/fat/ - Fruit is the New Devil Edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
Fat members of Veeky Forums who want to lose weight.

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions
>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
>Plan your weight loss week by week
discord dot gg/tECCTD
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones


Soooo I just read the sticky, and it says to eat 1.5 grams of protein for lb of body weight to cut...
I'm 200 lbs, so that means I should eat 300 grams of protein every day? WTF man that's bonkers, I don't think that's even possible - should I just ignore the sticky altogether?

nothing to report

What are some good ways to stay active?

With the exception of tennis, all my hobbies require me to be sitting. I can read ebooks and watch anime while on the treadmill at the gym, but studying, drawing, sewing (cosplay), reading, and watching anime at home have my butt glued to a chair.

1g of protein per lb of lean body mass.

Good on you for actually reading the sticky. You actually want to eat 1-1.5 grams of protein per lean body weight (aka muscle). Determine your body fat percentage and use it to calculate your amount of muscle.

one more week to my last exam then ill start working out a lil bit every day and trying to eat healthier

sitting at 190cm and 100kilos
the workout schedule i used to do was sets of 20 push ups 20 sit ups 40 crounches 30 punches and around 8 sets per workout session

Is it good enough or am i doing it wrong and i cant possible be doing that much correctly?

200 grams of protein a day is still crazy

Great yeah, that makes way more sense my man


just eat .8-1g of protein per pound assumes you aren't a fatass. eat 1g per pound of goal body weight

Just joined the sub 300 club. Im making it.


Projected days to live user.

Dumb question, but is it true that when your fat starts getting flabby/jiggly that's because you're losing fat? I had someone tell me this

I binged all week, but I'm starting back on my health track today. I think I'll stick to four meals a day at about 300 calories each, with a 200-250 cal protein shake/bar after exercise.

And how fat were they

I've noticed the consistency vary but never really paid it any mind
won't matter when it's all gone

When you lose a lot you get more loose skin and your fat becomes more like little marbles than solid mass.

You gave me chills reading that, user. Take a bird gif and feel a little better.

record it and post here

Sorry user, here's gains crab.

Do any of you use fitwatch com? I've found this site first, tried fintesspals but it was more limited so I stuck with fitwatch.

that's some awful spotting man

did anyone else crack? I've been struggling to actually dedicate myself to a proper cut for about a year now. the last 4 weeks I haven't binged or broken my diet once. I've failed so many cuts now I've lost track.

the thing is, I don't feel the desire to eat anything outside of my calories and macros for the day. I am quite content eating everything post workout in the morning then not eating anything again till the next day. what happened to me

Well I had ten beers like that but I had to. Someone said I couldn't, proved that bitch wrong.

>my gym is closed till tomorrow
>gotta move my rest day
>was just gonna chill on Saturday and can't now
I just wanted to spend Saturday playing P5 fuck.

Managed today well lads. Promised you /fat/bros that I wouldn't go over 1000 kcal today (to make up for a little KFC binge yesterday).

Also learnt I could add spinach to milkshakes without it tasting like utter shit

No confessions today, im keeping to my diet today and im going to try a new chicken recipe after work

I just shat myself because I gambled on a fart after eating high protein and fat and almost no carbs for the last 5 days.

at what weight / body fat % does fat start?

I gained a pound after cumulatively losing 6 pounds during the last 5 days and panicked, pic related is the result.

the only secret to making is to keep trying, because you know eventually you're gonna fuck up and eat junk food, It happens to everyone, i can't tell you how many times i've let my cravings win and just pig out on pizza and ice cream, but even when i do that and i'm left there crying with the empty pizza boxes, i say fuck it and come back stronger. People fail when those fuck ups go from happening every 2 weeks, to every week...then every 3 days...until they become a habit again.

Today is the 2 year mark since i decided to lose weight, started at 6ft 335lbs, sitting at 245 as of this morning, remember it's not a race, it's a long ass marathon, still got another 60ish lbs to lose

Die Zucker ist keine sehr gut
Ich mag kartoffel salat und das Genie

just got paid today and it's taking every ounce of willpower to not just order some greasy chinese food

I'm in the same boat as you user. 205 here. Every scrap of food that enters my body is lean protein, and I doubt I get past 150g. Not a shred of cheese, cereal, pizza, red meat, wheat, nothing.

1/2 c brown rice is my carb splurge.

What is your tdee? I aim for 1900, a few more hundred if I totes kill it laboring at work + hella good workout at gym in the evening.

