7 guys in my life and it always started with their girlfriends/wife complaining to me about their partner. take advantage of this situation next time.

Give her your dick, bro

Play uninterested. Don't become someone's emotional tampon. That leads to the friendzone.

you're the gay friendzone m8

Work your way up to squatting 4pl8 for reps and she will jump on your dick so fast you won't even see it coming

>has a gym crush
>is the emotional support for them
>calls their actual boyfriends who get to fuck them betas
>squats 3 pl8 and expects to be mired for it

So much wrong here.

Yeah you guys are probably right. How am I supposed to go NC on her though? It will be extremely awkward seeing her all week if I don't say anything to her. I can't change gym either considering it's the only decent one in the area.

>Changing gyms because someone talks to to you
Get a load of this guy

She thinks you're a fag

Are you dense?



Nigga that's when you put on the moves. Lead with she doesn't deserve him, then demonstrate that you have a higher value than he does, take her out somewhere and be physically confrontational, nurture her dependence on you. Her legs will fly open at supersonic speeds every time you call, boyfriend or not.

>The fuck you telling me for?

The only valid response.