How do I eat more?
I don't get it
I can't even crack 1800 calories/day
I can't make any gains until I figure this shit out
How do I eat more?
Fats. Peanut butter, cashews/almonds, all that sort of shit. Very calorie dense, so quite good at filling a void if you're unable to eat high volume.
Drink your calories, pretty much why GOMAD was invented, skellies like you.
I can't imagine actually doing gomad though, I'd probably recommend eating as much as you can and half a gallon a day.
Liquid calories. Just like every FAQ guide on gaining weight tells you. Make a mass-gainer protein shake using your own recipe. Peanut butter, protein powder, milk, banana, etc.
You will never make it. How are you going to pack on muscle if you can't even use your fingers to search the Internet?
Dried fruit
Was in the same boat OP. Could barely crack 1800 calories. Now I get hungry if I don't take in at least 2700 a day, usually average 3200.
Just raise your diet little by little. It sucks, I mean I was eating to the point where I felt sick and had to keep going, but you get used to it. I never did GOMAD like recommended, but I definitely increased my milk intake (about a litre a day)
cow milk is horrible for you, extremely bad for the planet, and GOMAD is a meme. stop being a little bitch and open your god damn mouth and chew.
I've replaced my regular drinks with milk and a couple of protein shakes a day
but they make me not hungry for regular meals, so I'm not consuming any more calories than I was before
I just ate an avocado shit was 300 calories.
Stop trying to be cute. We're not impressed.
How do fat people get so fat? Do they just eat several big meals a day or do they just constantly eat all day everyday, and how do they time for that like how is it even possible?
>1800 calories
are you fucking kidding me. I'm bulking rn, and as a snack i got 5 mcdoubles after my workout today. 2000 calories 100 g brotein there alone
then again im not a fucking manlet so my TDEE is 3500+
Gotta eat big to get big. 4 scoops, 2 or 3 times a day. Mutant muscle, mutant mass. Leave humanity behind. I'm up to 9 meals every hour and a half. DICK hanging LOWER than the BALLS
Grazing, aka constant snacking, plus a sedentary lifestyle.
Does anyone actually like eating? besides fatties I mean, so, do normal sized people enjoy food?
It's hard enough for me to eat the small amount that I do; the thought of shoving More food in my mouth beyond that...
literally how do you faggots do it
Nothing to figure out faggit. Just eat more.
>besides fatties
You mean 67% of Ameicans?
>how do I eat more
Bigger breakfasts. Eat as much as you can early on in the day, and your stomach will want more food than it usually does to feel full.
I had trouble with that too. I highly recommend eating nuts of some kind during the day. A cup of cashews goes further than you'd expect.
Also, making sure that I eat every 4/5 hours no matter what really made a change.
My friend weighs double I do. At the buffet he can't eat much more than me. I've outeaten him. However I'm full for hours while he wants ice cream 20 minutes after we leave.
>cow milk is horrible for you and GOMAD is a meme.
No digestive problems here. Lifts accelerated (linear programming) - dl +55#, squat + 85# & about 10% increase in other lifts.
I gained over 23# in 10 weeks, over half lean muscle. Did get the spare tire to go with it...worth it imo.
Idk if I get considered a psychological fattie still bc physically I'm completely recovered but I still have to make a constant conscious effort not to relapse, but I'm now low enough bf for clear ab definition (not gonna claim I can make an exact estimate) and I still love food and will eat as much as I can possibly get away with before it impairs aesthetics - cooking and eating food is just now an activity and pleasure that comes alongside training and lifting.
So that's the difference then
I've never really enjoyed food, eating is just something I do because I have to
>never really enjoyed food
Lemme guess you can't cook grew up eating shit food?
>cow milk is horrible for you
no, cow milk is horrible for abhumans.
If you are a healthy human, you can digest milk just fine.
I can cook a little
grew up eating my moms home cooking, she was a chef
so no
Lactose intolerant subhuman detected
I think that's just the difference between a fat person and a thin person
the fat person thinks like this guy
>I still love food and will eat as much as I can possibly get away with
and I think
>This food is good, I will eat a reasonable amount
which often turns out to be 1/4th of the amount on the plate
after that I am repulsed by the food and don't want any more
Essentially yes, I'm pretty certain that if I ever stopped actively controlling the amount I eat I would get fat again very quickly - I can still feel that my appetite is effectively the same I just don't let it completely dictate my actions. Honestly I envy the mentality of not just always wanting more food, I'm still holding out hope that eventually I'll train my mind to feel like that rather than it requiring constant willpower to avoid ballooning.
i'm snorting oxy and methyfendidate (a stimulant) and taking benzos (all recreationaly) and my apeitite is next to nonexistant
how do i force myself to eat more?
im rapidly approaching auschwitz mode and im worried
(dont ask me to give up my reason to live)
You have to keep trying.
Its not a quick easy fix.
Appetite is something you learned and reinforced for 18+ years growing up. It isn't going to change overnight.
Just eat til you are uncomfortably full, every time you eat do this. Then try to eat a bit more.
this. eeewwww ewwww protein formula makes me feel sick.
just fucking eat. if you arent hungry you arent training hard enough
oxy makes me hungry. benzos as well
Don't take those stimulants maybe? Are you fucking retarded?
Heres the thing, you don't want to be not hungry. You want to be absolutely fucking stuffed all day. If you ever get to that "not hungry" point you need to shove some food in your fucking mouth. Carry around a tin of mixed nuts or some nut butter in your bag and eat some every 5 minutes. You're eating so little because your content with being not hungry.
I know I'm responding to a troll but to get to a TDEE of 3500 you have to be 6'8 at 400lbs. And if you arent calculating your TDEE while sedentary and monitoring your own caloric expenditure by using your actual lifts rather than trudt a dite to know exactly what you do then
>DYEL confirmed never gonna make it
>How do I eat more
You eat, dumbass
>(dont ask me to give up my reason to live)
well through another drug onto that shitheap and start smoking weed, I hear it gives you munchies
i started lifting when i was semi addicted to amphetamines (i call it semi because i had no problems quitting, i just liked doing it everyday. never had any withdrawal syndromes either)
it will result in literally zero gains m8. no sleep, no appetite, but shit tons of energy so you want to lift a lot without actually gaining anything.
drugs and lifting doesnt go hand in hand, unless it's steroids.