>21 years old
>Literally no accomplishments to this point
Is it possible to turn it all around, Veeky Forums? I want to make money. I want to be healthy and fit. I want to have some friends.
>21 years old
>Literally no accomplishments to this point
Is it possible to turn it all around, Veeky Forums? I want to make money. I want to be healthy and fit. I want to have some friends.
depends if you dont have them by now you probably have bad genetics and you should give up.
there are more things in life than girls bro cheer up
join the military. navy or air force. learn an actual skill while youre there and theyll pay for your college to boot.
its never to late to make it
youre young as fuck bro. Ambition is great, but remember most people havent done anything by the age of 21. Thats the years you fuck around in college and working out - money and the fucking grind come later, dont you worry
Your want is weak as fuck. Thats why you are useless thus far in life. Put your words into actions.
joining the military is the epitome of giving up because that means you have no other options.
>Your want is weak as fuck. Thats why you are useless thus far in life. Put your words into actions.
I want to be ahead of the curve though.
>21 years old
>Literally no accomplishments to this point
wow, so you're like 95% of other 21 year olds? Good to know!
>I want to be ahead of the curve
Well you're not so get that through your head, deal with it, and then go actually do something. You're not going to be the best so the best thing for you is to shrink your ego.
By 21 people become millionaires and set Olympic records.
It is surprisingly easy to turn your life around if you can have a somewhat long term outlook and not expect everything to change right away. Figure out what it is you want, map out the things you need to do to get there, then do those things. Figure out some milestones along the way that you can celebrate so you don't feel like your hard work isn't paying off just because things aren't changing overnight.
the key is to get to work. not memeing here.
t. lazy af 28 year old
that's the 5% of the 21y/os
the other 95% ain't done shit
you are already ahead of most of africa and india... so there is that going for you
Why compare yourself to the average pleb?
70% of Americans are overweight and maybe 5-10% lift weights. Why care about deadlifting a lot?
I'm ahead of people in wheelchairs or battling cancer too.
Underrated post. This should be fp sticky with big text.
>Why compare yourself to the average pleb?
because I am better than them and they are the majority, duh
why compare yourself with the top 5% that you will never realistically be able to compete with due to inferior genes and lack of proper diet/training/motivation as a child? that's just setting yourself up for failure and depression
know your limits dummy
big fish in small pond and all that jazz
>you will never realistically be able to compete with
Definitely not with that attitude.
if you want to use such a negligible, practically non existent fraction of a demographic to aspire towards and flagellate yourself because you're not one of them, life is gonna suck for you. OP said he wanted to make money, be healthy and have friends. Last time I checked those were things NOT exclusive to 21 year old millionaires, Olympic medalists, or even any given demographic of people you can come up with. If you're sad because you're not exceptional by society's standards you need to get the fuck over that. You need to be exceptional by your own standards.
that isn't 5% that is like.1%
this guy is such a pessimistic defeatist it is disgusting, your attitude is cancerous.
Same situation, same age.
I'm at a university I'm worried won't be enough for any finance job.
>tfw 23 and have nothing but my gains
>I'm ahead of people in wheelchairs or battling cancer too.
that's right, you are. Oh, no, you're right, learning to appreciate your health is stoopid lol
>Missing the point
Why would I compare myself to the worst people instead of the best?
We're on Veeky Forums. The average adult male probably cannot deadlift 225x5 with good form. So why don't we just give up when we get a 315 deadlift since we're stronger than most men?
>Why compare yourself to the average pleb?
what have you achieved so far big boi?
Whatever you do don't get memed into getting a gf and get married because you feel pressure.
I'm 24 and people I went to middle and high school with are getting married and having kids already. Can't wait for the eventual divorce in five years and their life is ruined forever because of the kid and spousal support.
Life partners are the biggest gains goblins there is.
>Whatever you do, don't reproduce goy! Better to waste your life on Veeky Forums instead of passing on your genes!
Yeah yeah shekelberg.
You would regret being ahead at some point. Various things have their time somewhere in your life and they are waiting for you. Don't try to skip them user
Nevertheless work on yourself bro. Godspeed
don't worry user, there are bigger loosers than you, 23, live with my parents, have a shit job, finish college this year only, crashed my car yesterday going to a whorehouse
What's the point of reproducing anymore? The world will be borderline uninhabitable in the next 30-50 years. Having children takes away virtually every freedom you can enjoy as a person. They cost money and time and doesn't help me to achieve the goals I want for myself.
This is some weak ass advice.
OP is 100% right in feeling bad over having accomplished too little. Julius Caesar had that very same kind of self doubt.
However do not let yourself turn into despondency but instead work as hard as you can and then some to make up for lost time. Like Julius Caesar did.
Why would that make me feel better?
>Don't worry about being 350lbs and dying 30 years earlier! The fattest woman was 700lbs!!
You are a faggot and I don't want to look like you. So why would I ever compare myself to you?
At 23 I got accepted into a shitty state school with a 2.5 GPA from a community college
At 26 I got into grad school based upon my undergraduate grades etc from the last two years of school
I'm a 29 y/o Economist now with a fulfilling job, a qt3.14 gf, and I'm p strong and fit.
If I can do it you can do it.. I was trash in my early 20s.. drugs drinking etc. turned it around. GL
>The world will be borderline uninhabitable in the next 30-50 years
This shit has been going on since the 90s and every decade later when the earth hasn't been plunged into hell, they bump the impending apocalypse another 10 years.
how do you make friends
I dont have any at all
Why do the childless always try to convince others to be childless as well?Fuck off faggot.
Hey if you want a little parasite take away all your freedom and gains both physical, social and professional then more power to you I guess.
Nigger, you're shitposting your day away on Veeky Forums. How fulfilling is your life being a evolutionary dead end?
this is why the white race is going extinct
Yeah, yeah, hedonist. Go ahead and live for yourself and by 40 you will be alone and bitter. Always looking out for "number 1" is retarded. You are literally existing and accomplishing nothing. The childless are the parasites of society. Stick with it though. I really don't mind.
Op I am 32 and only just now stabilized and beginning to make it. Pick something useful and embrace it hard and you'll make it. 21 ain't shit.
Why do you assume I'm NEET? Are you projecting?
Sauce on this image, seen it before and want more
I'm a 23 year old college drop out that has no idea what to do with his life. I've changed my major so many times and I'm still a sad fuck. I've worked at this shitty Italian restaurant for 6 years now and its fucking killing me. I make really good tips, but its hard and stressful. Also there are nights where I make really nothing, so the job is kinda shitty at times. All my coworkers are college dropouts too. The whole place is negative and I just want to leave, but I don't know where to go.
I feel trapped and I feel like I will be here forever. Whenever people I know come into the restaurant, I just tell them that I almost done with school (which is a huge fucking lie that kills me).