Vitamin D

How much do you guys take? The sticky says 5000IU but a lot of sources say that's too much, especially if you are also taking Calcium

There is no such thing as too much vitamin D.

just stop being spastic and walk around for 15 minutes or so in the sun. you will have enough vitamin D for a week or 2.

theres no need to get a vit d supplement unless you're a nigger or really old.

5-10k IU
The only way to know how much to take for sure is to get a blood test to see how low you are, take 5000 IUs for a month or two, get retested see how much that moved the needle then adjust your dosage. You could probably take 25k a day and be fine until your blood levels moved above the normal range, which if you are at the low level of normal now will likely take months. Don't actually take 25,000 IUs by the way. from what I've red people have had success with 5-12k less than that and the change to you blood levels is glacial, as in it could take years to get to optimal levels on 2000 IUs if you exercise hard at the same time. A lot of daily recommendations are designed around what is safe for sedentary post menopausal women so take that advice with a grain of salt. Take my advice with a grain of salt too the only way to know for sure is to get a series of blood tests.

free unlimited source of vitamin D in the sky every day and you choose to take a supplement, baka senpai


minimise exposure and you will have plenty of vitamin D and an insignificantly tiny tiny tiny chance of getting skin cancer.
you are far more likely to get other types of cancer.

i got fried to fuck today walking on the beach with a qt for a couple hours. probably got >9000 IUs
would recommend

i have a mole that looks like those benign things on my chest, am i ded?

You don't actually get vitamin D from the sun.


Sorry brah. It's stage 4. Already in your blood.

I take a lot, but for 2 days a week i take none

Mostly because it is fat soluble and it stays in the body for a while when it absorbs properly///

indirectly. jeez

yeah benign means bad and malignant means good. ben- is the latin root for bad, like benefactor is someone who does bad things and beneficial means something that has a bad effect. mal- is the latin root for good, like malicious means helpful and malevolent means doing good.

i almost miss coming to Veeky Forums after reading this

and also, salt doesn't make water boil quicker

maybe not, but pouring boiling water on your wife's face makes my boner throb quicker

>implying i have a wife
>implying i like woman
>implying i am a man

your face then slut, i don't care.

>implying i am above 5/10 and shorter than 6'

what if i never go outside

take some vitamin k2 along with d3 to control the calcium

ok! sorry!

Why even live?

>implying i didn't actually want you to pursue this

get light bulb that emit uv light. But these get really hot and i wouldn't stay under this light for too long either

i love tall chicks post brap

so you're a gigantic BBW?

>implying i didn't catch on and bail to make you sad
change my smoke detectors you tall faget

the sun is not made of vitamin D