Frankly there are many ways to circumvent caving in binge eating
Why do you have a pizza and an ice cream at home ? Will is unreliable for these kind of things at first. Don't tire it. If you are fucking hungry at 10pm and only have carrots ,celery and lettuce in your fridge, then you'll binge on 400kcal of carrots, not 2000kcal of pizza. Black list every pizza joint or don't keep cash laying around , I dunno.

i wanted to download this for my phone but it wants access to my contacts, is there another alternative?

lol just eat a 200 gram steak every day how hard is that

Loose marbles is an accurate description. Big dudes at work have solid, round abdomens, while mine ain't so bad yet jiggly. Pinch a flab and it feels grainy. Tells me the melts are on.

lean bodymass, aka your target weight

Maybe order some delicious steamed skinless chicken breast and dip it in soy sauce. You can have little/no rice or noodles. Eat with some steamed broccoli and holy fuck do you have a delicious meal.

>thinking you can't have ice cream while losing weight
pic related

>only down 90 pounds in 2 years
you can do better my dude

Just deny it when they ask. You can also manually use their site if you are scared of the internet boogeyman.

that would be an option. but seriously all I can think about is general tso chicken with egg rolls, and omg the chinese joint I order from has these "pizza rolls" that are fucking amazing

Ill occasionally do this. Assuming you go to panda express, I will get a 2 entree plate and ask them to give me a fuckton of teriyaki chicken no sauce and a small amount of orange chicken + steamed veggies instead of rice. Not a healthy meal by any stretch, but you will still get alot of protein with minimal empty calories minus the sauce and small amount of breading on your fat faggot chicken. Panda has a pgood nutrition calculator on their site to plan these. Gl.

Well if you've eaten well for the week and you're prepared to sacrifice some kcals for the next few days, go on and do it lad. Just be conscious of the tradeoffs and consequences. Also if you do order, post a pic, I wanna see those pizza rolls.

>go to the gym with my dad
>it's mostly cool but he always complains at me to wipe down the treadmills after i'm done using them

is this total bullshit? i wipe down the weight machines and stuff that i actually sit and/or sweat on, but i barely touch a treadmill besides my shoes and pushing the buttons with my fingers. i feel like a jackass getting a spray bottle and wiping down a treadmill when i'm done using it.

my dad is genuinely autistic and has a tendency to follow rules to the letter and his argument is that "it's in the rules" but i've never seen anyone else do this

after 24 months I'd hoped to have put my fat life behind me for good
I went from trainwreck to human being in just short of a year and I wasn't really that dedicated to it
but progress is progress

Here is the key to cheating imo

You cheat with a large, filling, not VERY calorie dense meal. One that likely is below your TDEE and will very likely fill you up for the entire day.

So on your weekend cheat "day" might be

cottage cheese + some fruit ~250 calories

Cheat Mealâ„¢ ~1500-2000 calories lol who knows

too full for an actual meal, maybe some more cottage cheese if anything at all

My go to is mexican food from a taco shop. Just a shitload of meat, beans, rice, and tortillas.

Chinese food alternatively is more calorie dense and less filling.

>went to the store to buy a bag of cookies
>came back with low fat yoghurt
making it...?

mentally, you have already made it. keep it up my nig

Shit I like this advice. Any other decent foods?

How do you feel about Lebanese food? Kebab, hummus, tabbouleh, garlic sauce, kibbeh, I'd probably skip the pita bread desu.

japanese food is pretty good for that. i had chicken katsu curry at a restaurant yesterday. big fried chicken breast, and a huge bowl of tasty curry and rice. really satisfying and like 1200 cal

I usually just stick with the mexican,

I live in Socal so there aren't too many other options lmao. But anything made up mostly of proteins would probably be a good bet.

Common courtesy. You sweat all over the interface which people touch with their hands as well as the handles which people obviously touch with their hands. Would you want to touch someone elses fluids? What if you didn't think about it and wiped your eyes or bit your nails afterwards?

I assure you no one is thinking anything negative about you cleaning up your mess on the treadmill. Whereas they will likely think the opposite if you don't. The sad truth is you are the one being an autist not your autistic dad in this case.

just received some magnificent news thats cause for celebration
will likely get drunk off my ass and have a single cheat meal. wish me luck lads

6'4 sitting at 215lbs right now. Gym weight is around 205lbs. I'm bloated as fuck and have been binge eating the past 2 days.

I used to be 392lbs (at my lowest 194lbs). God help me put the Mcdonald's Mcpick 2 for $3 down.

Anyone else still feel they look fat despite getting down to a reasonable bodyfat %?

I'm hypothesizing I'm just flabby because of my lack of muscle. With no muscle, the thin layer of fat I have left is what defines my physique, so I have the same lack of definition as your average fatass. Does this make sense? Or is it more likely I'm underestimating my real BF%?


Inspiring as fuck man.

It makes sense. Get toned and you won't look flabby. "Skinnyfat" exists for a reason.

Look like a huge faggot anyways so may as well be fat and enjoy your macas.

(How do you not have any self control seeing you being so large that your gravitational pull unwittingly has kidnapped some random dudes hand and a small asian chick? Put the burgers down fatass)

Congrats on being pregnant!

