Does weed effect gains?

does weed effect gains?

nah not really,especially in moderation. Much like drinking and smoking.

a Lanklet Stoner

yes smoking in general fucks them

alcohol hinders gains much more than weed. Weed only hinders your cut if you smoke too much and lose will power from munchies.


Put down the wacko cabbage, it is clearly fucking you over

Yes. It increases Estrogen production and lethargy. Ever wonder why the jews are shilling it so hard?

/Pol/ pls

Smoked it in evening almost everyday for the last 7 or so years (with a few couple months break), It's fine if you got willpower to resist stuffing your face full of junk.

>the jews run everything
>the jews run the government from the shadows
>the government keeps weed illegal
>this means jews are shilling weed

dude genius

Lemme guess. You mysteriously have gyno and >tfw when no gf?
newsflahs buddy-o. That is the weed. It is all weed. It is killing your libido, and making you effeminate.

Hollywood always shilling Weed. Meme politicians trying to make it legal. Open your eyes. It is an opiate for the masses.

Yes, user, you've uncovered the truth behind society

If you want to get high and not become a victim to the 'green jew' here are some tips. Get a runners high. Get high from the energy of a baptist congregation. Fall in love. All safe healthy beneficial means of 'getting stoned'

It lowers test. Based on all of the endocrine disruptors and estrogens we're subjected to, smoking pot or heavy drinking is the LAST thing i'd do

>Hollywood always shilling Weed.
>a group of liberals dont see that a law made simply because of the timber industry lobby back in the 1930s serves any purpose and make fun of it.
>weed makes you dumber and more obedient
ill give you dumber but definitely not obedient, shit makes you paranoid
>politiicians are starting to see the benefits of making it legal via government revenue and decreased crime due to drug trafficking
>this makes them retarded
you are the dumbest person on this board im not wasting any more brainpower on you fucking DYEL brainlet

>calls someone dumb
>is a pothead
kind of ironic?

My girlfriend begs to differ

not a pothead but i do see the benefits and know how dumb it is to keep it illegal simply because the CCA wants it to be

Smoke a sativa before working out to get you zoned, not a lot but once you feel that high stop immediately. Your mind will be hyped to just do something and thus you can rack in mad gains.

Don't like the post-workout soreness? Smoke some indica and get that mellowing body high and pass out.

Smoke too much and you get tits.

hahaha. It is you who are the simpleton! You know that timber industry anecdote is a meme right? the reason POT is illegal is because politicians used to have America's best interest at heart. They did not want to see the american man become a lazy girly boy. Now look. America is at the lowest production growth since it has been a recorded metric. POT use is at an all time HIGH. Strange huh?

>hahaha. It is you who are the simpleton!
but it is you who has been bamboozled! you see there's no coorelation between pot use and production growth and i wouldn't even know how you would draw the comparison. Production growth in what? GDP? the US economy slowing, is that what you mean by production growth

It positively helps me because I get munchies and eat more so I bulk and I need to bulk anyway.

the two swolest guys i know smoke regularly. They are anomalies however

>Smoking the green jew

Good goy; Brave new world.

The most dangerous thing about weed is getting caught with it.

This. I dont really want to eat this much. I need assistance.

Never carry more than you can eat.

>all those ghetto chimps smoking weed owe their athleticism and tendency to commit crime to the estrogen in their body...

not nearly as bad as some other but it's still proven to slow you down a bit so you probably won't train as hard as you would otherwise, but I've had some great workout high. But that's for kids and fucking hipsters now man.

Have you seen Joe Rogan?


he looks kinda like someone copied a decent body with silly putty

Weed is for children and Tumblr girls who wear knee high socks with pot leafs on them and nothing else while doing bong rips on the toilet. Opium or strong poppy tea are your only options. You will realize everything. I mean everything. Just don't slam, that shit will get you.

I wish opium dens were still a thing.

TRT and IGF1


The gov outlaws all the good and halfway safe stuff. They'd rather hook you on even more powerful synthetics that destroy your liver, stomach lining and a hundred other things instead of allowing you to smoke some paste secreted from a flower that grows out of the dirt. Oh yeah, they're looking out for us alright.