Trap doms

>trap doms

>forearm doms


I prefer submissive ones

>long head tricep doms

>chad subs

double overhand deadlifts, bent over rows, cleans etc.

Bad form probably, with pushing/pulling by the arms not by the right muscles.

>no doms because I regularly exercise

>Hip flexor doms


>hamstring doms


Aren't DOMS good? Don't they mean you're pushing your limits in a good way?

nope, just means bad conditioning

Penis doms

If I sleep less than 7 hours i get crazy doms

>sleep doms

>he never goes heavy

day 3 of deltoid doms because of heavy press day

feels good, man

this is funnier than it should be

>Ab doms

>teres minor doms

Dunno about him but hammer curls and hitting the heavy bag have occasionally done that to me.

>glute doms

Feels good man

>tensor tympani doms

>hip doms
>it will get better in a day

I giggled

>front delt doms
I wish I was meming, it hurts so much


>bad conditioning
This. I was not lifting for 2 weeks while on vacation. Came back on Monday, actually managed to hit a bench PR but I my pretty my hammies, lats, rear delts and triceps are sore as fuck.

I know that feel, it's been 3 days and it's only now fading

stapedius doms

>upper chest and front deltoid doms
That pain is my nectar of life.

>after 10 reps and having done 2 sets previously


>pec doms

>Quad doms from sprints

>Hip adductor doms

>rectum doms

turn the volume down bruh

>fem doms

>mfw stretching pecs after workout

>got titfuck after fucking girl super rough
>cumming hurts like a bitch

>Oblique doms