vegan discord link
meat eaters will be banned instantly without warning
vegan discord link
meat eaters will be banned instantly without warning
>being vegan
>eating meat
>being vegan
>see picture
>agree with the logic
what next vegans
But I am going to eat a dog. I've always been curious.
If people kept tomatoes as pets nobody would eat them either, so you can suck it with your shitty pro vegan comics, you don't see us normal people have to justify our diets, if you actually are content with being a subhuman then there is no need to constantly prove people about it, it just shows your insecurity
t. wannabee gook
no idiot, im literally just trying to build the community by getting people together on discord, you actually took the time to make that post ur the one thats mad, i only post those vegan images because it triggers autistic meat eaters like yourself
>If people kept tomatoes as pets nobody would eat them either,
False analogy, tomatoes aren't sentient
>so you can suck it with your shitty pro vegan comics
You are free to post pro meat comics you know, don't get so defensive
>you don't see us normal people
We are not vegans and you are not normal.
We are normal, you are carnists.
You have been indoctrinated and lied to your whole life.
>But if everyone does something then it's normal!
Everyone in North Korea is a literal slave, that doesn't mean slavery is normal
>have to justify our diets
Then why get defensive and post instead of just ignoring thread?
You are a good person, deep down you know what is the right thing to do
>if you actually are content with being a subhuman
Not wanting to rape, torture and murder by proxy for food doesn't make one subhuman
>then there is no need to constantly prove people about it
I'm not trying to get in your space to feel good about myself, I am trying to spread awareness about an issue
>it just shows your insecurity
And what does this post do? Again, if you are so sure of the ethicality of your choices, why post? If someone told me eating plants is immoral, I'd just ignore them because I know I'm doing the right thing
I actually really wanna try dog. Like memes aside and all, I don't see it being worse than a cow, and I'm cool with eating both.
I just wanna know how they taste.
Go to a Korean restaurant
You realize animals don't have thoughts and feelings, right?
To be even rateable on intelligence, you have to have sense of self, which only apes and some dolphins are capable of doing. If you don't know you exist as a thing, you can't have an emotional response to anything. This is basic psychology, biology, etc.
None around me really. And even in larger cities, I don't think there's any that serve dog.
Unless you mean go to Korea itself.
>You realize animals don't have thoughts and feelings, right?
You are wrong. Stab a dog and tell me if it ignores you
>To be even rateable on intelligence
Vegans say the moral baseline is sentience, not intelligence
>you have to have sense of self
No, you have to be able to experience subjective reality
>which only apes and some dolphins are capable of doing
You're only saying that to feel good about yourself
>If you don't know you exist as a thing, you can't have an emotional response to anything.
Yes you can as long as you can subjectively experience reality.
>This is basic psychology, biology, etc.
Kek the audacity
This entire post is pretty much defending skinning minks alive. If the bullshit you say about self awareness were true, we wouldn't bother trying to stun the cow before stabbing it. Also, 1 year olds have no sense of self, does that make the ok to eat?
I'm vegetarian, close to vegan, but the point in that comic is valid.
Yes go to Korea. And dog meat is pretty shit dogs are too muscular and stringy and tough, especially the dogs they use as food which are shit tier dogs.
Eat horse meat. Horse is delicious. And you only have to go to Canada for that. Or Italy if european.
Plants are sentient.
And most vegans are pro abortion. They are just hypocrits.
Dude you can eat horse meat everywhere in europe.
Still it's too sweety sugary tasting for me back in the days when I still ate meat.
Not that guy, but you do realize there is different grades of being sentient right? And you'd also admit these grades gradually add up differnt kind of rights and dignity right?
Your example is pretty bad since a developed animal is way more sentient than a developing fetus.
WOW this is racist.
In China the wild dogs run the streets scavenging to survive. When winter comes around the poorer families need to find an energy rich food source to survive so they turn to eating what is readily available. They turn to eating these wild dogs. Your image privilege shames these Chinese that are less fortunate than yourself.
Take a good hard long look at yourself and thing about the racism you have engaged in here.
Everyone else please realise this bigot is not the like the average vegan you will find like myself. We too frown upon racists like OP here.
>different grades of being sentient
Not to me there isn't
That doesn't explain the dog food festival and slaughterhouses.
Why don't those stupid chinese just eat plants? Why go and kill a dog that's just trying to live its live?
And in China you can go to a store and buy dog. You're telling me that's the same dog some poor as shit family literally had to go out and kill to eat?
Yeah, fuck natural sciences and humanities, whose evidence attacks my so comfortable lifestyle. I can just blend out what is contradictory to my belief and value system.
I bet the most you ever comprehended of philosophy is ayn rand or some shit like that. That's probably why you spend time shitposting in the vegan thread
>all dog meat is the same
>things that people want and need don't create services to cater to these needs
It doesn't change the fact that this image privilege shames the poorer Chinese families that eat wild dogs to live. Stop with the mental gymnastics to feel better about your racist posts.