Have you had any issues with loose skin?

Accidentally ate a tub of peanut butter again.

Is it worth it to use protein after a cardio workout? I feel like it should be reserved for high-intensity strength training workouts (also since protein shakes/bars/powders are expensive).

That is TERRIBLE advice.


Unless you take ownership of you own fatass choices and acknowledge the problem for what it is, you will never fix this.

Alright, what are your thoughts on the right way to have a cheat meal?

Fuck me, I forgot this is more for QTDDTOT. I'll move this over there.

Hear, hear! I always wipe down the treadmill after using it, and I question the hygiene of anyone who doesn't.

How do you do that? Plain peanut butter is fucking disgusting, it just coats your tongue with oil and should immediately stop your body from feeling hungry.

protein supplements are only needed if you aren't getting enough protein from meals.
So regardless of the workout/day, if you need more protein and have the calories to spare it's fine.

when should I start lifting?

i ate nothing today. cup of coffee (1/2c milk) and cup of tea (1/4c milk). that's all. gonna get some peppermint tea now. i'm not even hungry?

going in for a full health check up next week. terrified that i'll have diabetes and all my ~levels~ will be through the roof. anything i can do this week to have good reports? if that's even possible.

2 years ago

useful post
make more



it burns mad calories so you'll still be cutting

more than cardio?

Recently started feeling my spine on the back of my chair. An uncomfortable, yet good feel.

Depends entirely on how much cardio/lifting you do, but recovering from lifting takes more calories than recovering from cardio as far as I know. Also more muscle = higher TDEE

I just made this. Posted it on Veeky Forums but they hurt me.

I tried the mint and it's good. Any other good flavors?

won't be making muscle on a deficit though

Here are the calories with a dipping sauce.

Cheat in moderation. I had a similar thing and I ate too big/heavy of a cheat meal and since my stomach wasn't used to that I didn't feel good. You can't go right back to eating like a fatass if you aren't used to eating that way. Enjoy, but, keep it in moderation and don't over stuff.

I went on a huge downer and hit the bottle for a couple of weeks, put a couple of pounds back on. Back on it now though.

I don't like the chocolate one much, but I've never liked chocolate ice cream.

Haven't found one I've disliked. Sea salt caramel is the best.

If you are just starting you definitely will assuming you get enough protein and your deficit isn't massive.

>cheat week
>order two regular pizzas like I used to do
>can't even eat 1 whole
>have to finish a whole ice cream brick in two days because my mother won't let me waste food
>also I have to eat that remaining pizza too
Getting an abstract kind of feel here

That just seems like a lot of carbs. Why not just bake the chicken?

where can I subscribe to your funny posts

I woke up went to the gym and did an hour of HIIT bag work/circuit training.

I got to work and i'm working 6pm - 6am, it's currently 20:24 and I've already eaten 1200calories worth of rice, wholemeal bread and salmon.

I don't know but I can't feel satisfied; maybe training fasted fucked with my blood sugar? I'm peckish as hell tonight.

>Haven't found one I've disliked. Sea salt caramel is the best.
Thanks for the tip I wanted to try it but wasn't sure. It's on sale this week at my supermarket for like 3 for 10 so I can stock up for ths rest of summer.

>That just seems like a lot of carbs. Why not just bake the chicken?
Baking would lower the fat, not the carbs.

Also the problem with chicken like this is if you don't fry it first, then the breading doesn't stick or taste any good just in the oven. If the pieces are thicker you fry, then throw it in the oven.

You are right. I meant calories.

Decided to just 'get rid' of the rest of the junkfood in my house last night because it was taunting it, and by that I mean eating it.
Two poptarts and a piece of apple pie. Probably about 800 calories total. Even if it's not that bad, I'm feeling the repercussions now.

I'm trying to do intermittent fasting/OMAD, and I'm fucking starving now. It's only noon and I want to wait until at least 5pm to eat. I'm chugging coffee and it doesn't seem to be helping. God have mercy your righteous retribution, I'm sorry.

Well this isn't a common meal for me. Though I tend to have one large 1000 calorie meal a day. Just how I like to eat. Besides it makes it much easier. For example 3 steak fajitas gets you around 1000 calories assuming you watch the cheese, olive oil, and sour cream. It is sort of like intermittent fasting.

I know the feeling. Whenever I eat a bunch of carbs for dinner when doing OMAD, the next day is super hard.

Look for a distraction. Vidya or shitposting or even work.

I'm weak. I did order the general tso chicken + egg rolls. Probably about 1500 cals, maybe more, I have no clue. Lots of carbohydrates. Will definitely throw me out of ketosis. It's MARGINALLY better than pizza I suppose, but I'm not deluding myself into thinking it's at all acceptable.