Ching Chong
>my so comfortable lifestyle.
Oh, so vegans are also blind to irony as well as being hypocrites. Good to know.
i see nothing wrong with the logic in that picture
>Plants are sentient.
No brain, no CNS, no way to experience subjective reality, no sentience. Period.
>>But they react to external stimuli!
Bear traps react to external stimuli, that doesn't make them sentient
>>>Strawman, bear traps aren't alive
No it's not. I never said I won't eat something that is/was alive, I said I won't eat something that is/was sentient
Not Veeky Forums related
>There are people living in a low ranking country right now that instead of actually making a difference to the treatment of animals in their country decide to post about how vegans are better than meat eaters.
I bet right now I have done more for animal welfare in my country than any vegan in this thread but a vegan will talk down to me because I eat some meat once or twice a week from some of the best treated animals in the world.
You make the point that eating animals is ok when you have no choice. Still doesn't excuse you who eats meat when they have all the options available
When I have all the option available of course I'm going to pick the one I want. This is no different to abortion.
If we couldn't eat meat we wouldn't be able to eat meat. The human body can digest bone yet it can't digest lignin. Humans were made for meat and plant digestion.
I can eat all your vegan food and a nice steak on the side.
I'm a vegan friend, I'm just not a bigot racist like you. Read the my whole first post. Try better yourself to not make jokes that shame people less fortunate than yourself.
yeah me 2... seems legit
Never put human emotions on animals.
Any professional will tell you this.
Also means animals dont have feelings like we do, of course they feel pain but they dont think about their reaction they work purely based on instinct.
>different grades of being sentient
1-Humans - do not eat
2-Animals - eat
3-Plants - eat
>When I have all the option available of course I'm going to pick the one I want.
Of course you will. That doesn't mean it is the most ethical choice.
>This is no different to abortion.
>If we couldn't eat meat we wouldn't be able to eat meat.
If we couldn't fuck little boys we wouldn't be able to fuck them.
>The human body can digest bone yet it can't digest lignin.
The male penis can penetrate goat ass yet either can't penetrate human nose.
>Humans were made for meat and plant digestion.
Human penises were made for consenting adult female vagina and unconsenting underage boy asshole penetration
>I can eat all your vegan food and a nice steak on the side.
I can fuck all the consenting females and still rape a little boy on the side ;)
I like your method of trying to analyse what people say, it's very cute like what you'd find in kindergarten
You know what isn't cute? Decapitated cows
Are you 5? Animals have no feelings, natural reaction to pain doesn't count, plants also have natural reactions to outside stimuli, just because they don't have a mouth doesn't mean it's any different.
Depends on your code of ethics. In general the only thing the majority of people agree on is eating human flesh isn't ethical.
For example I think eating seafood caught in the unethical way of mass rape and pillage of our sealife such as the large boat towed nets is unacceptably unethical yet there are plenty of people that eat pescatarian diets. In my eyes this is far far worse than any land based meat diet because of the huge volumes of over fishing and huge number of non target species caught and killed for every target fish. People tend to turn a blind eye to fishing because "fish don't have feelings" and "fish aren't cute" but the practice of mass fishing is so so so much worse than any farm. Commercial fishing is actually mass murder for food with no thought to the reproduction, at least farms replace the stock they murder even if it is only to eventually murder that stock too.
Sorry for the kind of unrelated rant it just really pisses me off that most people overlook our sealife.
So vegans, no hate, I have a question that I'm honestly curious about; most of you don't like seeing animal cruelty, cows, pigs animals in general being killed and tortured, but how far down the list of living organisms do you care about? For example, do you care if somebody kills a snail, or a frog, what about a mouse, what about a fly, a spider, etc?
It really does peak my interest, obviously you have good intentions, nobody wants to see suffering and pain, and all of it for the satisfaction of filling one's stomach, but where is the real reason?
If somebody made a dramatic documentary on the conditions of a honey farm, or a slug killing factory would that suddenly skew your perception of what's right and wrong?
Is veganism about wanting to avoid eating meat in favour of better health or is it anti-meat in general, going as far as to persecute those that do?
>lets blow everything out of proportion
>raping little boys (illegal) (immoral)
>eating meat (not illegal) (maybe immoral? but at least not victimising humans)
devils advocate, surely
Your wife cucking you with Tyrone then stealing half your assets and investments post divorce is perfectly legal, that doesn't make it ok
I cut it off at insects. Veganism is about 'animals', not all living organisms, besides, plants and trees which harness fruit, veg, and nuts are organisms themselves. I care the well-being of bees though but that's only because they're essential for human survival.
I didn't quit dairy and meat (I eat truly free-range eggs) for animal welfare, I did it because the higher the demand, the more deforestation there is, the more water is used, the more the ozone layer is negatively impacted due to methane (particularly from cows), and then I guess you can add animal welfare to that. I get adequate protein and vitamins from alternative sources because we live in a society which makes it possible. If I was trapped somewhere or lost and had to kill to survive, then I definitely would, but I don't need to in Western society.
With the possibility of eating insects which are supposedly high in protein (like crickets) which the UN predicts most will do by 2050, I doubt I'll jump on board for the same reason as before - I can get alternative sources. I feel like being invasive in nature can ruin the balance and that's why we end up needing to have culls of certain species which are upsetting the balance by overeating prey. However, if meat was improved and cloned in a lab, then I don't see why people wouldn't eat it (even if vegan). I know some vegans and vegetarians who complain about the taste of meat, but I don't mind. I don't live to eat, I eat to live, so whatever gives me adequate nutrition from a good, ethical source is enough to satisfy me.
I guess eating meat is like getting cucked to vegans? Thats completely ridiculous I think I've read enough of your shit little veganboy
Ill continue to cuck your wife and steal half your assets and investments post divorce, via eating meat, sure haha lol xd take it easy (peace)
I'd eat dog if it was well made.
Thanks for the honest answer
Vegan containment board when?
Obviously worse than meat eaters in the ethical and environmental aspect. I'd guess their reasoning is health. But I would never argue against pescetarians or vegetarians because even though they go against my moral code, they still promote health and ethical considerations as opposed to just eating whatever there is in the market
>Sorry for the kind of unrelated rant
Way more related than the "lol we were made to eat meat and I like it so who cares pussies" shitposting
>don't like seeing animal cruelty, cows, pigs animals in general being killed and tortured
Ethically oppose is stronger than don't like seeing. Sorry to nitpick.
>but how far down the list of living organisms do you care about?
"Don't do something inherently harmful if unnecessary"
Rodent and insect bykill during crop production is necessary and not inherently harmful, so it's ok
Killing a pest snake, frog, mouse or cockroach in my house is inherently harmful but necessary to preserve my quality of life, so it's ok
Milk, beef, pork, egg, salmon fillet etc production is inherently harmful and unnecessary so it's not ok
Whey protein and bone broth production is not inherently harmful but it's unnecessary and provides incentive to buy milk and veal (profitizing byproducts makes the main product cheaper and more attractive to buy) so it's not ok
Honey production is not inherently harmful but it's unnecessary so it's not really ok, but I wouldn't argue against it either. I mean if you want to go vegan and honey is stopping you, go vegan except for honey.
Killing a pig to take its heart valve to save a human life is inherently harmful but necessary, so it's ok
>For example, do you care if somebody kills a ?
Depends, if it was in your house or in your crops, kill it. If you want snake leather wallets, you're a dick.
>Is veganism about wanting to avoid eating meat in favour of better health or is it anti-meat in general?
Neither. Breastfeeding and roadkill are ok.
Pain is not a feeling you fuckwit. And sentience means capable of thought, which animals are not.
>experience subjective reality
Yes that literally means you have to be capable of recognizing yourself in relation to the world. Animals CANNOT do this.
Holy fuck it's like arguing with an autistic 10 year old.
> they don't operate the same way we do therefore they don't have feelings/
plants and animals are at the same level.
Thanks for your answer also, glad to see some people who aren't easily provoked.
I think it's only fair we respect everyone's opinions and ethics
Congratulations on finding an even worse source to back your claims than Reddit.
Shoo Shoo gains goblin
Pain is a sensation that can be experienced, do you really think an animal has to have an acute awareness of self to know it doesnt want to be torture/killed?
What about a severely disabled human who doesnt "understand themselves in relation to the world", is it okay to kill/eat/torture them?
Experiencing a subjective reality doesnt require an understanding of self, it requires a brain, sensory organs and a nervous system capable of simulating the physical sensations picked up by said organs
>The entire world wide web is a bad source
We know how humans react to pain, we know its an incredibly uncomfortable sensation that wed rather avoid, the more intense the pain the more uncomfortable the sensation. Most animal biology is similar enough that we can safely say animals experience pain the same way we do. An animal doesnt need to experience complex human emotions and feelings to know it doesnt want to be tortured. Who are we to say that our unnecessary desire to eat meat overrides a creatures not to experience pain/death?
>"lol we were made to eat meat and I like it so who cares pussies" shitposting
That is a legitimate response, though.
The way I see it, animals are either hostile, neutral, or friendly. For example, mosquitoes would be hostile, mayflies would be neutral, and dragonflies (eat mosquitos) would be friendly.
If a mosquito lands on me, I kill it. I would just brush a mayflie off, and make sure not to harm a dragonfly.
If I'm walking by and see all three drowning in a puddle, I would only save the dragonfly, because he's the only one I have a mutual goal with (killing of mosquitos).